Showing posts with label cancer specialist doctor in delhi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cancer specialist doctor in delhi. Show all posts

Phases of Cancer

The majority of the disease organizing is done based on the spread and size of cancers. However, for leukemia, the organizing of blood disease is described by cell count and the development of leukemia tissues in different organs like spleen or liver. 

All things considered, malignant growth stage is an essential variable for the treatment of leukemia. 

Following pointers sway the organizing of leukemia: 

  • Bone harm 

  • Age 

  • Chromosome changes or irregularities 

  • WBCs or platelets count 

  • History of earlier blood issues 

  • Expanded liver or spleen 

When and how does my PCP decide the phase of my leukemia? 

Specialists can utilize different strategies for arranging to assess the phase of leukemia. Alongside indications, other experimental outcomes and the patient's overall wellbeing profile will likewise be considered for assessment of leukemia stage. 

Rather than utilizing customary strategies, for example, the TNM organizing framework, for leukemia arranging, a specialist will initially decide the subtype of the condition by assessing the aftereffects of cytologic tests, stream cytometry or other lab tests. 

Every leukemia subtype is then arranged to utilize an exceptional framework: 

Intense lymphocytic leukemia – Staging depends on the sort of lymphocyte and the development of the cells 

Intense myelogenous leukemia – Staging is finished by utilizing the French-American-British (FAB) framework, which considers the number of sound platelets, the size and number of the leukemia cells, the progressions in the chromosomes of the leukemia cells and other hereditary anomalies. 

Constant lymphocytic leukemia – Staging is finished utilizing the Rai framework, which depends on three variables: i) a number of lymphocytes in the blood ii) level of the lymph hub, spleen or liver growth iii) presence of paleness or thrombocytopenia. 

Ongoing myelogenous leukemia – Staging depends on the number of sick cells found in blood and bone marrow tests. 

Intense Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) 

What is intense lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)? 

Intense lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a blood disease that influences white platelets. There are two primary kinds of white platelets, lymphocytes (impacted by ALL) and myelocytes (impacted by AML). 

Lymphocytes are additionally separated into B and T cell lymphocytes. 

Everything is a range of infection contained a few distinctive subtypes, named for the cell type that is impacted (B or T) and how unusual the cell shows up under a magnifying lens. An individual with ALL creates unusual quantities of white platelets rather rapidly, normally over weeks, giving the infection the name "intense." 

The white platelet (WBC) count might be higher or lower than typical, however, the WBCs that are being delivered are juvenile and don't work well. Since WBCs are a significant piece of battling diseases, patients frequently have various contaminations that don't react to treatment before they are analyzed. Certain individuals will have low red platelet or platelet counts in light of the fact that the overpopulation of WBCs swarms out these cells. 

What are the phases of intense lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)? 

Intense Myeloid Leukemia (AML) 

Intense myeloid leukemia can be separated into eight phases as follows: 

  • Undifferentiated AML or M0: This stage has no significant indications of separation in bone-marrow cells. 

  • Myeloblastic leukemia or M1: In this stage a few indications of granulocytic detachment with or without least cell development. 

  • Myeloblastic leukemia or M2: This stage alludes to bone marrow cells development past the promyelocyte stage. 

  • Promyelocytic leukemia or M3: In this stage, abnormal cells are in creating stage with cores of various shape and sizes. 

  • Myelomonocytic leukemia or M4: This stage has variable measures of separated granulocyte and monocytes in coursing blood and bone marrow

  • Monocytic leukemia or M5: This stage has two classes: the first stage is characterized by insufficiently separated monoblasts with hereditary material, while the second stage is characterized by a few monocytes, promonocytes and monoblasts. 

  • Erythroleukemia or M6: In this stage blood disease is characterized by abnormal RBCs making cells that count up to over half of the nucleated cells inside the bone marrow. 

  • Megakaryoblastic leukemia or M7: The stage alludes to broad fibrosis present in the bone marrow. 

  • Stage 4 leukemia future 

Some subtypes of AML will generally have a preferred viewpoint and anticipation over others. 

