Showing posts with label best cancer specialist doctor in delhi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label best cancer specialist doctor in delhi. Show all posts

Comprehend Radiation Therapy and Patient Care | Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR

 Radiation treatment is utilized to obliterate malignant growth by utilizing high energy proton bars or x-beams. This can viably lethargic the cancer development without hurting the close by sound tissues. Specialists normally suggest radiation treatment as an essential malignant growth therapy. The greater part of the occasions, it is utilized after a medical procedure or chemotherapy. For certain diseases notwithstanding, this treatment alone is a powerful treatment. For some different diseases, a blend of medicines is utilized.

Here are a portion of the kinds of radiation treatment that you should know about:

Outer pillar radiation treatment

This is the most widely recognized kind of treatment. It very well may be utilized to treat huge spaces of the body is required. A machine called a direct gas pedal, or linac, makes the radiation shaft for x-beam or photon. This technique utilizes extraordinary PC programming to change the bar's size and shape. This aides focus on the growth while staying away from solid tissue close to the disease cells.

Inside radiation treatment

In this treatment radioactive materials are set into the malignant growth or encompassing tissues. These inserts might be extremely durable or brief. Numerous multiple times this sort of treatment required medical clinic stay.

Security for the patient and family

Specialists have been utilizing treatment to treat malignant growth securely and viably for over 100 years. Notwithstanding, utilizing radiation treatment marginally expands the danger of fostering a subsequent malignant growth. For some individuals, it's undeniably true that best radiation oncologist in Delhi NCR wipes out the current malignant growth. These advantages are more prominent than the dangers that are implied in the therapy of another malignant growth. Be that as it may, inside radiation treatment makes the patient emit radiation. Accordingly, guests ought to follow these security measures:

  • Try not to visit the patient assuming that you are pregnant

  • Try not to visit the patient in the event that you are more youthful than 18.

  • Remain somewhere around 6 feet from the patient's bed.

  • Your visit ought to be restricted to 30 minutes or less every day.

    Super durable inserts stay radioactive after the patient leaves the medical clinic. In view of this,the patient ought not have close or over 5 minutes of contact with youngsters or pregnant people for quite a long time.

   Additionally, patients who have had foundational radiation treatment should utilize wellbeing safeguards. For the initial not many days after treatment, avoid potential risk:

    Make sure to clean up completely subsequent to utilizing the latrine.

Utilize separate utensils and towels.

  • Additionally make sure to drink a lot of liquids to flush the leftover radioactive material from the body.

  • Limit contact with babies, kids, and pregnant ladies.

Ensure that you comprehend this treatment and the dangers implied in quiet consideration. Your PCP will guidance you assuming there are any more explicit focuses to consider.

Dr Dodul Mondal is the best oncologist in Delhi NCR, India which gives all sort of malignant growth therapies including a medical procedure, chemotherapy, radiation treatment, proton therapy,medicine, bone marrow relocate and a lot more under top oncologist and hematologist

What is a blood cancer?

 The disease also known as leukemia is a cancer of the blood cells of the body. Abnormal formations of white blood cells can cause blood cancer. Normally, white blood cells are there to heal infections, but abnormal white blood cells cause normal blood cells to malfunction. This causes blood cancer symptoms in people because the blood cells are no longer able to perform their intended functions.

There are many different types of blood cancers based on the development of the blood cancer stages. Blood cancer symptoms in humans require blood cancer treatment in most cases.

Blood Cancer Symptoms

By analyzing blood cancer symptoms, doctors can make a diagnosis and plan appropriate blood cancer treatment for patients. The following are some common blood cancer symptoms.

  • Severe pain in the joints and bones.

  • Swelling of the lymph nodes in people.

  • Night sweats and fever are common symptoms

  • Fatigue and feeling weak

  • Frequent infections

  • Bruising and bleeding from cuts

  • Swelling and discomfort in the abdominal area

  • Loss of appetite and weight loss in people

If someone notices one or more of these symptoms, immediate examination at the nearest hospital is advisable so that the diagnosis can be made. If the blood cancer is diagnosed, the patient can undergo blood cancer treatment at home. The condition worsens as the blood cancer stages progress, so it is very important to have a diagnostic test for blood cancer.

Blood Cancer Causes

It is important to know the causes of blood cancer and understand the options for blood cancer treatment.

The causes of blood cancer usually include the formation of abnormal and immature blood cells in the body. This causes the blood cells to multiply and grow in the body and cause malfunctions. The growth of the abnormal blood cells results in the elimination of the normal cells.

As the production of the cancerous blood cells increases, the healthy cells are no longer able to perform their usual functions. As blood cancer stages develop, the immature and abnormal cells continue to increase and replace the normal cells.

Some of the common causes of blood cancer are smoking, hair dyes, ionizing radiation, viruses and many more.

Different types of blood cancer

There are many types of blood cancers and different blood cancer tests are used to identify the different types.

  • Leukemia: the type of blood cancer that originates in the tissue that makes blood

  • Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: A type of cancer that originates in lymphocytes and occurs in the body's lymphatic system

  • Hodgkin's lymphoma: This is one of the blood cancers that arises from a certain abnormal cell known as a B lymphocyte or Reed-Stemberg cell

  • Multiple Myeloma: This is another type of blood cancer that affects the plasma cells in the body that are found in the bone marrow.

Diagnosis of blood cancer

To make a blood cancer diagnosis, specialists perform a series of tests, review medical history, analyze symptoms, and other procedures.

Most doctors recommend a blood test for blood cancer diagnosis. With the help of these blood cancer tests, the blood cancer in the human body can be identified. Sometimes some other blood cancer screening tests are also recommended to detect abnormalities.

A bone marrow biopsy and chest x-rays are other forms of blood cancer screening tests that can be used for diagnosis.

Treatment of blood cancer

There are a wide range of treatment options for blood cancer. Treatment for blood cancer usually depends on the type of blood cancer, the stage, and the age and health of the patient. Laboratory testing of these factors also plays an important role in choosing the form of blood cancer treatment.

Most people often opt for blood cancer treatment at home. In these cases, nurses are sent to the patient's home for blood cancer treatment.

Here are some common forms of blood cancer treatment for patients.


Chemotherapy is one of the most common treatments used for blood cancer. This procedure is responsible for killing the cells that are growing rapidly in the body. Radiation is the therapy used to kill the cancer cells.


Another common form of treatment is blood transfusion, where blood components are added through procedures to replace certain deficiencies in the body's bloodstream.


Stem cells are used to boost the body's immune system. Most people are not aware that blood cancer also eliminates the body's stem cells, weakening the immune system. With the help of stem cell transplant, the body's own stem cells are replaced, thus strengthening the body's immune system again. This process is done with the help of stem cells from a donor.

