Showing posts with label proton beam therapy doctor in Delhi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label proton beam therapy doctor in Delhi. Show all posts

Importance Of Second Opinion | Best Oncologist in Delhi Ncr

Our culture teaches us not to doubt the expertise of doctors. Unfortunately, this idea has led to many life-changing health examinations diagnosed with lack of care or any of several other options. It's important to remember that in this era, there is always one option and there are multiple ways to solve the problem. ( Best oncologist in delhi ncr )

Specialty Influences Treatment Plan

You may think that your doctor is familiar with all the ways to treat your disease. The fact is, if you go to see 10 different doctors, you may get 5 different treatment plans. What will affect the doctor's decision? The doctor's specialty determines the decision. Whenever you find someone for a surgeon's diagnosis, the first line of defense is surgery. Understanding prejudice is based on the lenses seen by doctors based on years of professional training and their unique belief that subspecialty is the key to health.

Diagnosis & Treatment Protocol Reassurance

Some diseases do not have the differential diagnosis that the doctor said. In other words, it is impossible to make a diagnosis based on a specific examination result, such as a pathology report of a person diagnosed with cancer. However, if you are diagnosed with a chronic or rare disease that most doctors do not see during your visit, you need to make sure that the diagnosis is correct. One way to achieve this goal is to see an expert who treats that particular disease. If only 100 cases are diagnosed each year, then one or a group of doctors will most likely see these cases to confirm the diagnosis and the latest treatment plan. If your doctor does not specialize in rare diseases, you may not be able to get the latest treatments, which may affect your health journey. ( to receive best second opinion from the best radiation oncologist in delhi ncr , contact - Dr.Dodul Mondal ).

Peace Of Mind

Before formulating a treatment plan, the second opinion is a self-empowerment tool. Although many doctors believe that the second opinion is a challenge to their abilities, it is actually a way to root themselves in the diagnosis. Obtaining diagnosis confirmation and another doctor's opinion on treatment opens the door for you, not only to get the best treatment, but also to give you the opportunity to understand which provider you have a better chemical reaction with, which can also improve the results.

When you get a second opinion, please leave the medical team where you were initially diagnosed. Doctors who work together or belong to the same hospital system usually think in the same way according to the policies of the managers. Letting a new pair of eyes look at your case and a system with different policies will give you a more objective view of your case. If there is a teaching hospital in your area, you may consider it as your second opinion, because you are more inclined to analyze your case as a learning tool among many practitioners, and may provide updates based on the latest evidence and research Therapy.

Dr. Dodul Mondul is one of the best proton beam therapy doctor in delhi with years of experience and international repute.

About Evaluation of Proton Beam Therapy | Proton Beam Therapy Doctor in Delhi

Modern people should be more brave to face prostate cancer, because proton therapy treatment means more effective solutions to the cancer problem and its usual complications. This treatment is the last option for prostate patients and for proton therapy you can contact to best oncologist in Delhi NCR. They received this expensive treatment because they had no other choice to solve their problems. However, cancer treatment therapies have proven to be quite successful in solving cancer cases.

Evaluation of proton therapy on the treatment of prostate cancer:

One of the most devastating side effects of prostate radiation therapy is urinary incontinence. If the urethral sphincter is damaged during radiotherapy, patients will experience varying degrees of urinary incontinence, which is an unconscious urination behavior. This can greatly change lives, but in some cases corrective surgery can be applied.

Severe cases of incontinence are rare, but affect 1%-3% of men receiving radiation therapy. Although the symptoms usually disappear within a year for the longest, less than 1% of men receiving radiation therapy will have this symptom.

Taking into account all the above-mentioned shortcomings of radiotherapy, she introduced a new therapy that uses the latest technology, called prostate therapy. Compared with radiation therapy, the possibility of side effects of this therapy is very small.

It helps to solve problems such as prostate symptoms including weak urine flow or even inability to urinate. This condition is very painful and can hinder normal activities. In some cases, blood can be found in urine and/or semen. Burning sensation during urination and lower back pain are also signs of the prostate.

Proton therapy for prostate cancer treatment is a well-matched therapy:

Proton therapy for the treatment of prostate cancer is of critical significance to cancer patients at the initial level. Compared with radiotherapy, this therapy has analgesic and pain-relieving effects. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, a treatment plan should be made logically and best cancer treatment doctor in Delhi are available. Studies have shown that treatment of the prostate varies from patient to patient, depending on the severity of the disease. Understanding the cause or disease will help make more informed decisions about cancer treatment. If detected early, the patient has a greater chance of recovering from the disease.

