Dr. Dodul Mondal is one of the most dynamic and best radiation oncologists In Delhi NCR with international repute who has an experience of working with Proton Beam Therapy at one of the largest university hospitals in the United States.
Risk factor and Symptoms Of Colorectal Cancer
What is
colorectal cancer
The colon
The colon is
an around 5-to 6-foot long cylinder that interfaces the small digestive tract
to the rectum. The colon — which, alongside the rectum, is known as the
internal organ — moves and cycles processing food across your body and down
towards the rectum, where it leaves the body as stool. There are a few pieces
of the colon, including:
Rising colon:
This segment is where undigested food starts its excursion through the colon.
Undigested food moves upwards through this part, where liquid is reabsorbed all
the more effectively.
Cross over
colon: Moving across the body, the cross over colon takes the food from one
side of the body to the next (right to left).
colon: Once the food has traversed the top through the cross over colon, it
advances descending through the plummeting colon — normally on the left side.
colon: The last part of the colon, this piece is molded like an "S"
and it is the last stop before the rectum.
How does colorectal cancer develop?
The body's
all's cells ordinarily develop, separation, and afterward bite the dust to
appropriately keep the body solid and working. Here and there this interaction
gains out of influence. Cells continue developing and isolating in any event,
when they should bite the dust. At the point when the cells coating the colon
and rectum duplicate uncontrolled, colorectal disease may at last create.
most colorectal tumors start as little precancerous (adenomatous or serrated)
polyps. These polyps for the most part develop gradually and don't cause side
effects until they become enormous or malignant. This permits the chance for
discovery and expulsion at this pre-harmful polyp stage before the advancement
of malignant growth.
What are the
signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer
Sadly, a few
colorectal tumors may be available with practically no signs or side effects. Therefore,
it is vital to have standard colorectal screenings (assessments) to early
distinguish issues. The best screening assessment is a colonoscopy. Other
screening choices incorporate waste mysterious blood tests, waste DNA tests,
adaptable sigmoidoscopy, barium douche, and CT colonography (virtual
colonoscopy). The age at which such screening tests start relies on your gamble
factors, particularly a family background of colon and rectal malignant
of whether you have a family background of colorectal disease or polyps, let
your PCP know if you have any of the signs that could show a colorectal
malignant growth, come what may your age. Normal indications of colorectal
disease incorporate the accompanying:
Change in
entrail propensities: Constipation, the runs, restricting of stools, fragmented
clearing, and gut incontinence — albeit normally side effects of other, less
difficult issues — can likewise be side effects of colorectal malignant growth.
Blood on or
in the stool: By far the most observable of the multitude of signs, blood on or
in the stool can be related with colorectal malignant growth. Be that as it
may, it doesn't be guaranteed to demonstrate malignant growth, since various
different issues can cause draining in the gastrointestinal system, including
hemorrhoids, butt-centric tears (gaps), ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's
illness, to give some examples. What's more, iron and a few food sources, like
beets, can give the stool a dark or red appearance, dishonestly showing blood
in the stool. Nonetheless, on the off chance that you notice blood in or on
your stool, see your PCP to preclude a difficult condition and to guarantee
that legitimate treatment is gotten.
weakness: Anemia is a lack of red platelets — the cells that convey oxygen all
through the body. Assuming that you are iron deficient, you might encounter
windedness. You may likewise feel drained and drowsy, to such an extent that
rest doesn't encourage you.
Stomach or
pelvic agony or bulging
Unexplained weight
that you experience any of these signs or side effects, seeing your primary
care physician for evaluation is significant. For a patient with colorectal
malignant growth, early determination and treatment can life-save.
When should screening for colorectal cancer begin?
The American
Cancer Society suggests that individuals at normal gamble of colorectal disease
start standard screening at age 45. Different specialists suggest standard
separating normal gamble people to begin no later than at age 50. Nonetheless,
on the off chance that you have an individual or a family background of
colorectal polyps or malignant growth, or provocative gut sickness, screening
might have to start before age 45. People ought to go through screening since
colorectal polyps and disease influence the two sexes. Ask your medical care
supplier what age is ideal to begin your screening in view of your own gamble
factors.What if I have a family history of colorectal cancer?
Your primary
care physician might suggest prior evaluating for colorectal disease in the
event that you have a family background of the condition. To decide the
suitable age to begin screening, your PCP will talk about all of your gamble
factors with you. These gamble elements can incorporate a family or individual
history of polyps, a past filled with malignant growth in the midsection, and a
background marked by provocative entrail illness.
A few
investigations have discovered that having a first-degree relative with
colorectal disease puts you at a gamble that is 2-3 times higher than somebody
without a first-degree relative with colorectal malignant growth. A
first-degree relative is characterized as your mom, your dad, your sibling or
sister, and your youngster. Your gamble can likewise be higher on the off
chance that you have others in your family with colorectal disease, regardless
of whether they are not first-degree family members. They could be
grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews, even grandkids.
The age at which any relative is analyzed is likewise significant. The gamble to you is more huge when the relative is analyzed before age 45.