How Can We Help?

Dr Dodul Mondul provide the best blood cancer treatment and blood cancer care options for their patients. He is a  qualified professionals who use advanced methods for the patients who opt for blood cancer home treatment.

Importance Of Second Opinion | Best Oncologist in Delhi Ncr

Our culture teaches us not to doubt the expertise of doctors. Unfortunately, this idea has led to many life-changing health examinations diagnosed with lack of care or any of several other options. It's important to remember that in this era, there is always one option and there are multiple ways to solve the problem. ( Best oncologist in delhi ncr )

Specialty Influences Treatment Plan

You may think that your doctor is familiar with all the ways to treat your disease. The fact is, if you go to see 10 different doctors, you may get 5 different treatment plans. What will affect the doctor's decision? The doctor's specialty determines the decision. Whenever you find someone for a surgeon's diagnosis, the first line of defense is surgery. Understanding prejudice is based on the lenses seen by doctors based on years of professional training and their unique belief that subspecialty is the key to health.

Diagnosis & Treatment Protocol Reassurance

Some diseases do not have the differential diagnosis that the doctor said. In other words, it is impossible to make a diagnosis based on a specific examination result, such as a pathology report of a person diagnosed with cancer. However, if you are diagnosed with a chronic or rare disease that most doctors do not see during your visit, you need to make sure that the diagnosis is correct. One way to achieve this goal is to see an expert who treats that particular disease. If only 100 cases are diagnosed each year, then one or a group of doctors will most likely see these cases to confirm the diagnosis and the latest treatment plan. If your doctor does not specialize in rare diseases, you may not be able to get the latest treatments, which may affect your health journey. ( to receive best second opinion from the best radiation oncologist in delhi ncr , contact - Dr.Dodul Mondal ).

Peace Of Mind

Before formulating a treatment plan, the second opinion is a self-empowerment tool. Although many doctors believe that the second opinion is a challenge to their abilities, it is actually a way to root themselves in the diagnosis. Obtaining diagnosis confirmation and another doctor's opinion on treatment opens the door for you, not only to get the best treatment, but also to give you the opportunity to understand which provider you have a better chemical reaction with, which can also improve the results.

When you get a second opinion, please leave the medical team where you were initially diagnosed. Doctors who work together or belong to the same hospital system usually think in the same way according to the policies of the managers. Letting a new pair of eyes look at your case and a system with different policies will give you a more objective view of your case. If there is a teaching hospital in your area, you may consider it as your second opinion, because you are more inclined to analyze your case as a learning tool among many practitioners, and may provide updates based on the latest evidence and research Therapy.

Dr. Dodul Mondul is one of the best proton beam therapy doctor in delhi with years of experience and international repute.

Prostate Cancer - Definition , Types, Pre - Conditions | Best Oncologist in Delhi Ncr

Prostate Cancer - Definition

When cell in the body begin to grow out of control. the condition is  called cancer. Cells in almost any part of the body become cancer cells and can spread to other parts of the body. Learn more about cancer and how it develops and spreads.( Best oncologist in Delhi Ncr )

Prostate cancer begins when cells in the prostate begin to grow out of control. Prostate is a gland that is present in only men. It produces a fluid that is part of the semen.

The prostate is located below the bladder (the hollow organ that stores urine) and in front of the rectum (the last part of the intestine). Behind the prostate is a gland, the seminal vesicle, which increases the amount of fluid in the sperm. The urethra is the tube that carries urine and semen through the penis and the center of the prostate.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer - Types

Almost all types of prostate cancer are adenocarcinomas. These cancers come from glandular cells, the cells that make prostatic fluid and add it to semen.

Other types of cancer that can occur in the prostate include:

1.Small cell carcinoma
2.Neuroendocrine tumors (excluding small cell carcinoma)
3.Transitional epithelial cancer

These other types of prostate cancer are rare if you are diagnosed with prostate cancer, it is almost certain that it is adenocarcinoma.

Some prostate cancers begin to spread quickly and often, but most do happen slowly. In fact, suicidal demands have shown that many older men (and still some men and women) who die from other causes are also suffering from prostate cancer with no effect during the course of the kill. Usually neither they nor their doctor know they have it. ( Consult with Best cancer doctor in India - Dr. Dodul Mondal )

Pre - Conditions for Prostate Cancer

Some studies have shown that prostate cancer begins as a precancerous lesion, although it is not clear. These conditions sometimes occur when men undergo a prostate biopsy (removal of cells in the process of diagnosing cancer).

Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN)

In PIN, the presence of prostate cells changes under the microscope, but abnormal cells in other stages of the prostate (such as cancer cells) do not seem to continue to grow. According to the degree of abnormality of the cells, they are classified as:

Low grade PIN : The description of prostate cells looks almost normal.
High grade PIN: The bottom of the battery looks abnormal.

It is believed that a low PIN has nothing to do with the risk of prostate cancer in men. On the other hand, advanced PINs are considered a precursor to prostate cancer. If you have a prostate biopsy and find a high PIN, you are more likely to develop prostate cancer over time. ( best radiation oncologist in delhi ncr )

PIN codes began to appear in the prostate of some men after twenty years. However, many men with a PIN never develop prostate cancer.

Proliferative inflammatory atrophy (PIA)

With the PIA, prostate cells appear smaller than normal and show signs of inflammation in that area. Although the PIA ​​is not a cancer, researchers believe that the PIA ​​may increase the incidence of injections for drug users and may directly lead to prostate cancer.

Studying and Treating Cancerous Tumors and Find Best Cancer Specialist in Delhi NCR

Oncology is the study of cancerous tumors, and oncologists are doctors who treat cancer and there is a cancer specialist doctor in Delhi. Although different countries and medical schools may divide oncologists into several different categories and specialties, there are two main types of oncologists. Radiation oncologists are doctors who specialize in radiotherapy for cancer, called radiotherapy, or more simply, radiotherapy.

Radiation oncology does not include chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is handled by a medical oncologist.

In some countries/regions, clinical oncologists deal with radiation therapy and chemotherapy at the same time. Surgical oncology involves the surgical treatment of tumors. Surgical oncologists are divided into several specialties, focusing on cancers that infect specific parts of the body.

Today, due to technological advances in the field of radiation oncology, approximately 70% of cancer treatment plans include radiation therapy. Some of these involve strict radiotherapy, while some more serious cancer cases require a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Choosing an oncologist

It can be expected that the more experience doctors have in oncology, the higher their record of success in treating patients. Choosing an oncologist then becomes a potentially important part of your treatment. You may really give your life to the doctor of your choice and it is suggested best oncologist in Delhi NCR.