However, compared with radiotherapy, proton therapy for cancer treatment is expensive because it involves the use of expensive and up-to-date technical tools and equipment. The advantages or advantages of Proton for cancer treatment add value to it. For this reason, almost all patients with proton cancer like to use it and suggests proton beam therapy doctor in Delhi. One of the biggest advantages of this therapy is that it is easily available and is most suitable for people with proton cancer.

Know More About Lung Cancer | Lung Cancer Specialist in Delhi

 Lung cancer is the most dangerous and life-threatening cancer. This type of cancer is diagnosed between 45 and 60 years of age. People who smoke, drink, smoke and take other types of drugs are more likely to develop lung cancer. Usually, this type of cancer is diagnosed at an advanced stage. The body exhibits the following symptoms: severe back pain that starts in the middle back and transfers to the chest, hoarseness, persistent cough, mild fever, and loss of voice. People think they have flu or flu and need time to recover.

If you experience such symptoms, please do not try to associate this health disorder with a normal health disorder, which can be cured by taking medicine. The first step you should do is to have a CT scan. CT-Scan is a special type of X-ray examination that can perform a comprehensive scan of the human body and generate its cross-sectional images, which is helpful for easy diagnosis. The test results can help specialists to further the treatment.

Cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in the body; these cells compound into multiples of it, and their proliferation affects various organs nearby. This is how cancer cells divide from one part of the body to other parts. This disease can be cured, but after the CT scan test, if the result is positive, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. After determining the stage of lung cancer, it will take a while for the oncologist to start radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or both. This type of cancer is rarely treated with surgery, because experts can operate on the lungs, but sometimes lung transplantation is recommended, which is not everyone's preference.

Many people are working hard for their lives. Due to the low budget, they stepped back for treatment. Life is an important gift from God, and one should not step back and serve it. There are various affordable medical tourism companies with links to certified and trustworthy hospitals. Companies that provide medical tourism to people all over the world take care of every request of patients. They will connect you with a top oncologist who has ten years of experience in the treatment of advanced cancer. Therefore, please do not hesitate to contact them to cure this disease from its root within the budget specified in your pocket.

Are you looking for lung cancer specialist in Delhi? Contact Oncologist Dr. Dodul Mondal Best lung cancer Doctor in Delhi.

Cancer Treatment Risks and After Effects | Best Surgical Oncologist in Delhi

 Anti-cancer and rehabilitation is a victory in itself! When you start a new stage in your life, understand the risks and side effects of the treatment you receive for treatment. This will help you cope with any expected or unexpected side effects that you may observe in the future. These side effects may be physical side effects, or social and emotional side effects.

Let us look at the most common side effects of cancer treatment so that you can fully understand and deal with them when they occur.


Cancer survivors most often complain of fatigue. This is usually caused by the medications and procedures used. They make you feel tired, no matter how many sleeps you sleep, you will feel tired. If you feel excessively tired, be sure to contact your doctor. You will be recommended some exercise and relaxation techniques.

Secondary cancer

For all cancer patients, the possibility of cancer recurrence always exists. The patient may also develop a secondary cancer. These may come from the treatment of the original cancer.

Dental problems

Chemotherapy has a negative effect on tooth enamel. This can cause long-term dental problems. High doses of radiation can change the development of teeth and cause gum disease. Tooth decay and tooth loss are other common risks. Some serious side effects also include mouth soreness or sores.


Some high-intensity drugs used in cancer treatment are known to cause blood sugar levels to drop. However, it is unclear whether this actually causes diabetes. However, they have a higher risk of diabetes.


Another important risk factor is the development of thyroid-related diseases. Symptoms to look for include weight gain due to hypothyroidism and constipation, dry skin, and sensitivity to cold.

Learning and memory

Learning and memory problems may be one of the sequelae of cancer. Primitive cancer itself affects learning and memory skills.

Certain types of cancer treatments may damage the surrounding organs. When the cancer is removed by surgery or other therapies, it may cause organ damage. This type of organ damage may have a long-term impact on the lives of patients after cancer treatment. Best Surgical Oncologist in Delhi , For example, certain cancer treatments are harmful to the heart. They can cause heart failure. Symptoms to be aware of are difficulty breathing, coughing, and chest discomfort. Some drugs are also known to damage the lungs. Some chemotherapy drugs are known to damage the liver. However, others are known to damage the kidneys. If you observe any of these symptoms, be sure to contact your doctor so that they can suggest remedies before the condition worsens.

