Dr. Dodul Mondal is one of the most dynamic and best radiation oncologists In Delhi NCR with international repute who has an experience of working with Proton Beam Therapy at one of the largest university hospitals in the United States.
What is a blood cancer?
The disease also known as leukemia is a cancer of the blood cells of the body. Abnormal formations of white blood cells can cause blood cancer. Normally, white blood cells are there to heal infections, but abnormal white blood cells cause normal blood cells to malfunction. This causes blood cancer symptoms in people because the blood cells are no longer able to perform their intended functions.
There are many different types of blood cancers based on the development of the blood cancer stages. Blood cancer symptoms in humans require blood cancer treatment in most cases.
Blood Cancer Symptoms
By analyzing blood cancer symptoms, doctors can make a diagnosis and plan appropriate blood cancer treatment for patients. The following are some common blood cancer symptoms.
Severe pain in the joints and bones.
Swelling of the lymph nodes in people.
Night sweats and fever are common symptoms
Fatigue and feeling weak
Frequent infections
Bruising and bleeding from cuts
Swelling and discomfort in the abdominal area
Loss of appetite and weight loss in people
If someone notices one or more of these symptoms, immediate examination at the nearest hospital is advisable so that the diagnosis can be made. If the blood cancer is diagnosed, the patient can undergo blood cancer treatment at home. The condition worsens as the blood cancer stages progress, so it is very important to have a diagnostic test for blood cancer.
It is important to know the causes of blood cancer and understand the options for blood cancer treatment.
The causes of blood cancer usually include the formation of abnormal and immature blood cells in the body. This causes the blood cells to multiply and grow in the body and cause malfunctions. The growth of the abnormal blood cells results in the elimination of the normal cells.
As the production of the cancerous blood cells increases, the healthy cells are no longer able to perform their usual functions. As blood cancer stages develop, the immature and abnormal cells continue to increase and replace the normal cells.
Some of the common causes of blood cancer are smoking, hair dyes, ionizing radiation, viruses and many more.
Different types of blood cancer
There are many types of blood cancers and different blood cancer tests are used to identify the different types.
Leukemia: the type of blood cancer that originates in the tissue that makes blood
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: A type of cancer that originates in lymphocytes and occurs in the body's lymphatic system
Hodgkin's lymphoma: This is one of the blood cancers that arises from a certain abnormal cell known as a B lymphocyte or Reed-Stemberg cell
Multiple Myeloma: This is another type of blood cancer that affects the plasma cells in the body that are found in the bone marrow.
Diagnosis of blood cancer
To make a blood cancer diagnosis, specialists perform a series of tests, review medical history, analyze symptoms, and other procedures.
Most doctors recommend a blood test for blood cancer diagnosis. With the help of these blood cancer tests, the blood cancer in the human body can be identified. Sometimes some other blood cancer screening tests are also recommended to detect abnormalities.
A bone marrow biopsy and chest x-rays are other forms of blood cancer screening tests that can be used for diagnosis.
Treatment of blood cancer
There are a wide range of treatment options for blood cancer. Treatment for blood cancer usually depends on the type of blood cancer, the stage, and the age and health of the patient. Laboratory testing of these factors also plays an important role in choosing the form of blood cancer treatment.
Most people often opt for blood cancer treatment at home. In these cases, nurses are sent to the patient's home for blood cancer treatment.
Here are some common forms of blood cancer treatment for patients.
Chemotherapy is one of the most common treatments used for blood cancer. This procedure is responsible for killing the cells that are growing rapidly in the body. Radiation is the therapy used to kill the cancer cells.
Another common form of treatment is blood transfusion, where blood components are added through procedures to replace certain deficiencies in the body's bloodstream.
Stem cells are used to boost the body's immune system. Most people are not aware that blood cancer also eliminates the body's stem cells, weakening the immune system. With the help of stem cell transplant, the body's own stem cells are replaced, thus strengthening the body's immune system again. This process is done with the help of stem cells from a donor.
How Can We Help?
Dr Dodul Mondul provide the best blood cancer treatment and blood cancer care options for their patients. He is a qualified professionals who use advanced methods for the patients who opt for blood cancer home treatment.