In addition to the experience of treating patients, training and experience in the latest technologies are also important because new technologies can provide better cancer treatments. For example, IMRT is a relatively new treatment method that allows higher doses of radiation to be delivered to the tumor while preserving the surrounding healthy tissue.

Some oncologists cannot even use new technologies such as IMRT. Where accessible, doctors may have little or no training and little or no experience.

In order to obtain the best possible treatment, as a patient, it would be beneficial to find an oncologist who is both familiar with the latest technologies and who practices them in institutions where they can be used.

The attitude at the bedside is also very important. A person can usually judge whether they will get along within a few minutes of meeting them. Just because it is discovered that you have or may have cancer, you are under enough stress. An oncologist who has to put up with not getting along with you can be harmful to your health, especially if your relationship with the doctor is so bad that you hate to see him or her.

However, the ability of a radiation oncologist to provide you with the best treatment may trumps everything. Make wise choices and choose best cancer specialist in Delhi NCR it is suggested by many patients.

Studying and Treating Cancerous Tumors with Best Cancer Specialist Doctor in Delhi

Oncology is the study of cancerous tumors, and oncologists are doctors who treat cancer. Although different countries and medical schools may divide oncologists into several different categories and specialties, there are two main types of oncologists. Radiation oncologists are doctors who specialize in radiotherapy for cancer, called radiotherapy, or more simply, radiotherapy.

Radiation oncology does not include chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is handled by a medical oncologist.

In some countries/regions, clinical oncologists deal with radiation therapy and chemotherapy at the same time. Surgical oncology involves the surgical treatment of tumors. The best surgical oncologist in Delhi is divided into several specialties, focusing on cancers that infect specific parts of the body.

Today, due to technological advances in the field of radiation oncology, approximately 70% of all cancer treatment plans include radiation therapy. Some of these involve strict radiotherapy, while some more serious cancer cases require a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Choosing an oncologist

It can be expected that the more experienced doctors have in oncology, the higher their record of success in treating patients. Choosing an oncologist then becomes a potentially important part of your treatment. So choose the best cancer specialist doctor in Delhi cause you may really give your life to the doctor of your choice.

In addition to the experience of treating patients, training and experience in the latest technologies are also important because new technologies can provide better cancer treatments. For example, IMRT is a relatively new treatment method that allows higher doses of radiation to be delivered to the tumor without affecting the surrounding healthy tissue.

Some oncologists cannot even use new technologies such as IMRT. Where accessible, doctors may have little or no training and little or no experience.

In order to obtain the best possible treatment, as a patient, it would be beneficial to find an oncologist who is both familiar with the latest technologies and who can practice them in an institution where they can be used. it is available in cancer specialist doctor in DelhiThe attitude at the bedside is also very important. A person can usually judge whether they will get along within a few minutes of meeting them. Just because it is discovered that you have or may have cancer, you are under enough stress. An oncologist who has to put up with not getting along with you can be harmful to your health, especially if your relationship with the doctor is so bad that you hate to see him or her.

How To Choose Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR

It is not good for anyone to be diagnosed with any type of cancer. If you are diagnosed with cancer, you will undoubtedly be sent to a medical expert called an oncologist. A cancer specialist doctor in Delhiwho can deal with cancer is an oncologist.

When choosing an oncologist, you need to consider the following points:

• Look for oncologists certified by the committee. This is a sign that you will be treated by someone with perfect competence and understanding in the field. The test shows that you are dealing with cancer, which is very dangerous, so only look for the best cancer doctor in Delhi. There are different types of committee certifications available. For example, medical oncologists are certified by the Board of Internal Medicine and have their sub-specialties in Medical Oncology, while radiation oncologists are certified by the Board of Radiation Oncology.

• Choosing a doctor based on the doctor's experience is the best way. The best sign is that he is working full-time in oncology.

• Getting comprehensive care in a good hospital is another measure of the ability of oncologists. Look for a hospital designated by the best oncologist in Delhi NCR as a comprehensive cancer care center. Because the medical and radiation oncologists and surgeons in these centers are under one roof, this will reduce your travel and coordinate your care. They also conduct research on cancer, which allows them to perform newer treatments for you.

• One way to find the best doctor is to seek a referral from the doctor who provides you with primary care. You can also consult your family, friends, or colleagues.

• NIC (National Cancer Center) is a designated cancer center that can provide you with information about oncologists practicing in the center.

• IBMS can maintain a list of doctors who have met certain training and education requirements and completed their professional courses. You must register to use this self-service resource, which allows you to search by their name or other certification area and state name. In most libraries, this directory is also available.

Oncologist Dr Dodul Mondal Offer Lung Cancer Screening - Do You Need to Be Tested?

 Screening for lung cancer in the Clinic

Hospitals across the country provide lung cancer screening. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the choice to be screened should be educated.

Lung cancer screening

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in men and women in the United States. According to recent estimates, lung cancer causes more than 150,000 deaths each year, more than the next three main causes (colon cancer, breast cancer, and pancreatic cancer) combined. This is a worrying phenomenon, undoubtedly caused by personal smoking rates and factors related to air pollution, such as car exhaust, industrial emissions and other emissions that can cover urban smog. This is a serious epidemic that has long-term effects on everyone diagnosed, even if symptoms are detected early. Therefore, it is very important to detect lung cancer. Many hospitals offer free screening, and if you are at risk, it is strongly recommended that you undergo screening.

Who is at risk?

Like most serious diseases, many people would rather not admit that they are at risk of developing lung cancer. Although understandable, this subconscious aversion must be stopped. Many people will benefit greatly from early diagnosis, because modern medical technology can greatly help those who are diagnosed. According to the CDC, people who have a history of severe smoking but continue to smoke should be tested at a local hospital. This includes people who have quit smoking in the past 15 years, as well as people between 55 and 80 who have smoked in the past. Heavy smoking is defined as 30 pack years, or smoking every day for 30 years.

Why shouldn't everyone be tested?

For terrible diseases like lung cancer, it seems surprising that the CDC does not recommend testing every American. However, the test has its own risks. The risks may be serious. In any case, you need to proceed with caution. The first risk is a false positive test result. If the test shows that the patient has the disease, but in fact they do not, there will be a false positive result. This result may lead to over-testing and even unnecessary surgery.

The second risk is the over-diagnosis of lung cancer, which occurs when the patient has lung cancer, but the tumor is completely benign and will not cause any problems to the patient. These conditions often lead to unnecessary treatment.