Around 75%
of individuals who really do get colorectal malignant growth don't get it due
to hereditary qualities. Around 10% to 30% do have a family background of the
What is involved in screening for colorectal cancer?
tests are used to screen for colorectal cancer. Although colonoscopy is most
recommended, other options are available. These are the most common screening
immunochemical test (FIT): This test looks for blood in the stool that is
not easily seen visually. This test can be done at home by collecting stool in
tubes. The collected stool will be tested at a lab for any blood.
fecal occult blood test (gFOBT): Similar to the FIT test, the guaiac-based
fecal occult blood test also looks for hidden blood in the stool. The specimen
(stool) for this test is also collected at home and sent to a lab. In this
test, a chemical reaction is used to screen for any hidden blood. However, the
gFOBT is unable to determine where in the digestive tract the blood is coming
from. Additional testing will be needed to determine the exact location of the
Fecal DNA
test: The fecal DNA test works by detecting genetic mutations and blood
products in the stool. Genetic material, called DNA, is present in every cell
of the body, including the cells lining the colon. Normal colon cells and their
genetic material are passed with the stool every day. When a colorectal cancer
or a large polyp develops, abnormalities (or mutations) occur in the genetic
material of the cells. Some mutations present in the polyp or cancer can be
detected by laboratory analysis of the stool.
sigmoidoscopy: A flexible sigmoidoscopy uses a device called a
sigmoidoscope to see inside the rectum and lower colon. Unlike the tool used
during a colonoscopy, this device is not as long, limiting how much of the
colon can be seen. During this procedure, the sigmoidoscope is inserted into
the anus and up through the rectum and sigmoid colon (s-shaped part). Gas is
pumped in during the procedure to allow the caregiver the best possible view.
This is a brief outpatient procedure, often performed without sedation. The
bowel must be empty for this procedure—typically done with the help of a
laxative and or enema beforethe test. Small polyps found during the procedure
can be removed and tested for cancer. If these tests come back positive, a
colonoscopy will be done.
Colonoscopy: Colonoscopy
is the best procedure to check for colorectal polyps and cancer. Colonoscopy is
an outpatient procedure in which a physician uses a long, flexible scope
(called a colonoscope) to view the rectum and entire colon. During the
procedure, polyps can be removed and tested for signs of cancer. The bowel must
be cleaned-out—done with the help of a laxative (“bowel preparation”)—before
the procedure begins. The patient is usually given a sedative for this procedure
and will need help getting home afterwards as the sedative wears off. A
colonoscopy is considered a safe procedure with few risks.
contrast barium enema: This is an X-ray examination of the colon and
rectum in which barium is given as an enema (through the rectum). Air is then
blown into the rectum to expand the colon, producing an outline of the colon on
an X-ray. Barium enema is not the most accurate method and should not be the
procedure of choice for colorectal cancer screening. It also requires a bowel
How is colorectal cancer diagnosed?
malignant growth can be analyzed by an assortment of tests. This condition can
be analyzed after you show side effects or on the other hand on the off chance
that your parental figure finds something during a screening test that isn't
During the
analysis interaction, your PCP might do the accompanying tests:
Blood tests
(Complete blood count, growth markers and liver compounds)
tests (X-beams, CT examine, MRI check, PET output, ultrasound, angiography)
colonoscopy (done after you show side effects, not as a normal screening test)
screening tests are finished before you show any side effects. These tests are
point by point above.
Blood Cancer Diagnosis Steps
Diagnosis of blood cancer usually begins with a visit to the doctor.
The doctor will usually start by gathering information, such as the known family history of cancer and the person's medical history. Then, the doctor will perform various tests to further investigate:
Physical examination
The doctor will examine the patient for general signs of health, including palpating any strange lumps or unusual occurrences in the body.
Blood test
A blood sample is taken from the person and sent to a lab for further testing. There are several types of blood tests, including:
Complete blood count (CBC): the person's blood is tested for a complete blood count. This involves examining and determining the number of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets in the blood.
Peripheral blood smear: This test is usually done as a follow-up if the results of the blood count are abnormal. The smear is used to check for any abnormalities present and the appearance of the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.
Blood chemistry: this is used to measure the health of a person.
Blood Coagulation Tests
This measures whether the blood clots normally, because clotting is a function of the platelets and proteins in the blood. Some blood cancers can reduce the number of platelets and cause frequent bruising or bleeding. Blood clotting tests can help determine whether the bruising and bleeding are due to the cancer or to another cause.
Urine tests
Myeloma can affect kidney function. If myeloma is suspected, urine tests are done to determine the function of the kidneys and assess their health.
A biopsy involves removing a small piece of tissue from the body to examine it for the presence of cancer cells. The doctor may suggest taking a sample of tissue from the bone marrow (called a bone marrow biopsy) or taking a sample of fluid from the bone marrow (called a bone marrow aspiration).
This examination can be used specifically for myeloma. It helps to detect lesions in the bones caused by myeloma. It can also detect weakened areas of bone or fractures that may need surgery.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
This procedure uses a magnetic field, radio waves, and a computer to create detailed images of areas in the body. This can be used to detect areas where the bone is damaged. This can help confirm the presence and spread of myeloma.
