Proton beam therapy doctor in delhi | Dr Dodul Mandal

 Proton Treatment Centre

In the world of medical technology lungs cancer specialist in delhi, "state-of-the-art" may be a continually upgrading objective and therefore the refore the recent technological advances in genomics and the molecular sciences have opened new vistas to accelerate knowledge about the genetic and environmental components of cancer initiation, promotion and progression through studies in Molecular Epidemiology.

The Proton Treatment Centre at Apollo Hospitals, Chennai will be the first proton cancer centre in South East Asia to identify priority areas for Research & Development and related areas and will carry out basic and applied research. It will develop cancer control strategies which can include newer modalities of prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of cancer best radiation oncologist in delhi ncr.

The Proton Treatment Centre will Proton beam therapy doctor in Delhi l specialise in organ specific cancer management and can have a fanatical Apollo Oncology Team.Proton Beam Therapy provides a complicated radiation treatment option for the oncologists. The treatment provided is very precise and therefore the radiation is concentrated directly into the tumor, without causing any harm to the adjoining tissues. Tumours in difficult to access areas like , in head, neck, brain, pancreas and prostate are often targeted. Paediatric cancer patients also will benefit to a greater extent from this technology.

What is Proton Therapy?

Over six lakh individuals die of cancer per annum in India and quite half them are within the age bracket of 30-70 years. Today, Proton therapy is employed to treat many cancers and is especially appropriate in situations where treatment options are restricted or conventional radiotherapy poses a peril to the patient.

The clinical advantages of proton therapy in contrast to standard radiotherapy are huge, with quite 80,000 patients treated worldwide. Apollo Hospitals, always ahead in bringing such clinical innovations to the people of India, has planned, developed and equipped the Proton Therapy centre, providing the newest hi-tech equipments as well as excellent scientific and engineering expertise.

Proton Beam Therapy is one among the foremost superior sorts of radiotherapy within the world. It uses high-energy proton beam for cancer treatment. It is a sort of particle therapy which will inaugurate a paradigm change in cancer treatment. It provides targeted treatment and intensification unlike the other radiation treatment.

Conventional radiotherapy employs high energy X-Rays for the treatment of cancer and certain benign tumors. In doing so, it also damages the encompassing healthy tissue by delivery of radiation to the healthy tissue round the tumor. In contrast, proton beam delivers a high dosage of radiation only to the tumor maximizing the probabilities of cure and successively minimizing the adverse effects to the encompassing healthy tissues.

In addition, a superlative advantage is that the proper dose distribution. A low dosage of radiation is emanated at the body surface which is followed by a pointy burst once it hits the tumor, with negligible radiation travelling beyond the target.

Conventional radiation is very penetrating and delivers a dose throughout any volume of tissue exposed to radiation. However, majority of the radiation is delivered only 0.5 to three cm from the patient’s skin, counting on the energy it had been primarily given. It then slowly loses this energy until it reaches the target. As tumors are 

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