After cancer treatment, pain is inevitable. Therefore, make sure you understand all the side effects and how to deal with them from your doctor. After treatment, you will have a long list of do's and don'ts. Follow them religiously so that you will have a better quality of life in the future.

Dr.Dodul Mondal provides excellent cancer treatments for various cancer diseases. Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR, Listen and share basic information about common side effects of cancer treatment so that you can fully understand and deal with them when they occur.

Genetic Screening for Cancer Helps Save Lives | Best Breast Oncologist in Delhi

 According to the American Cancer Society, about 1.8 million people suffer from cancer each year. Among them, about one hundred thousand people will die from this disease. Fortunately, there are now ways to reduce the risk of cancer.

Now, advances in medicine make it possible to predict the possibility of many cancers, and enable patients and doctors to take active preventive measures to reduce the risk of cancer in many cases.

Genetic testing involves medical testing to find out whether there are mutations in an individual's genes. Genetic screening is a relatively new advancement in the medical field and has been proven effective in helping reduce cancer risk and saving lives.

A powerful application of genetic testing is to look for genetic changes associated with cancer. Best breast oncologist in Delhi,These genetic changes are called mutations and help determine the likelihood and risk of a patient developing a particular cancer

Genetic testing for cancer is a test used to find genetic mutations, which may indicate a higher risk of cancer.

If a person suffers from

  •     Family history of cancer. The test will help determine whether the individual has genetic mutations that increase the risk.
  •     One person has cancer. Genetic cancer screening may show whether an individual is at high risk for other types of cancer.
  •     Family members of cancer patients may wish to undergo genetic screening tests to determine whether they are at risk for cancer.
  •     This will enable them to take preventive measures or take other measures under the care of a doctor. This may prevent the spread of cancer forms to family members with the same genetic makeup, and may save lives now and in the future.
  •     Some common cancers screened in the test include breast cancer, colon cancer, eye cancer, thyroid cancer, pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer, etc.

Genetic screening for cancer involves a simple test that can be done at home after doctor’s approval. The patient will receive an easy-to-use kit and will swab. After the test, send the materials to the laboratory for testing as instructed

The test is completed in the laboratory and the results are reported to the prescribing physician. Breast cancer specialist in Delhi NCR,The physician will share the report with the patient and provide suggestions for any possible recommended measures to reduce the risk

Choose The Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR for Cancer Treatment

If you or someone you love has cancer, make sure you get the best treatment. What you need to do is choose a good cancer treatment hospital. Here are some tips to help you make choices without problems. continue reading.

About quality cancer care

First, you should seek advice from the doctor who first diagnosed you with cancer. The doctor may recommend you to a good specialist. Ideally, it is best to hire some reputable doctor or hospital. However, you may want to remember that you should choose a hospital where specialist doctors provide services to cancer patients. When choosing a hospital, the quality of service should be considered first.

Choose a doctor

Before you start looking for a good doctor, make sure you know the qualities that a good doctor must possess. Please note the following:

You should go to an experienced doctor who can treat the type of cancer you have. According to research, if you choose a specialist, the treatment success rate will be higher.

You may want to choose a doctor who provides services at the hospital of your choice.

Finally, you may want to choose a doctor who feels comfortable with you. In addition, the doctor’s language, education level, gender and race are also important.

It is a good idea to hire a doctor you already know or a doctor who recommends your family or friends.

Choosing a good cancer treatment hospital

When choosing a good hospital, you should talk to your doctor and ask for their advice. Make sure you look for a cancer treatment center that can treat your type of cancer. For example, large hospitals have more experience in treating almost all types of cancer. There is, the chance of successful treatment in Best oncologist in Delhi NCR.

Bigger hospital

When is it absolutely necessary for you to choose a large hospital? If you have a rare cancer, it is recommended that you choose a large hospital. In fact, large hospitals have more experienced doctors and the best equipment to treat rare cancers. Therefore, it is best to choose a large hospital for cancer treatment.

The beauty of these Best Surgical Oncologist in Delhi is that in addition to the basic services provided, they also provide many services. In addition, in terms of treatment costs, they may charge you relatively little.