What are the phases of intense myelogenous leukemia (AML)? 

Since AML begins in the bone marrow and is typically not recognized until it has spread to different organs, customary malignant growth organizing isn't required. 

Rather than utilizing the normal TNM strategy for assessing the malignant growth, the subtype of AML is arranged to utilize a cytologic (cell) framework. 

Specialists are not just ready to anticipate how the malignant growth will react to treatment dependent on the cell grouping, but on the other hand can precisely survey the guess. 

Intense myeloid leukemia stages 

There are two primary frameworks that have been utilized to characterize AML into subtypes: 

French-American-British (FAB) arrangement 

World Health Organization (WHO) arrangement 

As per FAB characterization, AML is isolated into subtypes, M0 through M7. This depends on development of the cells and furthermore, the sort of cell leukemia creates. 

In contrast to the FAB arrangement framework, the WHO characterization framework considers large numbers of the variables that are currently known to influence the forecast (standpoint) that can all the more likely group AML. 

AML subtypes and organizing 

Utilizing a framework known as French-American-British (FAB) arrangement, AML is grouped into eight subtypes, M0 through M7, in view of: 

Number of sound platelets 

Size and number of leukemia cells 

Chromosomal changes in leukemia cells 

Whatever other hereditary anomalies have happened. 

Constant Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) 

What are the phases of constant lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)? 

Since CLL infection creates and spreads in an unexpected way, its organizing is unique in relation to arranging for the sort of malignant growths that structure cancers. 

The Rai Staging System depends on platelet counts, rather than rating the size and cancer spread. 

The Binet system, then again, sums up the spread of disease all through the lymph hubs in three phases just marked A, B and C. 

By distinguishing the phase of ongoing lymphocytic leukemia, your primary care physician can pick when to start treatment and figure out which CLL medicines might be best for you. 

Rai Staging System for CLL 

Binet Staging System 

Persistent Myeloid Leukemia stages 

To arrange CML, your oncologist or malignant growth expert will inspect blood and bone marrow tests to decide the number of ailing cells. 

There are three phases of CML: 

Constant: This is the underlying or the soonest period of CML. The most extreme number of CML patients are analyzed during this stage as they experience gentle manifestations, especially weariness. 

Sped up: If CML neglects to react to therapy well during the constant stage, it turns out to be more forceful, which then, at that point, prompts the sped up stage. Now, manifestations might turn out to be more recognizable. 

Blastic: This is by a long shot the most forceful phase of ongoing myeloid leukemia. Blastic alludes to having over 20% myeloblasts or lymphoblasts. Manifestations experienced during this stage are like those of intense myeloid leukemia.

Brain Cancer Causes Explained by Best Surgical Oncologist in Delhi

Here, I will portray the most widely recognized reasons for Brian Cancer. As though you know the causes early, you can play it safe to live far away from Brain Cancer. Early detection by a cancer specialist doctor in Delhi plays a major role in this.

1. Erasure of Gene Causes Brain disease: The cancellation of a quality, regularly present on chromosome 14, may cause cancer in cerebrum, which is the most widely recognized, harmful kind of Brain disease. As of late, the Researchers of Stanford University School of Medicine has uncovered that the cancellation of this quality, advance cancer improvement and develop protection from treatment. This is regularly happens in one out of each four instances of Brain cancer. 

2. Heredity-An Important Cause: Risk of experiencing Brain cancer is known to increment if an individual has a family background of disease. Disease in Brain frequently happens with individuals from a similar family, so heredity could be a reason for this. 

3. Strange Cell Mutation: Primary cerebrum cancers start when transformations happen in ordinary cells inside their DNA. Transformation might permit cells development and divisions at expanded rate, and to proceed to living, when the solid cells would bite the dust. Subsequently, a mass of strange cells happens, which frames a growth. 

4. Wild Cell Growth in Brain Most Often Causes Brain Tumor (Brain cancer): Our Brain has a wide range of sorts of cells and each with an alternate capacity. On the off chance that, regardless, these cells inside the Brain start to grow up wildly, then, at that point, this will clearly prompt a cancer. 