Finally, there is the issue of radiation exposure. The only test recommended by the CDC is called "low-dose computed tomography" or CT scan. A CT scan involves an X-ray machine that uses low-dose radiation to take pictures of the lungs. The radiation produced by the CT scan can cause cancer, even in healthy people, if the test is repeated too frequently. For these reasons, medical professionals only recommend that people undergo regular screening when they are at risk. Be sure to look for hospitals that follow CDC's recommended practices.

If you are looking for information about getting screened from a Clinic in Delhi, please contact Best Lung Cancer Doctor in Delhi.

Cancer Treatment Risks and After Effects | Best Cancer Surgeon in Delhi

 Anti-cancer and rehabilitation is a victory in itself! When you start a new stage in your life, understand the risks and side effects of the treatment you receive for treatment. This will help you cope with any expected or unexpected side effects that you may observe in the future. These side effects may be physical side effects, or social and emotional side effects.

Let us look at the most common side effects of cancer treatment so that you can fully understand and deal with them when they occur.


Cancer survivors most often complain of fatigue. This is usually caused by the medications and procedures used. They make you feel tired, no matter how many sleeps you sleep, you will feel tired. If you feel excessively tired, be sure to contact your doctor. You will be recommended some exercise and relaxation techniques.

Secondary cancer

For all cancer patients, the possibility of cancer recurrence always exists. The patient may also develop a secondary cancer. These may come from the treatment of the original cancer.

Dental problems

Chemotherapy has a negative effect on tooth enamel. This can cause long-term dental problems. High doses of radiation can change the development of teeth and cause gum disease. Tooth decay and tooth loss are other common risks. Some serious side effects also include mouth soreness or sores.


Some high-intensity drugs used in cancer treatment are known to cause blood sugar levels to drop. However, it is unclear whether this actually causes diabetes. However, they have a higher risk of diabetes.


Another important risk factor is the development of thyroid-related diseases. Symptoms to look for include weight gain due to hypothyroidism and constipation, dry skin, and sensitivity to cold.

Learning and memory

Learning and memory problems may be one of the sequelae of cancer. Primitive cancer itself affects learning and memory skills.

Certain types of cancer treatments may damage the surrounding organs. When the cancer is removed by surgery or other therapies, it may cause organ damage. This type of organ damage may have a long-term impact on the lives of patients after cancer treatment. For example, certain cancer treatments are harmful to the heart. They can cause heart failure. Symptoms to be aware of are difficulty breathing, coughing, and chest discomfort. Some drugs are also known to damage the lungs. Some chemotherapy drugs are known to damage the liver. However, others are known to damage the kidneys. If you observe any of these symptoms, be sure to contact your doctor so that they can suggest remedies before the condition worsens.

After cancer treatment, pain is inevitable. Therefore, make sure you understand all the side effects and how to deal with them from your doctor. After treatment, you will have a long list of do's and don'ts. Follow them religiously so that you will have a better quality of life in the future.

Oncologist Dr Dodul Mondal provides excellent cancer treatments for various cancer diseases. Listen and share basic information about common side effects of cancer treatment so that you can fully understand and deal with them when they occur.

Causes of Diseases Like Cancer | Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR

 The body is the host of the universe's spirit and the only God. It is very jealous and sensitive to everything from the world. People often don't realize this, they tend to get everything they can from the latter, and their bodies are full of aggressive power, bringing darkness and disease into it. This is difficult to explain unless one is willing to embark on a spiritual journey of healing.

As a counselor, I am very happy to lead many people on the path of experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit for the first time. My connection with it is natural because my memory of reincarnation and knowledge is overthrowing religious lies and myths. Being commissioned to demolish the blind wall showed me insight into its dangers and its impact on the body.

In a vision it was lifted high above the earth, and it was shown to be agglomerated by dirt. A thick black sticky substance, nothing can penetrate. Suddenly, a bright light shot from my body and passed directly through it. It orbits the planet below the black and spreads to cover it and pushes the former into several pieces into space, where it drifts into the air.

It is the black mucus that people live in and absorb into the body. This is the noise and things created by the world and mankind. It accumulates in cells and changes their properties, so they can cause cancer, diabetes, and other major diseases. So what are those black things?

They are any and all unnatural things, such as movies and stories based on novels. They include music; entertainment; celebrities; religion; politics; law; and money. It can be seen from this that they are the systems that form the world order. So why are they hurting us?

They are against the Holy Spirit! They bring abnormal thoughts and behaviors, and create a gap between us and God.

In one vision, food cooked in a barrel of boiling oil looks delicious. Suddenly, a spoon appeared in one hand. It lifted the food and dumped it in a toilet full of human excrement. The batch of food is cooked together and then placed on the plate of the hungry in need of service.

This sight made me feel sick until the answer was given in the Bible. It begins by explaining that the food of the Israelites was cooked with human dung in their eyes (Ezekiel 4:10-12). Yes, the filth of the human heart has been cooked by the things of God, and it has become spiritual food for people to eat. It is a thick black sticky substance that causes illness and death.

For More Information You Can Talk with Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR

Exercising During Cancer Treatment | Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR - Dr Dodul Mondal

 Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but it is not only preventive. After you are diagnosed with cancer, and even during cancer treatment, maintaining physical activity can enhance your health, reduce the side effects of treatment, and promote recovery.

Research supports exercise

According to the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), research has not found any harmful effects of moderate exercise on cancer patients. On the contrary, it found that the fatigue of cancer patients who exercised regularly decreased by 40% to 50%, which is one of the most common and complained side effects during cancer treatment. Another side effect that may accompany cancer treatment is depression, which can also be relieved by exercise to improve mood.

Regular physical exercise can enhance the general condition, joint flexibility and muscle strength, and improve cardiovascular function and protect bones. Surgery and certain therapies may weaken many of these things. Best radiation oncologist in Delhi NCR, The better your physical condition, the better your recovery from surgery and other treatments.

Finally, studies have shown that weight gain during and/or after treatment increases the risk of cancer recurrence, especially prostate cancer, colon cancer, and breast cancer. Exercise can maintain a healthy lifestyle, which is exactly what cancer survivors need.

When and how to exercise

If you have been exercising before the cancer diagnosis, just make sure you continue to exercise. However, if you did not have a regular exercise plan before the diagnosis, the sooner you start, the better. You will feel better, you may need less medicine, and you will reduce the risk of complications. Be sure to start before cancer treatment, but after discussing your exercise plan with your doctor to ensure safety.

If you have been inactive, don't start with strenuous physical activity. Start with walking and light-weight strength training, and then you can build up after your body adapts. Generally speaking, an effective routine consists of three parts:

    A cardiovascular exercise that makes your heart beat faster. This can include walking, swimming, jogging, cycling or dancing (this also helps to improve flexibility, depending on the type of dance you do).
    Strength training to build and regulate muscles. The most common method is to lift weights, but machines and resistance bands are also optional. If you have never done strength training before, it is very important to receive strength training instructions, because using incorrect techniques can easily hurt yourself.
    Stretch regularly to improve flexibility and keep joints and muscles soft.