Treatment of blood cancer
Treatment for blood cancer depends on the type of blood cancer, the stage of the cancer, the rate of growth and spread of the cancer to other parts of the body, the genetic mutations that may be present in the cancer cells, and the age and overall health of the person with cancer. Here are some treatment options you may consider.
Watchful waiting
In certain cases of blood cancer, a wait-and-see approach is recommended. This usually happens when the person does not experience any symptoms of their disease and the blood cancer is slow growing. The person's health is closely monitored and no treatment is given, except for treatment of infections. Doctors monitor the person for changes in condition and symptoms, such as fatigue, weight loss, or an enlarged spleen.
This form of medication is injected into the body or taken in the form of pills. It contains cancer drugs that help kill cancer cells and stop their production, although they can also attack other cells in the body.
Targeted therapies
This form of treatment is most commonly used to treat leukemia. Drugs are used that specifically kill malignant blood cells. These drugs do not harm normal cells. Targeted therapies block the growth of cancer cells instead of killing the cancer cells. Therefore, they are usually used in conjunction with chemotherapy to treat blood cancers.
Radiation therapy
High-energy radiation is used to kill cancer cells. Radiation therapy may be used to treat bone pain caused by the growth of blood cancer cells in the bone marrow. It may also be used before a stem cell transplant.
Surgery is used to remove affected lymph nodes to treat certain types of blood cancer. In some cases, a person with blood cancer may have surgery to remove an enlarged spleen that may be pressing on other organs, such as the stomach, causing discomfort.
This form of treatment involves activating the body's immune system to specifically kill cancer cells.
Stem cell transplant
After chemotherapy, healthy stem cells are infused into the body to restore bone marrow and continue healthy blood production to destroy malignant blood cells. Chemotherapy effectively destroys the cancer cells, but often damages the healthy blood cells as well. These stem cells are immature cells that can grow into new blood cells. They are taken from the cancer patient before chemotherapy begins or donated by a donor.
For many who are diagnosed with blood cancer, the goal of treatment is to cure the cancer And completely eliminate all signs of cancer in the body. This is called a complete remission. However, partial remission is also possible, and this is when only a small number of cancer cells remain in the body.
Some blood cancers are chronic and cannot be cured, but are treated with ongoing treatment. For many people, blood cancer does not shorten life expectancy, and regular medications and treatments can help stabilise the condition. If the cancer becomes more aggressive, more intensive treatment may be needed to control the cancer.
How to prevent blood cancer
To prevent blood cancer, it can be helpful to reduce exposure to factors that increase the risk for blood cancer and to adopt healthy lifestyle habits. Some tips include:
Avoid exposure to radiation, chemicals such as pesticides or benzene.
Avoid smoking or tobacco in any form.
Stay active and keep fit by exercising regularly.
Eat a healthy diet, with plenty of vitamins and antioxidants.
Blood cancer in a nutshell: classification and Investigation
Blood cancer is a diverse group of diseases that result from the neoplastic proliferation of a malignant blood cell in the hematopoietic system. The clinical presentation of blood cancer is variable and depends largely on the location and severity of the disease.
Classification of blood cancer
Blood cancers are classified as myeloid (related to the bone marrow) or lymphoid (related to the tissues that produce lymphocytes and antibodies) depending on the hematopoietic lineage in which an abnormality occurred; they can also be classified into one of the following groups:
Conceptual image illustrating the destruction of a leukaemia cell as a result of treatment.
Leukaemia is a cancer in which malignant hematopoietic cells are found in the bone marrow and peripheral blood. Leukaemia can be classified as myeloid or lymphoid, acute or chronic, depending on how quickly the disease breaks out. In acute leukaemia, there is an abnormal proliferation of blasts (poorly differentiated immature cells) and maturation arrest may occur. In contrast, in chronic leukaemia, there are no blasts as the malignant cells continue to mature during hematopoiesis.
Lymphomas affect the lymphoid lineage and are chronic malignancies. Malignant lymphoid cells usually accumulate in and are confined to the lymphoid organs, resulting in a lymphoid static tumour. When the affected lymphoid organ becomes so crowded with malignant cells that they accumulate there, the cells may invade organs outside the lymphoid tissue, such as the peripheral blood and bone marrow. Lymphomas are broadly classified as Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), depending on whether the malignant tumour contains Reed-Sternberg cells (abnormal lymphocytes found only in HL ).
Myelodysplastic syndromes are myeloid malignancies in which immature myeloid progenitor cells accumulate in the bone marrow. As a result, these immature cells die before they can mature into effector cells. This leads to ineffective haemopoiesis and consequently to a reduction in red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.
Conception image showing the secretion of excess immunoglobulin (M proteins) from the malignant plasma cells (myeloma cells) in multiple myeloma.
Multiple myeloma is a lymphoid malignancy in which there is an abnormal proliferation of malignant plasma cells. In a healthy state, plasma cells are required for the production of antibodies. In multiple myeloma, the malignant plasma cells oversynthesize and secrete excessive amounts of monoclonal immunoglobulins called paraproteins. In excessive concentrations in plasma, the paraproteins can cause severe tissue damage to a number of organs.