Therefore, if you have been looking for the best cancer treatment hospitals, we recommend that best radiation oncologist in Delhi NCR. You need to remember that cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases. Therefore, you may not want to make mistakes, and you should choose a treatment center after a lot of careful consideration. Hope this helps.

Cancer Treatment by Best Radiation Oncologist in Delhi NCR

Cancer refers to many related diseases. In this disease, human cells begin to divide and the process continues. 

The location of the disease

As far as the location of the cancer is concerned, it can affect any part of the body. Normally, the cells in the human body continue to grow and divide to produce fresh cells. Once the cell gets old, it will die. A new cell came into being to replace the dead cell.

However, when a person has cancer, this process is disrupted. The cells become abnormal. Old cells begin to survive instead of dying. Moreover, even if they are not needed, new cells will be produced. Worse, other cells divide and may develop into tumors.

The disease may manifest as a tumor. Another type of cancer is called blood cancer or leukemia. Usually, cancer tumors can also infect surrounding tissues. In addition, as tumors develop, certain cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system or blood. As a result, new tumors may develop but it can be cured at best cancer specialist doctor in Delhi.

The difference between normal cells and cancer cells

There are many differences between normal cells and cancer cells. In fact, cancer cells behave differently and play a negative role. Although normal cells will stop dividing after a period of time, cancer cells will continue to grow.

Cancer can be cured by best radiation oncologist in Delhi NCR

Today, most types of cancer can be treated. In fact, 70% of sick children have been successfully cured. Today's treatment methods, suggest by Best oncologist in Delhi NCR can treat a variety of cancers, such as Hodgkin's lymphoma, testicular cancer, and leukemia. If the skin is affected by this disease, it can usually be treated with surgery. Patients with laryngeal cancer and thyroid cancer receive radiation therapy.

If diagnosed as early as possible, many other types of this disease can be treated. For example, 75% of breast cancer patients are diagnosed at an early stage. The problem is that different types of this disease are caused by different causes. As a result, it is more difficult to treat it with the same method.

In order to treat all types of cancer, research is still ongoing. Researchers are working day and night to develop new treatments to fight this new type of deadly disease. Biological therapies such as gene therapy, monoclonal antibodies and cancer vaccines are part of the research process.

Therefore, if you or your loved one suffers from this disease, we advise you not to get discouraged because there are powerful treatments that can help you get rid of this disease. In fact, most people’s cancers are cured early. Therefore, if you have any symptoms of this disease, we strongly recommend that you contact your doctor. Early diagnosis helps a lot.

Cancer Specialist Doctor in Delhi:- Types of Treatment Available Today

 There are many options for treating cancer. Your doctor will choose the right treatment for you based on the type of cancer you have and at what stage the cancer was detected. The doctor also considers the side effects you may suffer from the treatment and your physical ability to cope with these diseases.

Treatment ranges from a single form to a combination of two or more forms. Patients and their families are involved in the decision-making of the treatment plan recommended by your doctor. Although you are anxious and overwhelmed by the challenges of overcoming the disease, once you understand the treatment methods, this task becomes easier.

Treatment programs

  •     Surgery
  •     Radiation Therapy
  •     Chemotherapy
  •     Immunotherapy
  •     Targeted therapy
  •     Hormone Therapy
  •     Stem cell transplant
  •     drug


This is a surgical procedure to remove cancer cells from the body. It is performed by well-trained surgeons. Your surgeon can choose open surgery or minimally invasive surgery as needed. Open surgery can remove cancerous growths and adjacent healthy tissues and lymph nodes. Laparoscopic surgery involves inserting cameras and equipment into holes drilled in the body to remove growths, with less impact on surrounding tissues.

Radiation Therapy

This treatment uses high doses of radiation to cauterize and shrink the growth of cancer and stop its spread. External radiation uses a machine to direct the radiation to your cancer growth without touching the human body. Internal radiation brings the solid form of radiation source close to growth for directed release in the blood or in liquid form, allowing it to pass through the tissue and target random cancer cells.


This requires the use of specific drugs to kill cancer cells to stop or delay cell growth. It can be used to treat cancer, prevent recurrence, and stop or shrink the growth of cancer cells.