5. A Benign Brain Tumor may not be destructive, however Malignant growth could be effectively Cancerous: A cancer in the cerebrum might be threatening. In the event that harmless, a cancer remains its, where it begins, however it can grow up extremely enormous, and put squeeze on vital regions. If there should arise an occurrence of a harmful cerebrum growth which can spread, and cause cancer.. 

6. Cancer, that starts somewhere else, of the body, spreads to the Brain Cancer can create in the cerebrum (Primary disease) or may created by spread up of other disease that already influences the body. On the off chance that, some other piece of the body has any kind of malignant growth, and afterward there is an incredible chance of happening disease in cerebrum because of spreading from the contaminated piece of the body. This is the Secondary (metastatic) Brain cancer. The Cancers of the bosom, lung, skin, or blood (leukemia or lymphoma) can likewise be spread up (metastasize) to the Brain. 

At long last, I need to say to every one of my perusers to be extremely cautious while utilizing exorbitant PDA. Radiation of phone is an incredible danger of creating Brain Cancer.

Treatment by the best surgical oncologist in Delhi like Dr. Dodul Mondal is very important for proper treatment.

Oncologists Roles in Your Cancer Treatment and Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR

The core of oncology is the study of cancer, and doctors who specialize in cancer treatment are called oncologists. Oncologists are mainly divided into three types-internal medicine, surgery and radiology. These three work together to treat cancer. Medical oncologists specialize in treating patients with chemotherapy and other drugs to kill cancer cells and prevent them from sneaking in and spreading to other parts. Surgical oncologists specialize in removing tumors and surrounding tissues through surgery. They also perform biopsies. Radiation oncologists treat cancer with radiation therapy.

What is the role of an oncologist?
Best oncologist in Delhi NCR

The role of an oncologist is to provide patients with complete care from diagnosis to treatment. Best cancer doctor in Delhi ncr provides consultations, answers questions and provides a complete path to cancer treatment.

Cancer Diagnosis

The first responsibility is to diagnose cancer accurately. Their type of cancer and its spread are analyzed by oncologists. This means that they are involved in the treatment of patients at the very beginning.

Cancer Advisory

You can discuss any questions or any information you need with cancer specialist doctor in Delhi. You have the right to know the doctor's diagnosis and your treatment plan. You can also ask questions and learn about all the facilities you have available to treat cancer. The doctor will tell you where the cancer is and how it affects other parts of the body.

Cancer Treatment Options

The oncologist also explained all available treatment options and recommended the correct course of action. Various tests will be performed, and your doctor will make sure you understand the results and prepare for treatment. He will also tell you about the side effects and help you overcome them.

Cancer Caring

The main role of any doctor/surgeon in any treatment is compassionate care. Helping to maximize the quality of life of patients is their goal.

Cancer treatment involves a multidisciplinary team of medical professionals, including a pathologist, a diagnostic radiologist, a surgeon, and a nurse and the best oncologist in Delhi NCR is working with their team. Well, depending on the type of cancer being treated, a dermatologist and other specialists may be needed. Cancer treatment is a professional job and requires a lot of care. Choosing the right hospital for treatment and surgery will ensure that your treatment is handled professionally. Make sure you understand all the criteria and all the options, and choose the right hospital for this!

Studying and Treating Cancerous Tumors with Best Cancer Specialist Doctor in Delhi

Oncology is the study of cancerous tumors, and oncologists are doctors who treat cancer. Although different countries and medical schools may divide oncologists into several different categories and specialties, there are two main types of oncologists. Radiation oncologists are doctors who specialize in radiotherapy for cancer, called radiotherapy, or more simply, radiotherapy.

Radiation oncology does not include chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is handled by a medical oncologist.

In some countries/regions, clinical oncologists deal with radiation therapy and chemotherapy at the same time. Surgical oncology involves the surgical treatment of tumors. The best surgical oncologist in Delhi is divided into several specialties, focusing on cancers that infect specific parts of the body.