Myeloproliferative disorders are myeloid abnormalities in which there is an abnormal overproduction of myeloid cells in the bone marrow, usually causing erythrocytosis, thrombocytosis, neutrophilia, and basophilia. The major myeloproliferative disorders are CML, polycythaemia vera, myelofibrosis and essential thrombocythaemia.
Investigation of blood cancers
The role of a pathology laboratory is essential in the investigation of blood cancers. It is important to accurately diagnose malignancies because treatment strategies vary widely and an incorrect diagnosis can have a major impact on a patient's prognosis. There are many different tests and analytical techniques that can be used in the investigation of a suspected blood cancer, including the following:
A complete blood count (FBC) provides data on red blood cell, white blood cell, and platelet indices. These parameters are critical because they indicate the number of each cell line and help determine bone marrow involvement. In some cases, the results of the blood count are one of the first indications of suspected blood cancer, and the analysis of the blood count may lead to requesting further tests.
Morphological analysis of blood by examining a blood film under a microscope.
Morphological examination of peripheral blood and/or bone marrow helps to identify the shape, size, characteristics, cellular inclusions and maturity of blood cells. Certain morphologic features are clearly associated with specific types of blood cancers. Therefore, analysis of morphology is crucial in making a diagnosis or determining further investigations.
Immunophenotyping analyzes the expression of antigenic markers expressed on the cell surface. These markers are referred to as clusters of differentiation (CD). Specific markers associated with each cell lineage allow the identification of cell populations. In healthy individuals, certain CD markers should be present. However, in malignancies, there may be loss of expression, overexpression, and aberrant expression of certain markers that should not be present in a healthy individual. By comparing the results to normal expected expression, healthy and malignant cell populations can be distinguished.
Cytogenetics examines cells at the molecular level because some blood cancers are caused by a chromosomal mutation. By analyzing the carotype and chromosomal structure of a patient, genetic mutations can be identified.
Histological processing of a tissue biopsy
Histological examination of a biopsy (e.g., of a lymph node) can provide information about the architecture of the tissue and the type of cells present. This helps to determine the presence and/or spread of malignant disease.
Due to the heterogeneous nature of blood cancers, a multidisciplinary laboratory approach is often required for diagnosis. Therefore, to aid in the diagnosis, all laboratory results must be interpreted in conjunction with the clinical presentation.
Innovations and advances in the field of blood cancers are making rapid progress to reduce the prevalence of such diseases and improve the prognosis for those affected.
Statistical Data For Breast Cancer In India
With being the most notable sort of disease in women, Breast sickness addresses 14% of cancers in Indian women. It is represented that with at ordinary spans, an Indian not really set in stone to have Breast disease. Breast cancerous development is on the climb, both in nation and metropolitan India. A 2018 report of Breast Cancer estimations recorded 1,62,468 new enrolled cases and 87,090 definite passings.
disease perseverance ends up being more inconvenient in higher periods of its turn of events, and over portion of Indian women experience the evil impacts of stage 3 and 4 of Breast illness. Post illness perseverance for women with Breast cancerous development was represented 60% for Indian women, when stood out from 80% in the U.S. Early detection is very crucial by breast cancer doctor in Delhi.
Women can self-examine their condition and think about the presence of bulges or masses that propose risky outgrowths. The very defense behind a low Breast cancer perseverance speed of women in India accounts from its shortfall of care and poor early screening and discovering rates.
With the latest audit reports, India's most raised harmful development rate is recorded in the territory of Kerala. Various states with high harmful development rates in India fuse Mizoram, Haryana, Delhi and Karnataka. Mizoram addressed the most significant cancer passing rates in the country, followed by Kerala and Haryana.
As the most generally perceived sickness type in Indian women, women in their mid thirties till fifties are at huge risk to cultivate Breast cancerous development, and the rate peril increases till its top when they show up at 50-64 years of age. One of each 28 Indian women is most likely going to encourage Breast cancer during her lifetime. It is more (1 out of 22) for metropolitan women than the rural social occasion (1 out of 60). A report communicated that illness caused 5% of the total debilitation changed life years(DALYs) in the Indian people in 2016. Palliative thought has shown obliging for patients to ease them of the inadequacy from cancer. One should receive the good breast cancer treatment in Delhi NCR.
Breast cancer is the most notable sort of infection in the country, having outperformed cervical cancerous development. In metropolitan networks like Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Breast cancer addresses 25% to 32% of each female illness, mutiple/fourth of each and every female harm.
It's moreover more ordinary in the more energetic age pack. For all intents and purposes half of all cases are in the age social occasion of 25-50.
The numbers are vacillating and constantly rising. The Indian Council for Medical Research actually conveyed a report which communicated that in 2016 indisputably the quantity of new harm cases is depended upon to be around 14.5 lakhs. This figure will most likely addition to 17.3 lakhs in 2020.
If you or your loved is looking for best breast oncologist in Delhi, contact Dr. Dodul Mondal.
Studying and Treating Cancerous Tumors with Best Cancer Specialist Doctor in Delhi
Oncology is the study of cancerous tumors, and oncologists are doctors who treat cancer. Although different countries and medical schools may divide oncologists into several different categories and specialties, there are two main types of oncologists. Radiation oncologists are doctors who specialize in radiotherapy for cancer, called radiotherapy, or more simply, radiotherapy.