Prostate Cancer - Definition , Types, Pre - Conditions | Best Oncologist in Delhi Ncr
Prostate Cancer - Definition
Prostate Cancer - Types
Pre - Conditions for Prostate Cancer
Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN)
Proliferative inflammatory atrophy (PIA)
Studying and Treating Cancerous Tumors and Find Best Cancer Specialist in Delhi NCR
Oncology is the study of cancerous tumors, and oncologists are doctors who treat cancer and there is a cancer specialist doctor in Delhi. Although different countries and medical schools may divide oncologists into several different categories and specialties, there are two main types of oncologists. Radiation oncologists are doctors who specialize in radiotherapy for cancer, called radiotherapy, or more simply, radiotherapy.
Radiation oncology does not include chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is handled by a medical oncologist.
In some countries/regions, clinical oncologists deal with radiation therapy and chemotherapy at the same time. Surgical oncology involves the surgical treatment of tumors. Surgical oncologists are divided into several specialties, focusing on cancers that infect specific parts of the body.
Today, due to technological advances in the field of radiation oncology, approximately 70% of cancer treatment plans include radiation therapy. Some of these involve strict radiotherapy, while some more serious cancer cases require a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Choosing an oncologist
It can be expected that the more experience doctors have in oncology, the higher their record of success in treating patients. Choosing an oncologist then becomes a potentially important part of your treatment. You may really give your life to the doctor of your choice and it is suggested best oncologist in Delhi NCR.
In addition to the experience of treating patients, training and experience in the latest technologies are also important because new technologies can provide better cancer treatments. For example, IMRT is a relatively new treatment method that allows higher doses of radiation to be delivered to the tumor while preserving the surrounding healthy tissue.
Some oncologists cannot even use new technologies such as IMRT. Where accessible, doctors may have little or no training and little or no experience.
In order to obtain the best possible treatment, as a patient, it would be beneficial to find an oncologist who is both familiar with the latest technologies and who practices them in institutions where they can be used.
The attitude at the bedside is also very important. A person can usually judge whether they will get along within a few minutes of meeting them. Just because it is discovered that you have or may have cancer, you are under enough stress. An oncologist who has to put up with not getting along with you can be harmful to your health, especially if your relationship with the doctor is so bad that you hate to see him or her.
However, the ability of a radiation oncologist to provide you with the best treatment may trumps everything. Make wise choices and choose best cancer specialist in Delhi NCR it is suggested by many patients.
Studying and Treating Cancerous Tumors with Best Cancer Specialist Doctor in Delhi
Oncology is the study of cancerous tumors, and oncologists are doctors who treat cancer. Although different countries and medical schools may divide oncologists into several different categories and specialties, there are two main types of oncologists. Radiation oncologists are doctors who specialize in radiotherapy for cancer, called radiotherapy, or more simply, radiotherapy.
Radiation oncology does not include chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is handled by a medical oncologist.
In some countries/regions, clinical oncologists deal with radiation therapy and chemotherapy at the same time. Surgical oncology involves the surgical treatment of tumors. The best surgical oncologist in Delhi is divided into several specialties, focusing on cancers that infect specific parts of the body.
Today, due to technological advances in the field of radiation oncology, approximately 70% of all cancer treatment plans include radiation therapy. Some of these involve strict radiotherapy, while some more serious cancer cases require a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Choosing an oncologist
It can be expected that the more experienced doctors have in oncology, the higher their record of success in treating patients. Choosing an oncologist then becomes a potentially important part of your treatment. So choose the best cancer specialist doctor in Delhi cause you may really give your life to the doctor of your choice.
In addition to the experience of treating patients, training and experience in the latest technologies are also important because new technologies can provide better cancer treatments. For example, IMRT is a relatively new treatment method that allows higher doses of radiation to be delivered to the tumor without affecting the surrounding healthy tissue.
Some oncologists cannot even use new technologies such as IMRT. Where accessible, doctors may have little or no training and little or no experience.
In order to obtain the best possible treatment, as a patient, it would be beneficial to find an oncologist who is both familiar with the latest technologies and who can practice them in an institution where they can be used. it is available in cancer specialist doctor in Delhi. The attitude at the bedside is also very important. A person can usually judge whether they will get along within a few minutes of meeting them. Just because it is discovered that you have or may have cancer, you are under enough stress. An oncologist who has to put up with not getting along with you can be harmful to your health, especially if your relationship with the doctor is so bad that you hate to see him or her.