Do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise 5 days a week, but don’t think you have to do it all at once. If you have trouble doing 30 minutes continuously, you can divide it into two 15-minute aerobic exercises a day. The key is movement and physical activity. Activities such as gardening and housework are also eligible.

Some hospitals and health clubs provide fitness classes specifically for cancer patients. Be sure to ask this when discussing your exercise plan with Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR.

When Is the Need of Medical Oncology for Treating Cancer Specialist Doctor in Delhi?

 The branch of medicine that deals with cancer management is called oncology. The specialist who treats the patient is called an oncologist. It is important to remember the three main components that have become necessary to increase the patient's chances of survival. Three components are mentioned below:

• Prevention—Prevention identifies risk factors such as tobacco and alcohol and reduces their intake.

• Diagnosis—Diagnosis is done by screening for cancer with the help of tests and staging.

• Treatment-treatment is performed by observing the extent of the cancer and the part of the body that was hit.

There is no exact cause for this disease, which makes it more effective, but there are several risk factors. Staying away from these factors can reduce your body's chances of contracting this disease. Some common risk factors are -

• Tobacco is considered to be the leading cause of cancer deaths. More than 20% of deaths related to this disease are caused by tobacco.

• Lifestyle choices such as smoking and drinking can increase risk.

• Cancer is particularly prominent among the elderly. This is because most cancers take years to develop. They may exist in the body for a long time, but they can only be recognized in the later stages of their full development.

• There are many carcinogens in the environment. They exist in air and water. It is difficult for us to avoid them. Some examples include arsenic, asbestos, benzene, cadmium, etc.

• Obesity-it is directly related to breast cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, endometrial cancer, esophageal cancer, kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, etc.

There are different ways to treat this disease. It includes best radiation oncologist in Delhi NCR , surgery, and medical oncology. Medical oncology refers to the completion of treatment with the help of chemotherapy, immunotherapy or targeted therapy.

• Chemotherapy

It uses drugs to kill the affected cells. A single or a combination of different drugs is given to prevent cancer cells from growing and dividing and preventing them from producing new cells. These drugs are very powerful and may kill nearby normal cells. It can be used in different ways. If used to shrink tumors before surgery, it is called neoadjuvant chemotherapy. It can also be used as the only treatment for diseases such as leukemia and lymphoma. The administered drugs are administered according to the type of cancer being treated and where the cancer has spread.

• Targeted therapy

It also works by administering drugs, but is different from chemotherapy because the goal of specific genes and proteins is to stop the growth and spread of cancer. These methods are often used in conjunction with chemotherapy and other options. A given drug has the ability to block the signals that provide tumor cells with growth and division information. It is done with two different types of help. In monoclonal antibodies, the drug blocks the exact target affected in and around the cancer. The use of small molecule drugs can stop the process that helps cancer cells multiply and spread. This therapy is commonly used for breast cancer specialist doctor in Delhi, colorectal cancer, and lung cancer.

• Immunotherapy

In immunotherapy, the body's natural immune system is strengthened to fight cancer. The substances used in combat are manufactured by the body or specially prepared in the laboratory. They work by stopping the growth of affected cells and helping the immune system to better destroy cancer cells. In oncolytic virus therapy, genetically modified viruses are used to kill cancer cells. The virus is injected into the tumor. It replicates itself, causing cells to rupture and die. Then there is T cell therapy. In this method, T cells are removed from the blood and modified in the laboratory. They re-enter the body and destroy cancer cells.

Brain Cancer Treatment - Types & Recovery

Perform brain tumor surgery to remove the tumor from the brain. In other words, this is an operation to reduce the internal pressure of the brain. If you are diagnosed with a brain tumor, the main treatment available is brain cancer treatment. Remove the tumor completely or as much as possible. Usually, surgery is the first step taken in the initial stage of treatment and other malignant tumors. This is a treatment that is widely used by everyone, and the tumor can be easily removed without the risk of neurological damage.

Types of brain tumor surgery

Mentioned below are the common types of brain tumor surgery performed so far.

1. Biopsy: An operation performed to remove a sample of tumor tissue.

2. Craniotomy: surgery to remove part of the skull. By doing so, it allows neurosurgeons to find and remove tumors as much as possible. The excised part will be replaced after the operation.

3. Craniectomy: similar to craniotomy. The only difference in this operation is that part of the skull has not been replaced.

4. Tumor reduction: perform surgery to reduce the size of the tumor.

5. Partial resection: surgery to remove only part of the tumor (due to the risk of neurological diseases)

6. Complete resection: Surgery is performed to remove the entire tumor.

7. Shunt: The insertion of the designed drainage system allows the excess fluid to be transferred from the brain to another part of the body.

8. Ommaya reservoir: a tiny container inserted under the scalp and connected to a tube. This container is used for:

a) Chemotherapy treatment of the brain and surrounding cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

b) Remove cerebrospinal fluid to detect the presence of healthy cells.

c) Clear gallbladder fluid without surgery.

9. Skull surgery: It belongs to the field of tumors, and is a specialized technique used to remove tumors in this field.

10. Transsphenoidal surgery: surgery for pituitary adenoma and craniopharyngioma.

11. Laser interstitial heat therapy: This is a minimally invasive method that uses heat to ablate tissue. So far, this is an effective and safest technique. It is also considered a minimally invasive treatment option for new or recurrent primary and metastatic tumors anywhere in the brain.

Recovery time from brain tumor surgery

The recovery time depends on:

  1.     The entire operation is complete.
  2.     The part of the brain where the tumor is located.
  3.     The area of ​​the brain affected by the surgery.
  4.     The age and overall health of the patient.

Medical disclosure:

The information contained in this article is provided for the purpose of educating the people. Nothing in this article shall be explained, nor used for medical diagnosis or treatment. It cannot replace the advice of your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider. If you have any questions about healthcare, please call or consult Best oncologist in Delhi NCR or other qualified healthcare provider immediately. Before starting a new treatment, diet or fitness program, be sure to consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional.

Brain tumor surgery is performed to remove the tumor from the brain. In other words, it's an operation done to reduce the pressure inside the brain. In case, if you are diagnosed with a brain tumor the primary treatment available to you is the brain tumor surgery. It is performed to remove the tumor, either wholly or as much it is possible. Usually, surgery is an initial step taken to treat the beginning stages and other malignant tumors. It is the widely approached treatment by all, where the tumor can be removed easily without any risk of neurological damage.