Radiation oncology does not include chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is handled by a medical oncologist.
In some countries/regions, clinical oncologists deal with radiation therapy and chemotherapy at the same time. Surgical oncology involves the surgical treatment of tumors. The best surgical oncologist in Delhi is divided into several specialties, focusing on cancers that infect specific parts of the body.
Today, due to technological advances in the field of radiation oncology, approximately 70% of all cancer treatment plans include radiation therapy. Some of these involve strict radiotherapy, while some more serious cancer cases require a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Choosing an oncologist
It can be expected that the more experienced doctors have in oncology, the higher their record of success in treating patients. Choosing an oncologist then becomes a potentially important part of your treatment. So choose the best cancer specialist doctor in Delhi cause you may really give your life to the doctor of your choice.
In addition to the experience of treating patients, training and experience in the latest technologies are also important because new technologies can provide better cancer treatments. For example, IMRT is a relatively new treatment method that allows higher doses of radiation to be delivered to the tumor without affecting the surrounding healthy tissue.
Some oncologists cannot even use new technologies such as IMRT. Where accessible, doctors may have little or no training and little or no experience.
In order to obtain the best possible treatment, as a patient, it would be beneficial to find an oncologist who is both familiar with the latest technologies and who can practice them in an institution where they can be used. it is available in cancer specialist doctor in Delhi. The attitude at the bedside is also very important. A person can usually judge whether they will get along within a few minutes of meeting them. Just because it is discovered that you have or may have cancer, you are under enough stress. An oncologist who has to put up with not getting along with you can be harmful to your health, especially if your relationship with the doctor is so bad that you hate to see him or her.
How To Choose Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR
It is not good for anyone to be diagnosed with any type of cancer. If you are diagnosed with cancer, you will undoubtedly be sent to a medical expert called an oncologist. A cancer specialist doctor in Delhi, who can deal with cancer is an oncologist.
When choosing an oncologist, you need to consider the following points:
• Look for oncologists certified by the committee. This is a sign that you will be treated by someone with perfect competence and understanding in the field. The test shows that you are dealing with cancer, which is very dangerous, so only look for the best cancer doctor in Delhi. There are different types of committee certifications available. For example, medical oncologists are certified by the Board of Internal Medicine and have their sub-specialties in Medical Oncology, while radiation oncologists are certified by the Board of Radiation Oncology.
• Choosing a doctor based on the doctor's experience is the best way. The best sign is that he is working full-time in oncology.
• Getting comprehensive care in a good hospital is another measure of the ability of oncologists. Look for a hospital designated by the best oncologist in Delhi NCR as a comprehensive cancer care center. Because the medical and radiation oncologists and surgeons in these centers are under one roof, this will reduce your travel and coordinate your care. They also conduct research on cancer, which allows them to perform newer treatments for you.
• One way to find the best doctor is to seek a referral from the doctor who provides you with primary care. You can also consult your family, friends, or colleagues.
• NIC (National Cancer Center) is a designated cancer center that can provide you with information about oncologists practicing in the center.
• IBMS can maintain a list of doctors who have met certain training and education requirements and completed their professional courses. You must register to use this self-service resource, which allows you to search by their name or other certification area and state name. In most libraries, this directory is also available.
Getting an Expert Cancer Second Opinion | Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR
Getting an oncology second opinion is relatively straight forward. How you go about this needs some careful consideration as it may have a negative effect on your cancer care or cancer prognosis.
Probably the easiest method is to ask your cancer specialist to refer you to another cancer specialist. Your cancer specialist is most likely to know who is most qualified to review your case. Although this is the easiest method it needs careful consideration the following reasons. There is no guarantee your cancer specialist will send you to the most appropriate doctor to review your case. They could just send you to someone they know or trained with. If this is the case, this doctor is likely to share the same approach to cancer medicine as they do. They are also likely to refer you to someone local or even at the same hospital. Although this may be most convenient for you, it may not be the best second opinion. The trust between yourself and your cancer specialist may be effected by asking for a second opinion. Although every cancer specialist wants you to be happy with the treatment plan, at a sub-conscious level the doctor patient relationship may be effected. Most importantly asking for a second opinion in this way may affect your prognosis as it may cause delays in you receiving your cancer treatment. There are very strict guidelines as to time scales from initial referral, diagnosis and treatment. Sometimes after the patient has had their second opinion, the cancer has developed or spread and the treatment can turn from radical (curative) to palliative.
You can also ask your GP to refer you to another cancer specialist. This is also fairly straight forward, but again has some disadvantages so needs careful consideration. The GP is unlikely to know the best cancer specialist to send you to. If you are going to ask your GP for a second opinion referral, then it is best you do your own research to find who you would like to be referred to. You could then ask the GP to refer you to a specific specialist. How you approach the research will be challenging. Even if you find a doctor who you believe is 'the best' they may not accept or have the capacity in their busy schedule to see another patient. Therefore, if you do choose this route then take a couple of options to your GP to avoid disappointment. Like with the above option, there is a real risk that delays will occur in your treatment pathway that may affect your prognosis.