Getting an Expert Cancer Second Opinion | Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR
Getting an oncology second opinion is relatively straight forward. How you go about this needs some careful consideration as it may have a negative effect on your cancer care or cancer prognosis.
Probably the easiest method is to ask your cancer specialist to refer you to another cancer specialist. Your cancer specialist is most likely to know who is most qualified to review your case. Although this is the easiest method it needs careful consideration the following reasons. There is no guarantee your cancer specialist will send you to the most appropriate doctor to review your case. They could just send you to someone they know or trained with. If this is the case, this doctor is likely to share the same approach to cancer medicine as they do. They are also likely to refer you to someone local or even at the same hospital. Although this may be most convenient for you, it may not be the best second opinion. The trust between yourself and your cancer specialist may be effected by asking for a second opinion. Although every cancer specialist wants you to be happy with the treatment plan, at a sub-conscious level the doctor patient relationship may be effected. Most importantly asking for a second opinion in this way may affect your prognosis as it may cause delays in you receiving your cancer treatment. There are very strict guidelines as to time scales from initial referral, diagnosis and treatment. Sometimes after the patient has had their second opinion, the cancer has developed or spread and the treatment can turn from radical (curative) to palliative.
You can also ask your GP to refer you to another cancer specialist. This is also fairly straight forward, but again has some disadvantages so needs careful consideration. The GP is unlikely to know the best cancer specialist to send you to. If you are going to ask your GP for a second opinion referral, then it is best you do your own research to find who you would like to be referred to. You could then ask the GP to refer you to a specific specialist. How you approach the research will be challenging. Even if you find a doctor who you believe is 'the best' they may not accept or have the capacity in their busy schedule to see another patient. Therefore, if you do choose this route then take a couple of options to your GP to avoid disappointment. Like with the above option, there is a real risk that delays will occur in your treatment pathway that may affect your prognosis.
Getting a private second opinion from the leading doctors in the country is a sensible approach, but you will of course have to pay for this. The advantage is that they will know who is considered the leading doctor treating your type of cancer. They will also be able to give you independent information on every aspect of your treatment so far and what options are available to you, going forward to the future. Some services will provide you with information regarding clinical trials that you may be eligible for and even search for trials internationally. Some second opinion services will also supply you with the information you were given in the consultation that you can take away the same day.
The 4th option is not to get a second opinion. You may be happy with the treatment plan proposed by your cancer specialist. Most cancer patients are discussed in a multi-disciplinary meeting (MDT) so it is likely that you will offered treatment that conforms to national guidelines.
Whatever decision you make will be the right decision as long as you have given it adequate thought.
For more information on Oncology, Second opinion contact Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR
Skin Cancer - Screening and Prompt Treatment Can Save Your Life
If ignored or left untreated, skin cancer or melanoma is a serious and potentially fatal disease. This type of cancer is very common in people of Anglo-Saxon background. Statistics show that the incidence of melanoma is the highest in the Australian population.
Regular screening tests to detect this cancer early is very important because it can be a huge help in achieving almost complete cure during treatment. But if left untreated, skin cancer can be fatal.
Screening test-am I at risk for melanoma?
Skin cancer affects people of all age groups. Some people have a higher risk of developing this cancer, such as people belonging to certain races, such as Anglo-Saxons and Anglo-Celtics, people with fair skin or a history of sunburn. People who exercise in the sun or participate in summer sports are also at higher risk.
It is important to perform screening tests in clinics or hospitals, which have experienced doctors who have received extensive training in the detection and treatment of skin cancer. The doctor will first perform an extensive physical examination and a detailed medical history.
An advanced screening device called the MoleMax HD system is used to analyze any suspicious moles on the patient's body. If any moles look suspicious, dermoscopic images are also captured, biopsied and sent for pathology studies to rule out skin cancer. Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR, Use this latest technology to complete the whole body mapping, so no moles or suspicious skin areas will be missed.
The test is mainly conducted for high-risk patients and maintains the highest quality standards to ensure minimal detection errors. In addition to moles, skin lesions such as bumps and bumps on the skin will be thoroughly examined. Keratosis or sun spots are also common among Australians belonging to the Anglo Celtic ethnic group. Best Radiation Oncologist in Delhi NCR, If left untreated, these spots risk developing squamous cell carcinoma (a type of skin cancer).