This is a biological therapy that helps the immune system fight cancer. It uses organisms to improve the function and influence of the immune system. Monoclonal antibodies bind to specific targets and trigger an immune response to kill cancer cells. Adaptive cell transfer improves the natural ability of T cells to fight cancer. Cytokines are the body's own protein products used to enhance the immune system's response. Therapeutic vaccines fight cancer cells by triggering an effect on the growth of cancer cells.

Targeted therapy

This challenges the changes in cancer cells and affects their ability to divide and grow. This is done by using small molecule drugs or monoclonal antibodies.

Hormone Therapy

It is particularly useful for breast cancer. It stops or slows down the production of hormones that promote the growth of cancer cells. They work in two ways: preventing the production of hormones in the body or changing the behavior of these hormones.

Stem cell transplant

For patients whose blood cells are damaged or destroyed due to disease or treatment, this procedure can replace the stem cells that produce blood.

The best cancer specialist Doctor in Delhi, offers all types of cancer treatments at affordable prices, including stem cell transplantation, radiation therapy, chemotherapy

When Is the Need of Medical Oncology for Treating Cancer Specialist Doctor in Delhi

The branch of medicine involved in cancer management is called oncology. The specialist who treats the patient is called an oncologist. It is important to keep in mind the three main components, which are necessary to increase the patient’s chances of survival. Three components are mentioned below:

Prevention-Prevention can identify risk factors such as tobacco and alcohol, and can reduce their intake.

Diagnosis-Diagnosis is made by screening for cancer with the help of tests and staging.

Treatment-treatment is performed by observing the extent of the cancer and the body parts that have been hit.

There is no exact cause of this disease, which makes it more effective, but there are several risk factors. Staying away from these factors can reduce the chance of your body being hit by this disease. Some common risk factors are-

• Tobacco is considered the leading cause of death from cancer. More than 20% of deaths related to this condition are caused by tobacco.

• Lifestyle choices, such as smoking and alcohol use increase the risk of illness.

Cancer Specialist Doctor in Delhi, is prominent in the elderly. This is because most cancers take years to develop. They may exist in the body for a long time, but only after they are fully developed can they be recognized.

• There are several carcinogens in the environment. They exist in air and water. It is difficult for us to avoid them. Some examples include arsenic, asbestos, benzene, cadmium, etc.

• Obesity-directly related to breast cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, endometrial cancer, esophageal cancer, kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, etc.

There are many ways to treat this disease. It includes radiation therapy, surgery, and medical oncology. Medical oncology refers to the time of treatment with the help of chemotherapy, immunotherapy or targeted therapy.


It uses drugs to kill the affected cells. One or more different drugs are given to stop cancer cells from growing and dividing, and to prevent them from making new cells. These drugs are very effective and have the potential to kill nearby normal cells. It can be used in different ways. If used to shrink tumors before surgery, it is called neoadjuvant chemotherapy. It can also be used as the only treatment for diseases such as leukemia and lymphoma. The drugs given are given according to the type of cancer being treated and where it spreads.

Targeted therapy

It can also work through administration, but is different from chemotherapy because the goal of specific genes and proteins is to prevent the growth and spread of cancer. These methods are often combined with chemotherapy and other options. A given drug has the ability to block the signals that cause tumor cells to grow and divide. This is done with two different types of help. In monoclonal antibodies, the drug blocks the exact target that is affected in and around the cancer. Using small molecule drugs can help cancer cells proliferate and spread. This therapy is usually used for breast cancer, colorectal cancer and lung cancer.


In immunotherapy, the body's natural immune system can enhance the ability to fight cancer. The materials used in combat are manufactured by the human body or specially prepared in the laboratory. They work by stopping the growth of affected cells and helping the immune system to better destroy cancer cells. In oncolytic virus therapy, genetically modified viruses are used to kill cancer cells. The virus is injected into the tumor. It replicates itself, causing the cell to rupture and die. Then there is T cell therapy. In this method, T cells are removed from the blood and changed in the laboratory. They re-enter the body and destroy cancer cells.

For More Information Visit: Best Cancer Specialist Doctor in Delhi

Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer for Betterment of Life | Cancer Specialist Doctor in Delhi

It has become easier for us to deal with easily diagnosed diseases. This is done with the help of recognizing symptoms, which makes planning a treatment plan and planning the future path quite simple. However, this can be tricky when it comes to complex conditions. One of the diseases in this category is cancer. This may be just a word, but the consequences of this disease are very dire. The branch of medicine that treats cancer is called oncology. Hospitals in India are famous for cancer treatment.