Getting a private second opinion from the leading doctors in the country is a sensible approach, but you will of course have to pay for this. The advantage is that they will know who is considered the leading doctor treating your type of cancer. They will also be able to give you independent information on every aspect of your treatment so far and what options are available to you, going forward to the future. Some services will provide you with information regarding clinical trials that you may be eligible for and even search for trials internationally. Some second opinion services will also supply you with the information you were given in the consultation that you can take away the same day.
The 4th option is not to get a second opinion. You may be happy with the treatment plan proposed by your cancer specialist. Most cancer patients are discussed in a multi-disciplinary meeting (MDT) so it is likely that you will offered treatment that conforms to national guidelines.
Whatever decision you make will be the right decision as long as you have given it adequate thought.
For more information on Oncology, Second opinion contact Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR
What Are Your Options for Bone Cancer Treatment in Delhi?
First, there are two types of bone cancer. It is known that one of them starts from the bone cells itself, and the second starts from other parts of the body and spreads to the bones. There are many ways to detect bone best cancer treatment doctor in Delhi NCR. The most common symptom is bone pain. This pain is usually continuous and will get worse over time. It is important that you see a doctor to thoroughly check whether your bone pain is deep, persistent, and almost permanent.
There is no clear cause of bone cancer; however, it is known to occur in children or young adults. It is also seen in patients who have received radiation therapy. The good news is that there are many bone cancer treatments available today.
Bone cancer treatment usually depends on several factors. Some of these include the type of cancer involved, where the cancer is in the body, how aggressive it is, and whether it is localized or has spread to other parts of the body. The three main methods of treating this type of cancer are: surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Let's take a look at all three options available:
Whenever your doctor chooses surgery as an option, it usually removes the tumor. If possible, all tumors are removed along with some tissues around it. The risk of this treatment is that if some tumors are left behind, it will eventually continue to grow and may spread to other parts of the body. Other surgical options include bone grafts. With bone grafts, the surgeon may remove some bones from other parts of the body and replace the missing bones in the affected area. There may also be cases where artificial bone needs to be inserted. The last option for surgical treatment is amputation to prevent the cancer from spreading to other parts of the body and becoming fatal.
Radiation Therapy
Use high-energy X-rays to penetrate the body and destroy the tumor. These rays damage the DNA in tumor cells and destroy their ability to reproduce. Radiation therapy is very useful for completely destroying cancer cells and effectively reducing pain. Large tumors can also be reduced by radiation therapy. This makes it easier to remove through surgery.
Chemotherapy is the use of chemicals or drugs to treat cancer.Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR, These drugs destroy cancer cells. It can be seen that sometimes chemotherapy alone is sufficient to completely cure the cancer and destroy the cells that cause the tumor. It can also slow the spread of cancer cells and sometimes prevent cancer from recurring.
If diagnosed early, bone cancer can be treated. Make sure you are screened for cancer at the first signs of persistent, persistent pain in your bones. The pain will get worse over time and will not go away with normal medication.
Oncologist Dr Dodul Mondal provides surgical and non-surgical treatments for all types of cancer, including bone cancer treatment, and shares information to spread awareness of this deadly disease so that patients can make informed decisions about their medications and treatments.
Tips to Choose the Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR for Cancer Treatment
If you or someone you love has cancer, make sure you get the best treatment. What you need to do is choose a good cancer treatment hospital. Here are some tips to help you make choices without problems. continue reading.
About quality cancer care
First, you should seek advice from the doctor who initially diagnosed you with cancer. The doctor may refer you to a good specialist. Ideally, it is best oncologist in Delhi NCR However, you may want to remember that you should choose a hospital where specialists provide services to cancer patients. Service quality is the first factor you should consider when choosing a hospital.
Choose a doctor
Before you start looking for a good doctor, make sure you understand the qualities that a good doctor must possess. Here are the things you should keep in mind:
You should find a doctor who is experienced in treating patients with the type of cancer you have. According to research, if you choose a specialist, the treatment success rate will be higher.
You may want to choose a doctor who provides services at the hospital of your choice.Finally, you may want to choose a doctor that you feel comfortable with. In addition, the doctor’s language, education, gender, and race are also important.
It is a good idea to hire a doctor you already know or recommended by your family or friends.
Choose a Best Oncologist
When choosing a good hospital, you should talk to your doctor and ask for their advice. Make sure you look for a cancer treatment center that can treat your type of cancer. For example, large hospitals have more experience in treating almost all types of cancer. Therefore, the chance of successful treatment in these hospitals will be higher.
Bigger hospital
When is it absolutely necessary to choose a big hospital? If you have a rare cancer, we recommend that you choose a large hospital. In fact, large hospitals have more experienced doctors and the best equipment, and can even treat rare cancers. Therefore, it is a good idea to choose a large hospital for cancer treatment.
The great thing about these hospitals is that in addition to the basic services provided by any cancer treatment hospital, they also provide a large number of services. In addition, in terms of treatment costs, they may charge you relatively small fees.