Treatment options:
If any moles or plaques on the skin are found to be positive for melanoma, the patient must report it to the doctor. The most common treatment is removal of moles, which has produced positive results for skin cancer in pathological studies. Different methods are used to treat solar keratosis, such as cryotherapy, topical therapy, photodynamic or curettage, and cauterization.
What are the different types of skin cancer?
There are basically 3 different types of skin cancer; basal cell carcinoma, melanoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. Best cancer specialist in Delhi Ncr, Basal cell carcinoma is the most common, usually seen in the upper body and face. These raised bumps are pearly in appearance and can be easily treated with topical creams if caught early.
Squamous cell carcinoma mainly occurs in areas exposed to the sun, with flaky, red, and raised nodules that usually bleed. This type of cancer can easily spread to other organs. Smoking is another causative factor of this type of cancer.
Genetic Screening for Cancer Helps Save Lives | Best Breast Oncologist in Delhi
According to the American Cancer Society, about 1.8 million people suffer from cancer each year. Among them, about one hundred thousand people will die from this disease. Fortunately, there are now ways to reduce the risk of cancer.
Now, advances in medicine make it possible to predict the possibility of many cancers, and enable patients and doctors to take active preventive measures to reduce the risk of cancer in many cases.
Genetic testing involves medical testing to find out whether there are mutations in an individual's genes. Genetic screening is a relatively new advancement in the medical field and has been proven effective in helping reduce cancer risk and saving lives.
A powerful application of genetic testing is to look for genetic changes associated with cancer. Best breast oncologist in Delhi,These genetic changes are called mutations and help determine the likelihood and risk of a patient developing a particular cancer
Genetic testing for cancer is a test used to find genetic mutations, which may indicate a higher risk of cancer.
If a person suffers from
- Family history of cancer. The test will help determine whether the individual has genetic mutations that increase the risk.
- One person has cancer. Genetic cancer screening may show whether an individual is at high risk for other types of cancer.
- Family members of cancer patients may wish to undergo genetic screening tests to determine whether they are at risk for cancer.
- This will enable them to take preventive measures or take other measures under the care of a doctor. This may prevent the spread of cancer forms to family members with the same genetic makeup, and may save lives now and in the future.
- Some common cancers screened in the test include breast cancer, colon cancer, eye cancer, thyroid cancer, pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer, etc.
Genetic screening for cancer involves a simple test that can be done at home after doctor’s approval. The patient will receive an easy-to-use kit and will swab. After the test, send the materials to the laboratory for testing as instructed
The test is completed in the laboratory and the results are reported to the prescribing physician. Breast cancer specialist in Delhi NCR,The physician will share the report with the patient and provide suggestions for any possible recommended measures to reduce the risk
Diagnosed With Cancer? Treatment Options Best Radiation Oncologist in Delhi NCR
When a person is diagnosed with cancer, this is an overwhelming realization. Shock and then depression are normal, but they are ready to control it and find out which treatment is best for them. There are many options in 2016, and any great cancer expert can solve them. However, for those who are already looking for and trying to decide which direction to go in, the following is a breakdown of the most common treatments.
Does the cancer doctor recommend surgery?
Depending on the many conditions of each cancer case diagnosed, surgery can be used to diagnose, treat or even prevent cancer specialist doctor in Delhi. Most people who find themselves battling cancer will undergo some type of surgery. It is usually the greatest possible chance of cure, even if the cancer has not spread to other parts of the body, it can even provide a better chance.
There are many reasons for surgery. Some surgeries are minor procedures, while others are more serious. These are the most common surgeries related to cancer:
• Efficacy
•Palliative care
• Decrease
•stand by
• Restorability
Chemotherapy, commonly referred to as "chemotherapy", is the use of drugs and drugs to treat cancer. Many people are afraid of the idea of chemotherapy, but by understanding the principles of chemotherapy and what happens, they will gain a better understanding and their nerves will calm down.
Surgery and radiation therapy can damage, remove and kill cancer cells in specific areas, but chemotherapy may work throughout the body. Even if the cancer has moved far away from its original location, chemicals can find and kill it. The goal of chemotherapy is to cure, control and relieve.
Targeted therapy
Targeted therapy is one of the new therapies for cancer patients. It uses drugs or other substances to attack malicious cells in a more precise way. It does much less damage to healthy cells and is therefore a rapidly growing part of many treatment options.