Today, due to technological advances in the field of radiation oncology, approximately 70% of all cancer treatment plans include radiation therapy. Some of these involve strict radiotherapy, while some more serious cancer cases require a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Choosing an oncologist

It can be expected that the more experienced doctors have in oncology, the higher their record of success in treating patients. Choosing an oncologist then becomes a potentially important part of your treatment. So choose the best cancer specialist doctor in Delhi cause you may really give your life to the doctor of your choice.

In addition to the experience of treating patients, training and experience in the latest technologies are also important because new technologies can provide better cancer treatments. For example, IMRT is a relatively new treatment method that allows higher doses of radiation to be delivered to the tumor without affecting the surrounding healthy tissue.

Some oncologists cannot even use new technologies such as IMRT. Where accessible, doctors may have little or no training and little or no experience.

In order to obtain the best possible treatment, as a patient, it would be beneficial to find an oncologist who is both familiar with the latest technologies and who can practice them in an institution where they can be used. it is available in cancer specialist doctor in DelhiThe attitude at the bedside is also very important. A person can usually judge whether they will get along within a few minutes of meeting them. Just because it is discovered that you have or may have cancer, you are under enough stress. An oncologist who has to put up with not getting along with you can be harmful to your health, especially if your relationship with the doctor is so bad that you hate to see him or her.

How To Choose Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR

It is not good for anyone to be diagnosed with any type of cancer. If you are diagnosed with cancer, you will undoubtedly be sent to a medical expert called an oncologist. A cancer specialist doctor in Delhiwho can deal with cancer is an oncologist.

When choosing an oncologist, you need to consider the following points:

• Look for oncologists certified by the committee. This is a sign that you will be treated by someone with perfect competence and understanding in the field. The test shows that you are dealing with cancer, which is very dangerous, so only look for the best cancer doctor in Delhi. There are different types of committee certifications available. For example, medical oncologists are certified by the Board of Internal Medicine and have their sub-specialties in Medical Oncology, while radiation oncologists are certified by the Board of Radiation Oncology.

• Choosing a doctor based on the doctor's experience is the best way. The best sign is that he is working full-time in oncology.

• Getting comprehensive care in a good hospital is another measure of the ability of oncologists. Look for a hospital designated by the best oncologist in Delhi NCR as a comprehensive cancer care center. Because the medical and radiation oncologists and surgeons in these centers are under one roof, this will reduce your travel and coordinate your care. They also conduct research on cancer, which allows them to perform newer treatments for you.

• One way to find the best doctor is to seek a referral from the doctor who provides you with primary care. You can also consult your family, friends, or colleagues.

• NIC (National Cancer Center) is a designated cancer center that can provide you with information about oncologists practicing in the center.

• IBMS can maintain a list of doctors who have met certain training and education requirements and completed their professional courses. You must register to use this self-service resource, which allows you to search by their name or other certification area and state name. In most libraries, this directory is also available.

Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR | May I Know the Signs and Reasons of Throat Cancer?

 There are some organs in our body that can help us to speak, breathe and swallow, and the cancer that develops in these organs is called laryngeal cancer. This disease is very fatal to our body. This disease is divided into two types, namely squamous cell carcinoma (centered on squamous cells) and adenocarcinoma (centered on glandular cells). There are other types, namely the pharynx (belonging to the throat and neck), covering the upper (nasopharynx), middle (oropharynx) and lower (hypopharyngeal) parts of the throat; and the larynx (belonging to the voice box or throat).

In order to minimize the risk of this disease, we should understand its symptoms and causes. First, we will discuss its symptoms in the following way.


Voice Changer

If the person’s voice changes, it means that the person has the disease.

hard to swallow

The most common function of the throat is to swallow food and liquids. If we have difficulty swallowing food and liquids, then this is a sign of this disease.

Weight loss

If our weight is reduced without exercise and dieting, then we should not become happy, because this is a symptom of this disease. Weight loss is also a symptom of diabetes and chicken kidney disease.

sore throat

The reaction of the throat revealed the signs of the disease. These reactions include sore throat. In other words, if our throat is sore, it indicates the disease.