Therefore, if you have been looking for the best cancer treatment doctor in Delhi, we recommend that you follow the tips given in this article. You need to remember that cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases. Therefore, you may not want to be negligent, and you should choose a treatment center after careful consideration of many aspects. Hope this helps
The Future of Colon Cancer Diagnosis and Treatments | Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR
The colon is considered as one of the most important parts of our digestive system. When the malignant tissue in the Colon grows then the Colon Cancer is occurred. The digestive system is harmed by it very seriously. It is the most harmful cancer of all.
This disease is mainly caused by incorrect eating habits. High fiber diets like vegetables and fruits are responsible for reducing the risk of this disease. If anyone in the family has had this disease then there is a huge chance of getting affected by this disease. The symptoms are widely found in older people. Most of patients are of above 50 age who need colon cancer treatments. Most of the people are not aware of the reason for these symptom.
The most common disease symptoms are abdominal pain; constipation; blood spots in stool; diarrhea; any other bowel related activity etc. These are not normal digestion related problems. In case of any abnormalities in your body you should consult the doctor immediately to be confirmed if you have the disease or not.
Always ask for effective colon cancer treatments.Best oncologist in Delhi NCR, Correct diagnosis is essential for effective treatment. Doctors might advice you to go for some tests that are helpful for determining if you have this disease. Most of the colon cancer tests need an empty bowel to do a bit of preparation before examining the test. A special type of x-ray and colonoscopy are used for diagnosing the disease. These tests are quite painful because various types of instruments and substances are inserted into the body of the patient. Biopsy is the kind of test that can detect this disease.
The treatments that work are entirely dependent on the stage of the cancer. In order to get effective treatment the colon cancer symptoms should be detected at a very early stage. The number of colon cancer treatments is huge.
The researches and doctors are always trying to look for newer and better ways of treatment of this disease. Till now there is nothing better than surgical treatments. The main aim of the treatments for this disease is to remove the tissues which have been affected by cancer. Two modern treatments that are used for treating colon cancer specialist in Delhi are chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The treatment for the colon cancer of various stages is not same. Anatomists is the treatment for first stage of colon cancer. At the last stage most of the patients are taken to the operating room for surgery as there is no better way to get relief than that.
The colon is considered as one of the most important parts of our digestive system. When the malignant tissue in the Colon grows then the Colon Cancer is occurred. The digestive system is harmed by it very seriously. It is the most harmful cancer of all.
This disease is mainly caused by incorrect eating habits. High fiber diets like vegetables and fruits are responsible for reducing the risk of this disease. If anyone in the family has had this disease then there is a huge chance of getting affected by this disease. The symptoms are widely found in older people. Most of patients are of above 50 age who need colon cancer treatments. Most of the people are not aware of the reason for these symptom.
The most common disease symptoms are abdominal pain; constipation; blood spots in stool; diarrhea; any other bowel related activity etc. These are not normal digestion related problems. In case of any abnormalities in your body you should consult the doctor immediately to be confirmed if you have the disease or not.
Always ask for effective colon cancer treatments. Correct diagnosis is essential for effective treatment. Doctors might advice you to go for some tests that are helpful for determining if you have this disease. Most of the colon cancer tests need an empty bowel to do a bit of preparation before examining the test. A special type of x-ray and colonoscopy are used for diagnosing the disease. These tests are quite painful because various types of instruments and substances are inserted into the body of the patient. Biopsy is the kind of test that can detect this disease.
The treatments that work are entirely dependent on the stage of the cancer. In order to get effective treatment the colon cancer symptoms should be detected at a very early stage. The number of colon cancer treatments is huge.
The researches and doctors are always trying to look for newer and better ways of treatment of this disease. Till now there is nothing better than surgical treatments. The main aim of the treatments for this disease is to remove the tissues which have been affected by cancer. Two modern treatments that are used for treating colon cancer are chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The treatment for the colon cancer of various stages is not same. Anatomists is the treatment for first stage of colon cancer. At the last stage most of the patients are taken to the operating room for surgery as there is no better way to get relief than that.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9455073
The colon is considered as one of the most important parts of our digestive system. When the malignant tissue in the Colon grows then the Colon Cancer is occurred. The digestive system is harmed by it very seriously. It is the most harmful cancer of all.
This disease is mainly caused by incorrect eating habits. High fiber diets like vegetables and fruits are responsible for reducing the risk of this disease. If anyone in the family has had this disease then there is a huge chance of getting affected by this disease. The symptoms are widely found in older people. Most of patients are of above 50 age who need colon cancer treatments. Most of the people are not aware of the reason for these symptom.
The most common disease symptoms are abdominal pain; constipation; blood spots in stool; diarrhea; any other bowel related activity etc. These are not normal digestion related problems. In case of any abnormalities in your body you should consult the doctor immediately to be confirmed if you have the disease or not.
Always ask for effective colon cancer treatments. Correct diagnosis is essential for effective treatment. Doctors might advice you to go for some tests that are helpful for determining if you have this disease. Most of the colon cancer tests need an empty bowel to do a bit of preparation before examining the test. A special type of x-ray and colonoscopy are used for diagnosing the disease. These tests are quite painful because various types of instruments and substances are inserted into the body of the patient. Biopsy is the kind of test that can detect this disease.