Drugs used for targeted therapy are often similar to chemotherapy, but they don’t work in exactly the same way. They attack the innermost part of cancer cells, distinguishing them from healthy normal cells. The side effects are not as serious as chemotherapy.
Hyperthermia uses heat to treat cancer, which is an ancient method. With new tools and precise heat transfer, hyperthermia can be used to treat many types of cancer. Two completely different methods of hyperthermia can be used:
1. Extremely high temperatures are used to destroy a small group of cells, such as tumors. This is usually called thermal ablation or local hyperthermia.
2. The temperature of a specific part of the body is a few degrees higher than normal. This helps other cancer treatments such as immunotherapy, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. This is called local hyperthermia.
Immunotherapy is a therapy that uses the human immune system to fight cancer. It uses artificial immune system proteins to stimulate the immune system to fundamentally defeat its own battle. In the past 30 years or so, immunotherapy has become an important part of the treatment of many types of cancer. New treatments are currently being researched, which is likely to change the way we treat cancer.
There are various treatment methods for immunotherapy. Some strengthen the immune system, while others train the immune system to only attack cancer cells. Immunotherapy is most effective for certain types of cancer. Depending on the type, it will be used alone or with other types of treatment.
These are just a few of the most common treatments for cancer patients. There are many more, and many are discovered every day. I hope to see fewer cancer cases and have more hope for those who are diagnosed.
If you are looking for best rediation oncologist in Delhi NCR , Dr Dodul is the best option for you.
Why the Darkest Fruits and Vegetables Are the Reducing Cancer Risk | Best Lung cancer Doctor in Delhi
Raw food is fresh, unprocessed food that has not been heated above 115 degrees. It is a food consisting of green leafy vegetables, fruits, vegetables, sea vegetables, sprouted seeds and nuts. Fresh vegetables, fruits, vegetables and bean sprouts are the best sources of raw food. Raw food contains essential nutrients such as phytochemicals, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
All of these are necessary for the body to function at an optimal level. Raw food can strengthen the immune system, help reduce the risk of cancer, help lose weight, increase energy, improve memory, detoxification, digestion and elimination.
Eating foods consisting mainly of unprocessed vegetables, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and some cooked/steamed foods is the best way to provide your body with the best nutrition in the short and long term.
Phytochemicals are plant compounds that are responsible for characteristics such as the color, smell, and taste of plants. Examples of phytochemicals include carotenoids, polyphenols (flavonoids, lignans, curcumin), chlorophyll and glucosinolates. They are the most natural anti-cancer agents on earth.
Dark fruits and vegetables are rich in flavonoids called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are found in berries such as blackberries, blueberries, elderberries, strawberries, raspberries, grapes and cherries. They are also found in some vegetables, such as eggplant, red onions, purple broccoli, purple corn and sweet potatoes.
The benefits of anthocyanins
These are some of the surprising benefits of anthocyanins:
- Anticancer: Anthocyanins have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer in many studies.
- Lower blood sugar: Anthocyanins help reduce diabetes, cholesterol and blood sugar.
- Powerful antioxidant effect: Anthocyanins are very powerful antioxidants and have been proven to scavenge free radicals to reduce cancer.
- Strengthen the immune system: Anthocyanins can help the body prevent and resist diseases by increasing cell DNA repair.
- Lower blood pressure: Anthocyanins help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.
- Detoxification: They help the liver detoxify the toxins in the body.
- Anti-inflammatory: They remove free radicals that cause inflammation in the body.
- Antibacterial function: Studies have shown that anthocyanins have effective antibacterial properties.
- Alkalinity: They increase the alkalinity in the body and are very useful for maintaining homeostasis.
- Enhance brain function: Anthocyanins improve cognitive function, memory and prevent age-related mental decline.
- Vision improvement: Anthocyanins have been shown to improve vision.
All these benefits indicate that anthocyanins are important to the human body, and the intake of anthocyanin-rich foods must be increased by eating more raw, dark organic fruits and vegetables to include them in your diet. Most importantly, 1-2 slices of organic raw berries can help doctors stay away!
About the author
Dr. Dodul Mondal is the Best oncologist in delhi Ncr.Dr. Dodul Mondal, one of the best Lung Cancer Doctor in Delhi. Consult the best oncologist in Delhi NCR for treatment for lung cancer in Noida, Delhi NCR
Facts About Chemotherapy Suggested By Best Cancer Doctor in Delhi
Chemotherapy is a treatment method mainly used to cure cancer. It refers to certain powerful drugs that have the ability to kill cancer cells and prevent their production. There are many drugs that can be used to complete the treatment, but it does not sound easy. Even a word, chemotherapy will bring chicken skin to the patient. However, here are some facts about this therapy, you don’t know what you should know. So let us kick off the curtain.