Constantly asking to clear the throat

When the throat area becomes uneven, it needs to be cleaned. If you need to clear your throat frequently, it is a sign of this disease.

Persistent cough

If the person coughs continuously with the possibility of blood, then it is a symbol of the disease.

Swollen lymph nodes

If the lymph nodes are enlarged, it is a sign of this disease.


If we whistle and breathe, then this condition is wheezing, and wheezing is a symptom of this disease.


If we have pain in our ears, it is a symptom of this disease.

Now we will discuss the causes of this disease in the following way.

The reason


Smoking is the worst habit. It can cause many diseases, one of which is laryngeal cancer specialist doctor in Delhi.


Alcohol is harmful to our body in all aspects. If a person drinks excessively, it can lead to the development of this disease.

Vitamin A deficiency

Vitamin A is good for our body. If our body lacks vitamin A, it will cause this disease.

Asbestos exposure

Excessive exposure to asbestos (present in fabrics) can cause this disease.

Poor dental hygiene

If our teeth are not properly cleaned, it will cause this disease.

In order to minimize the risk of this disease, we should inform you of the best Oncologist in Delhi Ncr.

When Is the Need of Medical Oncology for Treating Cancer Specialist Doctor in Delhi?

 The branch of medicine that deals with cancer management is called oncology. The specialist who treats the patient is called an oncologist. It is important to remember the three main components that have become necessary to increase the patient's chances of survival. Three components are mentioned below:

• Prevention—Prevention identifies risk factors such as tobacco and alcohol and reduces their intake.

• Diagnosis—Diagnosis is done by screening for cancer with the help of tests and staging.

• Treatment-treatment is performed by observing the extent of the cancer and the part of the body that was hit.

There is no exact cause for this disease, which makes it more effective, but there are several risk factors. Staying away from these factors can reduce your body's chances of contracting this disease. Some common risk factors are -

• Tobacco is considered to be the leading cause of cancer deaths. More than 20% of deaths related to this disease are caused by tobacco.

• Lifestyle choices such as smoking and drinking can increase risk.

• Cancer is particularly prominent among the elderly. This is because most cancers take years to develop. They may exist in the body for a long time, but they can only be recognized in the later stages of their full development.

• There are many carcinogens in the environment. They exist in air and water. It is difficult for us to avoid them. Some examples include arsenic, asbestos, benzene, cadmium, etc.

• Obesity-it is directly related to breast cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, endometrial cancer, esophageal cancer, kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, etc.

There are different ways to treat this disease. It includes best radiation oncologist in Delhi NCR , surgery, and medical oncology. Medical oncology refers to the completion of treatment with the help of chemotherapy, immunotherapy or targeted therapy.

• Chemotherapy

It uses drugs to kill the affected cells. A single or a combination of different drugs is given to prevent cancer cells from growing and dividing and preventing them from producing new cells. These drugs are very powerful and may kill nearby normal cells. It can be used in different ways. If used to shrink tumors before surgery, it is called neoadjuvant chemotherapy. It can also be used as the only treatment for diseases such as leukemia and lymphoma. The administered drugs are administered according to the type of cancer being treated and where the cancer has spread.

• Targeted therapy

It also works by administering drugs, but is different from chemotherapy because the goal of specific genes and proteins is to stop the growth and spread of cancer. These methods are often used in conjunction with chemotherapy and other options. A given drug has the ability to block the signals that provide tumor cells with growth and division information. It is done with two different types of help. In monoclonal antibodies, the drug blocks the exact target affected in and around the cancer. The use of small molecule drugs can stop the process that helps cancer cells multiply and spread. This therapy is commonly used for breast cancer specialist doctor in Delhi, colorectal cancer, and lung cancer.

• Immunotherapy

In immunotherapy, the body's natural immune system is strengthened to fight cancer. The substances used in combat are manufactured by the body or specially prepared in the laboratory. They work by stopping the growth of affected cells and helping the immune system to better destroy cancer cells. In oncolytic virus therapy, genetically modified viruses are used to kill cancer cells. The virus is injected into the tumor. It replicates itself, causing cells to rupture and die. Then there is T cell therapy. In this method, T cells are removed from the blood and modified in the laboratory. They re-enter the body and destroy cancer cells.