Types of Brain Tumor Surgery

Mentioned below are the common types of brain tumor surgery done till date.

1. Biopsy: A surgery performed to remove a sample of tumor tissue.

2. Craniotomy: An operation carried out to remove a portion of the skull. By doing so, it allows the neurosurgeon to find and delete the tumor as much as possible. The removed part is replaced after the surgery.

3. Craniectomy: It is similar to craniotomy. The only difference in this operation is that the portion of skull removed is not replaced.

4. Debulking: Surgery is done to reduce the size of the tumor.

5. Partial Removal: An operation carried out to remove only a part of the tumor (due to the risk of a neurological disorder)

6. Complete Removal: Surgery is done to remove the entire tumor.

7. Shunt: The insertions of drainage systems designed allows to move excess fluid from the brain to another part of the body.

8. Ommaya reservoir: A tiny container inserted under the scalp and is connected to a tube. The container is used to:

a) Give chemotherapy treatment to the brain and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) surrounding it.

b) Remove CSF to detect the presence of healthy cells.

c) Remove cystic fluid without the urge for surgery.

9. Skull Based Surgery: It belongs to the area of a tumor as well as the specialized technique used in the removal of tumors in this field.

10. Transsphenoidal Surgery: A surgery performed to operate on pituitary adenomas and craniopharyngiomas.

11. Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy: It is a minimally invasive method of ablating tissues with heat. It is an efficient and safest technique used till date. It is also considered as a minimally invasive option for new or recurrent primary and metastatic tumors anywhere in the brain.

Recovery Time for Brain Tumor Surgery

Recovery time depends on:

  1. The entire operation done.
  2. The part of brain where the tumor is located.
  3. The areas of the brain affected by surgery.
  4. Patient's age and overall health.

Medical Disclosure:

The information contained in this article is presented for the purpose of educating the people. Nothing contained in this article should be construed nor is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider. Should you have any healthcare-related questions, please call or see your physician or other qualified health care provider promptly. Always consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare professional before embarking on a new treatment, diet, or fitness program.

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Brain tumor surgery is performed to remove the tumor from the brain. In other words, it's an operation done to reduce the pressure inside the brain. In case, if you are diagnosed with a brain tumor the primary treatment available to you is the brain tumor surgery. It is performed to remove the tumor, either wholly or as much it is possible. Usually, surgery is an initial step taken to treat the beginning stages and other malignant tumors. It is the widely approached treatment by all, where the tumor can be removed easily without any risk of neurological damage.

Types of Brain Tumor Surgery

Mentioned below are the common types of brain tumor surgery done till date.

1. Biopsy: A surgery performed to remove a sample of tumor tissue.

2. Craniotomy: An operation carried out to remove a portion of the skull. By doing so, it allows the neurosurgeon to find and delete the tumor as much as possible. The removed part is replaced after the surgery.

3. Craniectomy: It is similar to craniotomy. The only difference in this operation is that the portion of skull removed is not replaced.

4. Debulking: Surgery is done to reduce the size of the tumor.

5. Partial Removal: An operation carried out to remove only a part of the tumor (due to the risk of a neurological disorder)

6. Complete Removal: Surgery is done to remove the entire tumor.

7. Shunt: The insertions of drainage systems designed allows to move excess fluid from the brain to another part of the body.

8. Ommaya reservoir: A tiny container inserted under the scalp and is connected to a tube. The container is used to:

a) Give chemotherapy treatment to the brain and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) surrounding it.

b) Remove CSF to detect the presence of healthy cells.

c) Remove cystic fluid without the urge for surgery.

9. Skull Based Surgery: It belongs to the area of a tumor as well as the specialized technique used in the removal of tumors in this field.

10. Transsphenoidal Surgery: A surgery performed to operate on pituitary adenomas and craniopharyngiomas.

11. Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy: It is a minimally invasive method of ablating tissues with heat. It is an efficient and safest technique used till date. It is also considered as a minimally invasive option for new or recurrent primary and metastatic tumors anywhere in the brain.

Recovery Time for Brain Tumor Surgery

Recovery time depends on:

  1. The entire operation done.
  2. The part of brain where the tumor is located.
  3. The areas of the brain affected by surgery.
  4. Patient's age and overall health.

Medical Disclosure:

The information contained in this article is presented for the purpose of educating the people. Nothing contained in this article should be construed nor is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider. Should you have any healthcare-related questions, please call or see your physician or other qualified health care provider promptly. Always consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare professional before embarking on a new treatment, diet, or fitness program.

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Why the Darkest Fruits and Vegetables Are the Reducing Cancer Risk | Best Lung cancer Doctor in Delhi

 Raw food is fresh, unprocessed food that has not been heated above 115 degrees. It is a food consisting of green leafy vegetables, fruits, vegetables, sea vegetables, sprouted seeds and nuts. Fresh vegetables, fruits, vegetables and bean sprouts are the best sources of raw food. Raw food contains essential nutrients such as phytochemicals, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

All of these are necessary for the body to function at an optimal level. Raw food can strengthen the immune system, help reduce the risk of cancer, help lose weight, increase energy, improve memory, detoxification, digestion and elimination.

Eating foods consisting mainly of unprocessed vegetables, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and some cooked/steamed foods is the best way to provide your body with the best nutrition in the short and long term.


Phytochemicals are plant compounds that are responsible for characteristics such as the color, smell, and taste of plants. Examples of phytochemicals include carotenoids, polyphenols (flavonoids, lignans, curcumin), chlorophyll and glucosinolates. They are the most natural anti-cancer agents on earth.


Dark fruits and vegetables are rich in flavonoids called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are found in berries such as blackberries, blueberries, elderberries, strawberries, raspberries, grapes and cherries. They are also found in some vegetables, such as eggplant, red onions, purple broccoli, purple corn and sweet potatoes.

The benefits of anthocyanins

These are some of the surprising benefits of anthocyanins:

  • Anticancer: Anthocyanins have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer in many studies.
  • Lower blood sugar: Anthocyanins help reduce diabetes, cholesterol and blood sugar.
  • Powerful antioxidant effect: Anthocyanins are very powerful antioxidants and have been proven to scavenge free radicals to reduce cancer.
  • Strengthen the immune system: Anthocyanins can help the body prevent and resist diseases by increasing cell DNA repair.
  • Lower blood pressure: Anthocyanins help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Detoxification: They help the liver detoxify the toxins in the body.
  • Anti-inflammatory: They remove free radicals that cause inflammation in the body.
  • Antibacterial function: Studies have shown that anthocyanins have effective antibacterial properties.
  • Alkalinity: They increase the alkalinity in the body and are very useful for maintaining homeostasis.
  • Enhance brain function: Anthocyanins improve cognitive function, memory and prevent age-related mental decline.
  • Vision improvement: Anthocyanins have been shown to improve vision.

