Cancer Specialist Doctor in Delhi:- Types of Treatment Available Today

 There are many options for treating cancer. Your doctor will choose the right treatment for you based on the type of cancer you have and at what stage the cancer was detected. The doctor also considers the side effects you may suffer from the treatment and your physical ability to cope with these diseases.

Treatment ranges from a single form to a combination of two or more forms. Patients and their families are involved in the decision-making of the treatment plan recommended by your doctor. Although you are anxious and overwhelmed by the challenges of overcoming the disease, once you understand the treatment methods, this task becomes easier.

Treatment programs

  •     Surgery
  •     Radiation Therapy
  •     Chemotherapy
  •     Immunotherapy
  •     Targeted therapy
  •     Hormone Therapy
  •     Stem cell transplant
  •     drug


This is a surgical procedure to remove cancer cells from the body. It is performed by well-trained surgeons. Your surgeon can choose open surgery or minimally invasive surgery as needed. Open surgery can remove cancerous growths and adjacent healthy tissues and lymph nodes. Laparoscopic surgery involves inserting cameras and equipment into holes drilled in the body to remove growths, with less impact on surrounding tissues.

Radiation Therapy

This treatment uses high doses of radiation to cauterize and shrink the growth of cancer and stop its spread. External radiation uses a machine to direct the radiation to your cancer growth without touching the human body. Internal radiation brings the solid form of radiation source close to growth for directed release in the blood or in liquid form, allowing it to pass through the tissue and target random cancer cells.


This requires the use of specific drugs to kill cancer cells to stop or delay cell growth. It can be used to treat cancer, prevent recurrence, and stop or shrink the growth of cancer cells.


This is a biological therapy that helps the immune system fight cancer. It uses organisms to improve the function and influence of the immune system. Monoclonal antibodies bind to specific targets and trigger an immune response to kill cancer cells. Adaptive cell transfer improves the natural ability of T cells to fight cancer. Cytokines are the body's own protein products used to enhance the immune system's response. Therapeutic vaccines fight cancer cells by triggering an effect on the growth of cancer cells.

Targeted therapy

This challenges the changes in cancer cells and affects their ability to divide and grow. This is done by using small molecule drugs or monoclonal antibodies.

Hormone Therapy

It is particularly useful for breast cancer. It stops or slows down the production of hormones that promote the growth of cancer cells. They work in two ways: preventing the production of hormones in the body or changing the behavior of these hormones.

Stem cell transplant

For patients whose blood cells are damaged or destroyed due to disease or treatment, this procedure can replace the stem cells that produce blood.

The best cancer specialist Doctor in Delhi, offers all types of cancer treatments at affordable prices, including stem cell transplantation, radiation therapy, chemotherapy

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