The treatments that work are entirely dependent on the stage of the cancer. In order to get effective treatment the colon cancer symptoms should be detected at a very early stage. The number of colon cancer treatments is huge.
The researches and doctors are always trying to look for newer and better ways of treatment of this disease. Till now there is nothing better than surgical treatments. The main aim of the treatments for this disease is to remove the tissues which have been affected by cancer. Two modern treatments that are used for treating colon cancer are chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The treatment for the colon cancer of various stages is not same. Anatomists is the treatment for first stage of colon cancer. At the last stage most of the patients are taken to the operating room for surgery as there is no better way to get relief than that.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9455073
Genetic Screening for Cancer Helps Save Lives | Best Breast Oncologist in Delhi
According to the American Cancer Society, about 1.8 million people suffer from cancer each year. Among them, about one hundred thousand people will die from this disease. Fortunately, there are now ways to reduce the risk of cancer.
Now, advances in medicine make it possible to predict the possibility of many cancers, and enable patients and doctors to take active preventive measures to reduce the risk of cancer in many cases.
Genetic testing involves medical testing to find out whether there are mutations in an individual's genes. Genetic screening is a relatively new advancement in the medical field and has been proven effective in helping reduce cancer risk and saving lives.
A powerful application of genetic testing is to look for genetic changes associated with cancer. Best breast oncologist in Delhi,These genetic changes are called mutations and help determine the likelihood and risk of a patient developing a particular cancer
Genetic testing for cancer is a test used to find genetic mutations, which may indicate a higher risk of cancer.
If a person suffers from
- Family history of cancer. The test will help determine whether the individual has genetic mutations that increase the risk.
- One person has cancer. Genetic cancer screening may show whether an individual is at high risk for other types of cancer.
- Family members of cancer patients may wish to undergo genetic screening tests to determine whether they are at risk for cancer.
- This will enable them to take preventive measures or take other measures under the care of a doctor. This may prevent the spread of cancer forms to family members with the same genetic makeup, and may save lives now and in the future.
- Some common cancers screened in the test include breast cancer, colon cancer, eye cancer, thyroid cancer, pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer, etc.
Genetic screening for cancer involves a simple test that can be done at home after doctor’s approval. The patient will receive an easy-to-use kit and will swab. After the test, send the materials to the laboratory for testing as instructed
The test is completed in the laboratory and the results are reported to the prescribing physician. Breast cancer specialist in Delhi NCR,The physician will share the report with the patient and provide suggestions for any possible recommended measures to reduce the risk
Best Breast Cancer Doctor in Delhi, Procedures, and Symptoms
Breast cancer:
When diagnosed with breast cancer, this can be an overwhelming experience. The choice of treatment depends on the stage of the cancer. For the early stages, we will perform mastectomy, mastectomy with or without reconstruction, as well as chemotherapy, hormone therapy and radiation therapy.
People may be very worried about which surgical method is best for the type of cancer that has been diagnosed. The long-term survival rate of people diagnosed with breast cancer doctor in delhi depends on the spread of the disease.
Such characteristics will include the size of the tumor, whether hormone receptors are found on the tumor itself, and different types of tumor grades. Factors such as age may also play an important role in the treatment a patient should receive. For example, patients over seventy years of age may generally not receive more aggressive treatment.
Breast cancer program:
There are three main types of surgical procedures:
Mastectomy is a surgical procedure that removes part of the breast. The medical term for lumpectomy is called partial lumpectomy. This procedure may or may not be accompanied by radiation therapy. When using radiation therapy, this will help kill the cancer cells around the lump.
Mastectomy is a procedure to remove all soft tissues from a woman's breast. This type of surgery has a higher impact on women’s emotional state than in women undergoing thoracectomy because the patient’s chest is flat. Patients with genetic abnormalities or a family history of cancer with a high incidence of cancer are best for this type of surgery.
Breast reconstruction is performed to try to restore the normal appearance of a woman's breast after a mastectomy or mastectomy. There are two types of reconstruction procedures. Both programs involve many advantages and disadvantages.
Reconstructive implant is the process by which a doctor implants a foreign body into a patient's breast. Compared with using your own soft tissue to reconstruct the breast, the recovery time of this type of surgery is shorter.
The disadvantage is that the implant used is a foreign body and not part of your own tissue. Moreover, there is a risk of infection and bacteria, and possible leakage.
The placed implants will accumulate to form a bundle of scar tissue, which will thicken and harden, which will eventually change the shape of the female breast.
Rebuilding from your own organization also has its benefits and side effects. When using your own soft tissue, there is no need to worry about leakage because there is no foreign body implanted.
There is less chance of infection, and your body will not form too much scar tissue around the area. The disadvantage is that you will leave scars and open wounds, which may take some time to heal, and the operation time will be longer.
India is a country where well-trained doctors provide high-quality medical services, and the operation costs are low, which will bring great benefits to patients.
What Patients Should Know About Vaginal Cancer ?
Vaginal cancer is a rare but significant type of cancer that begins in the vagina, the muscular tube connecting the uterus to the outside ...
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