No need to spend the night in the hospital: Yes, most people don’t know that they can go home after chemotherapy, nor do they need to book a bed in the hospital it is suggest by Best Cancer Doctor in Delhi. overnight. However, it all depends on the patient's condition, what kind of cancer they have and what kind of drugs are being used to cure them.
Chemical medicine can be obtained in the form of pills or skin cream: no, we are not lying, it is an undeniable fact, that you can get chemotherapy in the form of pills or skin cream. But again, it all depends on your current situation. It is only effective for certain patients, you need to consult a Best Cancer Specialist in Delhi NCR about this.
Side effects may vary: chemotherapy has many side effects, but they vary from patient to patient. This is because the drugs used in treatment respond differently to everyone. You can talk to your doctor about this.
Diet must be moderate: Chemotherapy has some strong and bad effects on the patient's body, therefore, they must moderate their diet accordingly to prevent themselves from being exposed to its adverse effects. You should ask your doctor to create a diet chart based on your condition, so you can only deal with one of the most difficult situations if you have healthy energy.
Chemotherapy can be used for different diseases: Chemotherapy is not only used to treat cancer, but also for many other diseases, including bone marrow or stem cell transplantation and drugs to treat an overactive immune system told by Best cancer treatment doctor in Delhi.
Breast Cancer Treatment | Best Radiation Oncologist in Delhi NCR
Cancer is a common life-threatening disease worldwide. The most common feature of the disease is the rapid growth of abnormal cells in the body. Over time, these cells affect different types of body tissues, which can cause many health problems. In this article, we will explore whether it is possible to cure breast cancer and from Breast cancer specialist in Delhi NCR.
There are different types of this disease. It can attack various organs of the human body, such as lungs, skin, throat, mouth and breasts. In addition, blood cancer is also very common. However, in this article, we will focus on breast cancer.
Possibility to control breast cancer from best breast oncologist in Delhi
The good news is that different treatments can be used to control breast cancer. However, it is important to remember that no medication or therapy can guarantee that the patient will recover after treatment. Even if patients recover successfully, they may be infected with the disease again at some point in their lives. However, early diagnosis and correct treatment can help control the spread of this disease.
Success rate
First of all, it is important to remember that we have no cure for cancer. The only thing we can do is to control this disease, as long as the patient is treated in time. This is the state where the patient has no symptoms of cancer.
This state is called remission rather than recovery. But the problem is that the patient may still be infected with this disease again. The success rate of treatment depends on many factors, such as the type of cancer. However, some types have higher survival rates, such as thyroid, cervix, testis, prostate, dost and melanoma. Other types of cancer can be controlled with medication and a healthy lifestyle.
Other treatments for breast cancer with Best cancer treatment doctor in Delhi
The most common treatment for this disease is chemotherapy. This type of treatment involves infusion through blood vessels. This treatment can be performed whether the patient is watching TV, listening to music, reading a book or lying down.
For the safety of patients, the prescription drugs used for chemotherapy have been properly tested. Therefore, patients do not need to worry about the side effects of this procedure. Even if the patient has some minor side effects, the doctor can prescribe the correct type of medication to control the symptoms. Other types of treatment include targeted therapy, hormone therapy, radiotherapy, surgery, or a combination of these treatments.
In short, you can control breast cancer and live a healthy life. The only thing to remember is to diagnose in time and receive the right treatment. Therefore, if you or someone you know suffers from this disease, it is recommended that you contact your doctor as soon as possible.
What Patients Should Know About Vaginal Cancer ?
Vaginal cancer is a rare but significant type of cancer that begins in the vagina, the muscular tube connecting the uterus to the outside ...
One uncommon a considerable amount of cancer that starts in the bones is called bone cancer. principal pearl cancer the crab begins inch the...
Mouth cancer also known as oral cancer is a serious health condition that affects various parts of the oral cavity including the lips tongue...
Mouth cancer, also known as oral cancer, can affect any area of the mouth, including the lips, gums, tongue, cheeks, and the roof or floor...