Diagnosed With Cancer? Treatment Options Best Radiation Oncologist in Delhi NCR

When a person is diagnosed with cancer, this is an overwhelming realization. Shock and then depression are normal, but they are ready to control it and find out which treatment is best for them. There are many options in 2016, and any great cancer expert can solve them. However, for those who are already looking for and trying to decide which direction to go in, the following is a breakdown of the most common treatments.

Does the cancer doctor recommend surgery?

Depending on the many conditions of each cancer case diagnosed, surgery can be used to diagnose, treat or even prevent cancer specialist doctor in Delhi. Most people who find themselves battling cancer will undergo some type of surgery. It is usually the greatest possible chance of cure, even if the cancer has not spread to other parts of the body, it can even provide a better chance.

There are many reasons for surgery. Some surgeries are minor procedures, while others are more serious. These are the most common surgeries related to cancer:

• Efficacy
•Palliative care
• Decrease
•stand by
• Restorability


Chemotherapy, commonly referred to as "chemotherapy", is the use of drugs and drugs to treat cancer. Many people are afraid of the idea of ​​chemotherapy, but by understanding the principles of chemotherapy and what happens, they will gain a better understanding and their nerves will calm down.

Surgery and radiation therapy can damage, remove and kill cancer cells in specific areas, but chemotherapy may work throughout the body. Even if the cancer has moved far away from its original location, chemicals can find and kill it. The goal of chemotherapy is to cure, control and relieve.

Targeted therapy

Targeted therapy is one of the new therapies for cancer patients. It uses drugs or other substances to attack malicious cells in a more precise way. It does much less damage to healthy cells and is therefore a rapidly growing part of many treatment options.

Drugs used for targeted therapy are often similar to chemotherapy, but they don’t work in exactly the same way. They attack the innermost part of cancer cells, distinguishing them from healthy normal cells. The side effects are not as serious as chemotherapy.


Hyperthermia uses heat to treat cancer, which is an ancient method. With new tools and precise heat transfer, hyperthermia can be used to treat many types of cancer. Two completely different methods of hyperthermia can be used:

1. Extremely high temperatures are used to destroy a small group of cells, such as tumors. This is usually called thermal ablation or local hyperthermia.

2. The temperature of a specific part of the body is a few degrees higher than normal. This helps other cancer treatments such as immunotherapy, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. This is called local hyperthermia.


Immunotherapy is a therapy that uses the human immune system to fight cancer. It uses artificial immune system proteins to stimulate the immune system to fundamentally defeat its own battle. In the past 30 years or so, immunotherapy has become an important part of the treatment of many types of cancer. New treatments are currently being researched, which is likely to change the way we treat cancer.

There are various treatment methods for immunotherapy. Some strengthen the immune system, while others train the immune system to only attack cancer cells. Immunotherapy is most effective for certain types of cancer. Depending on the type, it will be used alone or with other types of treatment.

These are just a few of the most common treatments for cancer patients. There are many more, and many are discovered every day. I hope to see fewer cancer cases and have more hope for those who are diagnosed.

If you are looking for best rediation oncologist in Delhi NCR , Dr Dodul is the best option for you.