Oncology is the branch of medicine that involves the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. These three steps are performed in an orderly manner to ensure that patients get rid of the disease quickly. Cancer is more than one comprehensive disease. In cancer, cells grow abnormally and may spread to different parts of the body. Every single cell in the human body has a regulated system that controls the growth, maturation, and death of the cell. Although the types of cancers may vary, they all start when they grow out of control.

There are more than 100 different types of cancers known to humans, and millions of people have or have had cancer. Oncologists must play different roles in helping patients. This role includes-

1. When the patient arrives, the doctor is responsible for explaining the diagnosis and the stage the patient is currently in.

2. Discuss the treatment plan and ask the patient's first choice.

3. Provide unparalleled quality and care.

4. Manage the symptoms and side effects that may occur due to ongoing treatment.

The cancer plan in India includes three different types of treatment in the field of oncology. Cancer Specialist Doctor in Delhi, These are medical oncology, surgical oncology and radiation oncology. When it comes to medical oncology, medical oncologists specialize in different types of treatment options. These options are chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy. Chemotherapy is the most common one, but other therapies can also be used in some cases.


Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment method in which one or more drugs are used to interfere with the ability of cancer cells to divide and reproduce. In this treatment, one or more drugs can be used. Cancer cells divide faster than normal cells, and chemotherapy can destroy them faster.

Depending on the patient's condition, the way chemotherapy is used varies. It can be given before surgery or radiation therapy to reduce the size of the tumor. The remaining cancer cells can also be killed after surgery. This is the only treatment for blood cancer, leukemia and other cancers.

Targeted therapy

This is a cancer treatment that uses drugs, but is different from chemotherapy because they target specific genes and proteins. The targeted genes are present in cancer cells or cells associated with cancer growth. Genetic changes occur in certain types of cancer. And the drugs being developed address these changes. These drugs can stop or turn off the signals that tell cancer cells to grow or divide. They can also avoid cells and make them live longer than normal people.


Immunotherapy is a cancer treatment method in which the body's natural defense capabilities are enhanced to defeat cancer cells. It uses substances made by the human body or used in the laboratory to improve and restore the immune system. There are many types of immunotherapy, such as monoclonal antibodies, non-specific immunotherapy, and oncolytic virus therapy.

For More Information: Best Breast Cancer Doctor in Delhi

Best Breast Cancer Doctor in Delhi : Is It Possible To Cure Breast Cancer?

Cancer is a common life-threatening disease worldwide. Unlike other diseases, it is more common in adults. The most common feature of the disease is the rapid growth of abnormal cells in the body. Over time, these cells will affect different types of body tissues, which can cause many health problems. In this article, we will explore whether it is possible to cure breast cancer. Read on to learn more.

There are different types of this disease. It can attack various organs of the human body, such as lungs, skin, throat, mouth and breasts. In addition, blood cancer is also very common. However, this article will focus on best breast cancer doctor in delhi.

Possibility to control breast cancer

The good news is that different treatments can be used to control breast cancer. However, it is important to remember that no medication or therapy can guarantee that the patient will recover after treatment. Even if the patient recovers successfully, they may be infected with the disease again at some point in their lives. However, early diagnosis and correct treatment can help control the spread of this disease.

Success rate

First of all, please remember that we have no cure for cancer. The only thing we can do is to control this disease, as long as the patient is treated in time. This is the state where the patient has no symptoms of cancer.

This state is called remission rather than recovery. But the problem is that the patient may still be infected with the disease again. The success rate of treatment depends on many factors, such as the type of cancer. However, some types have higher survival rates, such as thyroid, cervix, testis, prostate, dost and melanoma. Other types of cancer can be controlled by medication and a healthy lifestyle.

Other treatments for breast cancer

Generally, the most common treatment for this disease is chemotherapy. This type of treatment involves infusion through blood vessels. This treatment can be done whether the patient is watching TV, listening to music, reading a book or lying down.

For patient safety, the drugs used in chemotherapy have been properly tested. Therefore, patients do not need to worry about the side effects of this procedure. Even if the patient has some minor side effects, the doctor can prescribe the correct type of medication to control the symptoms. Other types of treatment include targeted therapy, hormone therapy, radiotherapy, surgery or a combination of these treatments.