All these benefits indicate that anthocyanins are important to the human body, and the intake of anthocyanin-rich foods must be increased by eating more raw, dark organic fruits and vegetables to include them in your diet. Most importantly, 1-2 slices of organic raw berries can help doctors stay away!

About the author

Dr. Dodul Mondal is the Best oncologist in delhi Ncr.Dr. Dodul Mondal, one of the best Lung Cancer Doctor in Delhi. Consult the best oncologist in Delhi NCR for treatment for lung cancer in Noida, Delhi NCR

Understand Radiation Therapy and Patient Care | Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR

 Radiation therapy is used to destroy cancer by using high energy proton beams or x-rays. This can effectively slow the tumor growth without harming the nearby healthy tissues. Doctors usually recommend radiation therapy as a primary cancer treatment. Most of the times, it is used after surgery or chemotherapy. For some cancers however, this therapy alone is an effective treatment. For some other cancers, a combination of treatments is used.

Here are some of the types of radiation therapy that you need to be aware of:

External-beam radiation therapy

This is the most common type of therapy. It delivers radiation from a machine outside the body. It can be used to treat large areas of the body is needed. A machine called a linear accelerator, or linac, creates the radiation beam for x-ray or photon. This method uses special computer software to adjust the beam's size and shape. This helps target the tumor while avoiding healthy tissue near the cancer cells.

Internal radiation therapy

In this therapy radioactive materials are placed into the cancer or surrounding tissues. These implants may be permanent or temporary. Many a times this type of treatment required hospital stay.

Safety for the patient and family

Doctors have been using therapy to treat cancer safely and effectively for more than 100 years. However, using radiation therapy slightly increases the risk of developing a second cancer. For many people, it is a known fact that best radiation oncologist in Delhi NCR helps eliminate the existing cancer. These benefits are greater than the risks that are involved in the treatment of a new cancer. During external beam radiation, the patient does not become radioactive and the radiation remains in the treatment room. However, internal radiation therapy causes the patient to give off radiation. As a result, visitors should follow these safety measures:

  •     Don't visit the patient if you are pregnant
  •     Do not visit the patient if you are younger than 18.
  •     It's important to stay at least 6 feet from the patient's bed.
  •     Your visit should be limited to 30 minutes or less each day.
  •     Permanent implants remain radioactive after the patient leaves the hospital. Because of this,the patient should not have close or more than 5 minutes of contact with children or pregnant women for 2 months.
  •    Similarly, patients who have had systemic radiation therapy should use safety precautions. For the first few days after treatment, take these precautions:
  •     Remember to wash your hands thoroughly after using the toilet.
  •     It is important to use separate utensils and towels.
  •     Also remember to drink plenty of fluids to flush the remaining radioactive material from the   body.
  •     Minimize contact with infants, children, and pregnant women.

Make sure that you understand this therapy and the risks involved in patient care. Your doctor will advice you if there are any more specific points to consider.

Dr Dodul Mondal is the best oncologist in Delhi NCR, India which provides all type of cancer treatments including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, proton therapy,medicine, bone marrow transplant and many more under top oncologist and haematologist

Radiation therapy is used to destroy cancer by using high energy proton beams or x-rays. This can effectively slow the tumor growth without harming the nearby healthy tissues. Doctors usually recommend radiation therapy as a primary cancer treatment. Most of the times, it is used after surgery or chemotherapy. For some cancers however, this therapy alone is an effective treatment. For some other cancers, a combination of treatments is used.

Here are some of the types of radiation therapy that you need to be aware of:

External-beam radiation therapy

This is the most common type of therapy. It delivers radiation from a machine outside the body. It can be used to treat large areas of the body is needed. A machine called a linear accelerator, or linac, creates the radiation beam for x-ray or photon. This method uses special computer software to adjust the beam's size and shape. This helps target the tumor while avoiding healthy tissue near the cancer cells.

Internal radiation therapy

In this therapy radioactive materials are placed into the cancer or surrounding tissues. These implants may be permanent or temporary. Many a times this type of treatment required hospital stay.

Safety for the patient and family

Doctors have been using therapy to treat cancer safely and effectively for more than 100 years. However, using radiation therapy slightly increases the risk of developing a second cancer. For many people, it is a known fact that radiation therapy helps eliminate the existing cancer. These benefits are greater than the risks that are involved in the treatment of a new cancer. During external beam radiation, the patient does not become radioactive and the radiation remains in the treatment room. However, internal radiation therapy causes the patient to give off radiation. As a result, visitors should follow these safety measures:

  • Don't visit the patient if you are pregnant
  • Do not visit the patient if you are younger than 18.
  • It's important to stay at least 6 feet from the patient's bed.
  • Your visit should be limited to 30 minutes or less each day.
  • Permanent implants remain radioactive after the patient leaves the hospital. Because of this, the patient should not have close or more than 5 minutes of contact with children or pregnant women for 2 months.
  • Similarly, patients who have had systemic radiation therapy should use safety precautions. For the first few days after treatment, take these precautions:
  • Remember to wash your hands thoroughly after using the toilet.
  • It is important to use separate utensils and towels.
  • Also remember to drink plenty of fluids to flush the remaining radioactive material from the body.
  • Minimize contact with infants, children, and pregnant women.
Make sure that you understand this therapy and the risks involved in patient care. Your doctor will advice you if there are any more specific points to consider.

Kokilaben Hospital is the best cancer hospital in Mumbai, India which provides all type of cancer treatments including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, medicine, bone marrow transplant and many more under top oncologist and haematologist

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Radiation therapy is used to destroy cancer by using high energy proton beams or x-rays. This can effectively slow the tumor growth without harming the nearby healthy tissues. Doctors usually recommend radiation therapy as a primary cancer treatment. Most of the times, it is used after surgery or chemotherapy. For some cancers however, this therapy alone is an effective treatment. For some other cancers, a combination of treatments is used.

Here are some of the types of radiation therapy that you need to be aware of:

External-beam radiation therapy

This is the most common type of therapy. It delivers radiation from a machine outside the body. It can be used to treat large areas of the body is needed. A machine called a linear accelerator, or linac, creates the radiation beam for x-ray or photon. This method uses special computer software to adjust the beam's size and shape. This helps target the tumor while avoiding healthy tissue near the cancer cells.

Internal radiation therapy

In this therapy radioactive materials are placed into the cancer or surrounding tissues. These implants may be permanent or temporary. Many a times this type of treatment required hospital stay.

