Showing posts with label best cervical cancer doctor in delhi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label best cervical cancer doctor in delhi. Show all posts

Understanding Multiple Myeloma

What is multiple myeloma?

Multiple myeloma is a type of blood cancer that affects plasma cells. In multiple myeloma, malignant plasma cells accumulate in the bone marrow - the soft, spongy tissue in the center of your bones - and crowd out the normal plasma cells that help fight infection. These malignant plasma cells then produce an abnormal antibody called M protein, which is of no benefit to the body and can lead to tumors, kidney damage, bone destruction, and impaired immune function. The characteristic feature of multiple myeloma is a high level of M protein in the blood.

How does multiple myeloma start?

Multiple myeloma is a blood cancer that develops in the bone marrow, the soft, spongy tissue found in the centre of many bones. This is where normal blood cells grow. In the healthy bone marrow, there are normal plasma cells that make antibodies to protect your body from infection. In multiple myeloma, the plasma cells turn into cancerous multiple myeloma cells that grow uncontrollably and produce large amounts of a single abnormal antibody called M protein. As the cancer cells multiply, there is less room in the bone marrow for normal blood cells, resulting in a decrease in red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The myeloma cells can activate other cells in the bone marrow, which can damage your bones.

How does this affect the body?

A decreased number of blood cells can lead to anaemia, excessive bleeding, and a decreased ability to fight infection. The accumulation of M protein in the blood and urine can damage the kidneys and other organs. Bone damage can lead to bone pain and osteolytic lesions, which are weakened areas in the bones. This bone destruction increases the risk of fractures and can also lead to a serious condition called hypercalcemia (elevated levels of calcium in the blood).

Causes and increased risk factors

Researchers have made progress in understanding how multiple myeloma develops, but the exact cause is still unknown. Like all cancers, multiple myeloma is heterogeneous, meaning each case is unique. The genetic mutations that cause multiple myeloma vary from person to person. There are some specific mutations that have been identified as genetic risk factors, but multiple myeloma is not thought to be an inherited disease. An increased incidence of multiple myeloma has been found in men, African Americans, and people over the age of 45. Remember, these factors have not been proven to cause multiple myeloma, and new studies regularly provide new evidence to help us identify risk factors and work toward a cure.

Multiple myeloma in black patients

Multiple myeloma is twice as common in the black population as in other ethnicities and is twice as deadly in black patients as in white patients. In addition, the conditions associated with the development of myeloma (including monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance or MGUS) are common in black patients.

Factors Affecting Cervical Cancer Prognosis | Best Cervical Cancer Doctor in Delhi

Whenever somebody has been diagnosed with cervical cancer, they regularly wonder (alongside treatment choices, recuperation time, and way of life changes) what their forecast or their shot at recuperation is and how long they will live. 

This is a reasonable inquiry and cervical malignant growth forecast relies upon various things, for example, 

- The phase of the cancer (regardless of whether it influences some portion of the cervix, includes the entire cervix, or has spread to the lymph hubs or different spots in the body). 

- The kind of cervical cancer. 

- The size of the growth. 

Treatment choices rely upon the following: 

- The phase of the cancer. 

- The size of the growth. 

- The patient's craving to have youngsters. 

- The patient's age. 

Imagine a scenario where you are pregnant and are diagnosed with cervical cancer. 

Therapy of cervical cancer during pregnancy relies upon the phase of the disease and the phase of the pregnancy. For cervical cancer viewed as right on time or for disease found during the last trimester of pregnancy, treatment might be postponed until after the child is conceived. 

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Disease is horrendous, obviously - yet there is a decent way and an awful method of managing it and moving beyond it. The better your demeanor and information, the good you will be.

Early screening and detection by the best cervical cancer doctor in Delhi is very important to prevent complications in the future and reduce any chances of advanced cervical cancer being formed.

Dr. Dodul Mondal is one of the most prominent oncologists from Delhi with years of expertise in various forms of cancer treatment. Patients can consult with him through his wesbite.

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