Best Cancer Doctor in Delhi Protecting from 7 Key Risk Factor

First, it is appropriate to put the cancer at the right angle. By definition, cancer is a malignant tumor or swelling composed of abnormal cells capable of uncontrolled proliferation. Many people mistakenly believe that every lump or bump is cancer. But that is not the case. Unlike benign swelling, cancer cells usually have a tendency to invade surrounding tissues and sometimes metastasize (divide and spread) through the blood or lymphatic system to distant body tissues. When the normal process of cell division is interrupted, cancer can result. Somatic cells are constantly undergoing cell division, although senescent and dead cells are replaced in a controlled manner. However, malfunctions or sudden changes sometimes occur during this process. If it cannot be repaired by the body in time, it will lead to the formation of abnormal cells. These abnormal cells will continue to proliferate uncontrollably and eventually lead to cancer.
It can be said that the health burden of cancer is huge. It is said that more people kill cancer each year than HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. According to data from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), by 2030, more than 21 million new cancer cases will be diagnosed each year, of which 13 million will die from cancer. In addition, statistics show that 80,000 women die from various forms of cancer each year, with breast cancer ranking first but for treatment patient can consult from best breast cancer doctor in Delhi. The complex interactions between multiple risk factors, some of which are discussed below, determine who gets cancer and who does not:
Active or passive smoking is associated with most cancers, including lung cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, esophageal cancer and prostate cancer. In fact, lungs cancer specialist in Delhi shows that in the India, about 33% of cancer deaths each year are caused by smoking. About 98% of small cell lung cancer (SCLC) patients have a significant history of smoking. Fortunately, smoking cessation is associated with improved survival in these patients.
Compared with people with normal weight and body mass index (BMI), obese people have a higher risk of certain cancers, including pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, kidney cancer, esophageal cancer, breast cancer, and endometrial cancer. One explanation that has been proposed for this increased risk is that adipose tissue produces excess estrogen in obese people. High estrogen levels are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and endometrial cancer. In addition, obese people have elevated blood levels of insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which is conducive to the development of certain cancers. Studies have shown that people who are overweight and obese have a 200-400% higher risk of endometrial cancer than people with a normal BMI.
Individuals with weakened immunity, such as those infected with HIV/AIDS, are more likely to develop certain types of cancer. Three of these cancers, namely Kaposi's sarcoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and cervical cancer are known as the diseases that define AIDS. Some other cancer types they may face include anal cancer, Hodgkin's lymphoma and lung cancer. Because HIV/AIDS weakens the immune system, it is thought that it is likely to cause other cancer-causing infections, such as human papillomavirus (HPV) infections related to cervical cancer.
Excessive drinking
Studies have shown that excessive drinking can increase the risk of mouth, throat, esophagus and liver cancer. Therefore, if you abstain from drinking too much, your risk of developing these deadly cancers will be greatly reduced.
Overexposure to the sun
Individuals exposed to strong sunlight inadvertently increase the risk of skin cancer. A large number of studies have involved ultraviolet (UV) in the pathology of skin cancer (including melanoma). Melanin is a natural skin pigment that can effectively protect the skin from UV rays. This is why light-skinned people with less melanin pigment in their skin are more likely to suffer sunburn and skin cancer.
Positive family history
For most cancers, individuals with one or more close relatives (especially first-degree relatives) are at a much higher risk of being diagnosed with this type of cancer. Best radiation oncologist in Delhi NCR said that such people are genetically susceptible because they may have inherited some abnormal genes. For example, the family history of breast cancer in a first-degree relative is one of the important risk factors for this cancer. If the mother or sister is affected by breast cancer, the lifetime risk of the disease will increase fourfold.
Increasing age
As people get older, their risk of most cancers also tends to increase. front example, while breast cancer is very rare in women below 25 years, the incidence reaches a plateau in women aged 50-55 years. Furthermore, prostate cancer is a disease condition that is typically seen in the elderly (Age >65 years) and the prevalence can be as high as 80% at 80 years of age.

Understand Radiation Therapy | Best Cancer Specialist in Delhi NCR

Radiation therapy is used to destroy cancer by using high-energy proton beams or X-rays. This can effectively slow down the growth of tumors without damaging nearby healthy tissues. Cancer specialist doctor in Delhi usually recommend radiation therapy as the main cancer treatment. In most cases, it is used after surgery or chemotherapy. However, for some cancers, this therapy alone is an effective therapy. For certain other cancers, multiple treatments are available.

Here are some types of radiation therapy you need to be aware of:

External beam radiation therapy

This is the most common treatment. It emits radiation from machines outside the body. It can be used to treat large areas of the body that are needed. Machines called linear accelerators or linear accelerators produce radiation beams for X-rays or photons. This method uses special computer software to adjust the size and shape of the beam. This helps target tumors while avoiding healthy tissues near cancer cells.