Safety for the patient and family

Doctors have been using therapy to treat cancer safely and effectively for more than 100 years. However, using radiation therapy slightly increases the risk of developing a second cancer. For many people, it is a known fact that radiation therapy helps eliminate the existing cancer. These benefits are greater than the risks that are involved in the treatment of a new cancer. During external beam radiation, the patient does not become radioactive and the radiation remains in the treatment room. However, internal radiation therapy causes the patient to give off radiation. As a result, visitors should follow these safety measures:

  • Don't visit the patient if you are pregnant
  • Do not visit the patient if you are younger than 18.
  • It's important to stay at least 6 feet from the patient's bed.
  • Your visit should be limited to 30 minutes or less each day.
  • Permanent implants remain radioactive after the patient leaves the hospital. Because of this, the patient should not have close or more than 5 minutes of contact with children or pregnant women for 2 months.
  • Similarly, patients who have had systemic radiation therapy should use safety precautions. For the first few days after treatment, take these precautions:
  • Remember to wash your hands thoroughly after using the toilet.
  • It is important to use separate utensils and towels.
  • Also remember to drink plenty of fluids to flush the remaining radioactive material from the body.
  • Minimize contact with infants, children, and pregnant women.
Make sure that you understand this therapy and the risks involved in patient care. Your doctor will advice you if there are any more specific points to consider.

Kokilaben Hospital is the best cancer hospital in Mumbai, India which provides all type of cancer treatments including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, medicine, bone marrow transplant and many more under top oncologist and haematologist

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Radiation therapy is used to destroy cancer by using high energy proton beams or x-rays. This can effectively slow the tumor growth without harming the nearby healthy tissues. Doctors usually recommend radiation therapy as a primary cancer treatment. Most of the times, it is used after surgery or chemotherapy. For some cancers however, this therapy alone is an effective treatment. For some other cancers, a combination of treatments is used.

Here are some of the types of radiation therapy that you need to be aware of:

External-beam radiation therapy

This is the most common type of therapy. It delivers radiation from a machine outside the body. It can be used to treat large areas of the body is needed. A machine called a linear accelerator, or linac, creates the radiation beam for x-ray or photon. This method uses special computer software to adjust the beam's size and shape. This helps target the tumor while avoiding healthy tissue near the cancer cells.

Internal radiation therapy

In this therapy radioactive materials are placed into the cancer or surrounding tissues. These implants may be permanent or temporary. Many a times this type of treatment required hospital stay.

Safety for the patient and family

Doctors have been using therapy to treat cancer safely and effectively for more than 100 years. However, using radiation therapy slightly increases the risk of developing a second cancer. For many people, it is a known fact that radiation therapy helps eliminate the existing cancer. These benefits are greater than the risks that are involved in the treatment of a new cancer. During external beam radiation, the patient does not become radioactive and the radiation remains in the treatment room. However, internal radiation therapy causes the patient to give off radiation. As a result, visitors should follow these safety measures:

  • Don't visit the patient if you are pregnant
  • Do not visit the patient if you are younger than 18.
  • It's important to stay at least 6 feet from the patient's bed.
  • Your visit should be limited to 30 minutes or less each day.
  • Permanent implants remain radioactive after the patient leaves the hospital. Because of this, the patient should not have close or more than 5 minutes of contact with children or pregnant women for 2 months.
  • Similarly, patients who have had systemic radiation therapy should use safety precautions. For the first few days after treatment, take these precautions:
  • Remember to wash your hands thoroughly after using the toilet.
  • It is important to use separate utensils and towels.
  • Also remember to drink plenty of fluids to flush the remaining radioactive material from the body.
  • Minimize contact with infants, children, and pregnant women.
Make sure that you understand this therapy and the risks involved in patient care. Your doctor will advice you if there are any more specific points to consider.

Kokilaben Hospital is the best cancer hospital in Mumbai, India which provides all type of cancer treatments including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, medicine, bone marrow transplant and many more under top oncologist and haematologist

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Cancer Treatments and Side-Effects: Best Cancer Doctor in Delhi

Therefore, you are told that your cancer will be treated with chemotherapy. What does this mean? Are the side effects as serious as you heard? How's the effect? Why not use another treatment? What about immunotherapy? These are important questions you should ask your doctor, but in order for you to make a difference, here is some basic information about these two common cancer treatments: 

chemotherapy and immunotherapy.


The method of using drugs to treat cancer is chemotherapy. Unlike surgery or radiation therapy that removes, kills, or destroys cancer in a specific area, chemotherapy works throughout the body and can be used to kill cancer cells that have spread to other parts of the radiation oncologist in Delhi NCR, Chemotherapy can be used to cure cancer, control cancer or relieve pain.

Common side effects caused by chemotherapy include fatigue, hair loss, easy bruising and bleeding, anemia, infection, changes in appetite, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, mouth, tongue, and throat problems (such as painful swallowing and sores). , Nail and skin changes, bladder and urine changes, kidney problems, weight changes, mood changes, fertility problems, and changes in sexual function and libido. It is important to remember that the presence of all these side effects does not mean you will experience cancer specialist doctor in Delhi, You may have little or no. Chemotherapy affects everyone differently.


Using the body's immune system to fight cancer is called immunotherapy. This can be done in one of two ways:

  1.     By stimulating the immune system to attack cancer cells or work harder.
  2.     By providing you with immune system components, such as artificial protein.

Immunotherapy is better for certain types of cancer than others. Sometimes it is used as the sole treatment method, sometimes in combination with other treatment methods. Immunotherapy can be given intravenously (IV), orally, locally or in the bladder (directly into the bladder). The main forms of immunotherapy currently used to treat cancer are:

    Monoclonal antibodies-artificial proteins, can be designed to attack specific parts of cancer cells.
    Immune checkpoint inhibitors-drugs that help the immune system recognize and attack cancercells.
    Cancer vaccine-a substance introduced into the body to initiate an immune response.
    Non-specific immunotherapy-usually can strengthen the immune system, thereby helping it to attack  cancer cells.

The possible side effects of immunotherapy depend on the type of immunotherapy received, but in general, possible side effects include skin reactions at the needle site, flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, chills, weakness, nausea or vomiting), and dizziness , Fatigue, joint or muscle aches, difficulty breathing, headache, high blood pressure or low blood pressure), weight gain due to fluid accumulation, swelling, sinus congestion, heart, and risk of infection.

For More Information you can visit : Best cancer Doctor in Delhi

What Patients Should Know About Vaginal Cancer ?

  Vaginal cancer is a rare but significant type of cancer that begins in the vagina, the muscular tube connecting the uterus to the outside ...