Proton beam therapy doctor in delhi | Dr Dodul Mandal

 Proton Treatment Centre

In the world of medical technology lungs cancer specialist in delhi, "state-of-the-art" may be a continually upgrading objective and therefore the refore the recent technological advances in genomics and the molecular sciences have opened new vistas to accelerate knowledge about the genetic and environmental components of cancer initiation, promotion and progression through studies in Molecular Epidemiology.

The Proton Treatment Centre at Apollo Hospitals, Chennai will be the first proton cancer centre in South East Asia to identify priority areas for Research & Development and related areas and will carry out basic and applied research. It will develop cancer control strategies which can include newer modalities of prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of cancer best radiation oncologist in delhi ncr.

The Proton Treatment Centre will Proton beam therapy doctor in Delhi l specialise in organ specific cancer management and can have a fanatical Apollo Oncology Team.Proton Beam Therapy provides a complicated radiation treatment option for the oncologists. The treatment provided is very precise and therefore the radiation is concentrated directly into the tumor, without causing any harm to the adjoining tissues. Tumours in difficult to access areas like , in head, neck, brain, pancreas and prostate are often targeted. Paediatric cancer patients also will benefit to a greater extent from this technology.

What is Proton Therapy?

Over six lakh individuals die of cancer per annum in India and quite half them are within the age bracket of 30-70 years. Today, Proton therapy is employed to treat many cancers and is especially appropriate in situations where treatment options are restricted or conventional radiotherapy poses a peril to the patient.

The clinical advantages of proton therapy in contrast to standard radiotherapy are huge, with quite 80,000 patients treated worldwide. Apollo Hospitals, always ahead in bringing such clinical innovations to the people of India, has planned, developed and equipped the Proton Therapy centre, providing the newest hi-tech equipments as well as excellent scientific and engineering expertise.

Proton Beam Therapy is one among the foremost superior sorts of radiotherapy within the world. It uses high-energy proton beam for cancer treatment. It is a sort of particle therapy which will inaugurate a paradigm change in cancer treatment. It provides targeted treatment and intensification unlike the other radiation treatment.

Conventional radiotherapy employs high energy X-Rays for the treatment of cancer and certain benign tumors. In doing so, it also damages the encompassing healthy tissue by delivery of radiation to the healthy tissue round the tumor. In contrast, proton beam delivers a high dosage of radiation only to the tumor maximizing the probabilities of cure and successively minimizing the adverse effects to the encompassing healthy tissues.

In addition, a superlative advantage is that the proper dose distribution. A low dosage of radiation is emanated at the body surface which is followed by a pointy burst once it hits the tumor, with negligible radiation travelling beyond the target.

Conventional radiation is very penetrating and delivers a dose throughout any volume of tissue exposed to radiation. However, majority of the radiation is delivered only 0.5 to three cm from the patient’s skin, counting on the energy it had been primarily given. It then slowly loses this energy until it reaches the target. As tumors are 

Best Radiation Oncology in Delhi NCR | Proton Beam Therapy Doctor in Delhi

The department at Dr. Dodul Mondal is an exclusive unit featuring advanced technology and international standards.

Our experts of offer the high-end cancer treatments like IGRT and IMRT intracranial stereotactic radiosurgery, extracranial stereotaxy, radiotherapy, total skin electron treatment and total body irradiation.

The department is well-equipped with advanced technology and highly skilled and patient-friendly personnel. Our staff members make extra efforts to reduce patient waiting time and create a lively environment, unlike most cancer treatment centres. We even have impeccable rehabilitation and medical proton beam therapy doctor in Delhi support for various sorts of physiotherapy and therapy after radiotherapy .

Our Radiation Oncology department works in coordination with neuro-surgical subspecialties (e.g. breast, head and neck, thoracic, gynae and urology and oncology) for maintaining the best evidence-based service for the specific subsite in Best radiation oncology in Delhi NCR.

The high-quality and compassionate multidisciplinary care from the best oncologists in Delhi NCR, India means rapid treatment despite any age, cancer type and potential side-effects.

Our specialists offer the following services:

• Personalised treatment plans with cutting-edge technology for delivering maximum precision while reducing the treatment time.

• Our treatment options include radiosurgery, brachytherapy, image guidance, hyperthermia, intraoperative, eye plaque, intravascular, gamma knife, TheraSphere and total body irradiation.

What Patients Should Know About Vaginal Cancer ?

  Vaginal cancer is a rare but significant type of cancer that begins in the vagina, the muscular tube connecting the uterus to the outside ...