Internal radiation therapy

In this therapy, radioactive substances are put into the cancer or surrounding tissues. These implants can be permanent or temporary. Many times, this type of treatment requires hospitalization and best radiation oncologist in Delhi NCR are available for this therapy.

Safety for patients and family

For more than 100 years, doctors have been using therapies to treat cancer safely and effectively. However, the use of radiation therapy slightly increases the risk of developing a second type of cancer. For many people, it is a well-known fact that radiation therapy helps eliminate existing cancers. These benefits outweigh the risks involved in treating new cancers. During the external beam radiation, the patient does not become radioactive, and the radiation remains in the treatment room. However, internal radiation therapy can cause the patient to emit radiation. Therefore, visitors should follow the following safety measures:

  • Don't see the patient if you are pregnant
  • If you are under 18 years of age, please do not visit the patient.
  • It is important to stay at least 6 feet away from the patient's bed.
  • Your visit should be limited to 30 minutes per day.
  • After the patient leaves the hospital, the permanent implant is still radioactive. Therefore, the patient's contact time with children or pregnant women should not exceed 5 minutes or more than 5 minutes within 2 months.
  • Similarly, patients receiving systemic radiation therapy should use safety precautions. In the first few days after treatment, please take the following precautions:
  • After going to the toilet, remember to wash your hands thoroughly.
  • It is important to use separate utensils and towels.
  • Also remember to drink plenty of fluids to flush out the radioactive material remaining in the body.
  • Minimize contact with babies, children and pregnant women.

Make sure you understand this therapy and the risks involved in patient care. If there are other points to consider, your doctor will advise you or you can visit Best Cancer Specialist in Delhi NCR.

Lung cancer screening in hospitals | Best lung cancer Doctor in Delhi


Hospitals across the country offer screening for lung cancer. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), choosing to undergo screening should be educated.

Lung cancer screening

According to recent estimates, lung cancer causes more than 150,000 deaths each year, more than the following three main causes (colon, breast and pancreatic cancer) combined. This is a worrying phenomenon, and it is undoubtedly caused by the rate of per capita smoking of tobacco, as well as factors related to air pollution, such as car exhaust, industrial emissions, and other emissions that can blanket cities in dense smog. It's a dangerous epidemic with long-lasting effects on everyone diagnosed, even if symptoms are identified early. As a result,Best lung cancer doctor in Delhi testing is extremely important. Many hospitals offer free screening, and it is highly recommended that you get screened if you are at risk.

Who is at risk?

As with most serious diseases, many people prefer not to admit that they are at risk of developing lung cancer. While it is understandable, this aversion to the knee should be stopped. Many people will benefit greatly from an early diagnosis, as modern medical technologies can greatly aid those who are diagnosed. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people with a history of smoking and who continue to smoke should be tested at one of their local hospitals. This includes people who have quit smoking in the past 15 years, as well as people between the ages of 55 and 80 who have smoked in the past. Excessive smoking is defined as 30 years a pack, or 30 years of smoking a pack a day.

Why shouldn't everyone be tested?

With a disease as formidable as lung cancer, it may seem surprising that the CDC does not recommend a test for every Indian. However, the test has its own risks, which can be severe and are, in any case, grounds for caution. The first risk is a false positive test result. A false positive result occurs if the test indicates that the patient has the disease while in reality he does not suffer. This type of result can lead to over-testing and even unnecessary surgery.

The second risk is an overdiagnosis of lung cancer, which occurs when a patient has lung cancer, but the tumour is completely benign and will not cause the patient any problems. These conditions often lead to unnecessary treatments.

Finally, there is the issue of radiation exposure. The only test the CDC recommends is called a "low-dose computed tomography," or a CT scan suggested by best radiation oncologist in Delhi NCR. A CT scan involves an X-ray machine that uses low doses of radiation to take pictures of the lungs. Radiation from a CT scan can cause cancer, even in healthy people, if the test is repeated often. For these reasons, medical professionals only recommend that people have regular check - ups if they are at risk. Best Cancer Specialist in Delhi NCR follow the CDC's recommended practices.

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