Most people who suffer from chest pain automatically think that their heart may have a problem. However, chest pain is not only a sign of heart disease (although it is the primary factor), but also the possibility of lung cancer development (25% of lung cancer patients have chest pain (smoking is the most common cause of chest pain), lung cancer is the second-other causes May include: second-hand smoke and asbestos dust]).
Chest pain-associated with lung cancer is usually caused by the development of small cell lung cancer-SCLC (less common and more aggressive lung cancer that accounts for 10%-15% of all diagnosed lung cancer cases). SCLC is a rapidly growing (rapidly metastatic [spreading to the body]) form of lung cancer, which is usually diagnosed at an advanced stage (60%-70% of patients diagnosed with SCLC are in stage III-IV of the disease). It is not only difficult to treat , And the patient has a poor prognosis [average life expectancy of 5 years]).
*Other symptoms associated with SCLC may include: coughing/wheezing, difficulty speaking (unnatural low/rough voice), abdominal pain, and shortness of breath.
Because of the SCLC starting from the center of the chest, pain usually occurs. Inflammation (due to lung/peripheral infection), endometrial irritation, chest pressure (due to neuroinflammation/tumor), and muscle tension (due to persistent coughing) may all be related to the epidemic of chest pain. However, SCLC can also metastasize rapidly To other parts of the body. For example: lymph nodes, bones, liver, and brain are all quickly affected by diseases.
Diagnosis-usually in the form of a physical examination, followed by a chest X-ray, bronchoscopy (tracheal examination), CAT scan of the abdomen, brain and chest, PET scan (chest cancer examination), sputum cytology (through mucus sample Lung cancer undergoes microscopic examination and thoracoscopy (an incision is made through the ribs to examine the lungs).
Treatment-usually does not include surgery as the first choice, but: chemotherapy, radiation therapy and clinical trial treatments (new drugs, combinations and therapies). Early diagnosis will provide a better prognosis for the patient; however, because this is usually (late diagnosis of SCLC is more common), it can only be assumed that the prognosis of the patient is poor (individual characteristics will affect any final patient outcome).
Note: The execution order of the diagnosis and treatment plan will depend on the specific circumstances of the case (staging, etc.), as well as the doctor’s own recommendations (not necessarily in the order given, and will not be used in all).
For More information talk with Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR
Dr. Dodul Mondal is one of the most dynamic and best radiation oncologists In Delhi NCR with international repute who has an experience of working with Proton Beam Therapy at one of the largest university hospitals in the United States.
Chest Pains - Is Lung Cancer Developing?
Popular Procedures for Lung Cancer Treatment | Oncologist Dr. Dodul Mondal
Among all cancers, lung cancer is the deadliest, and it is also the cancer that causes the most deaths. But thankfully, it is not incurable, especially in the early stages. The best type of lung cancer treatment depends on the stage and nature of the cancer. The appropriateness of the recommended treatment depends on the expertise of the lung cancer specialist, which can go a long way in ensuring a successful recovery. This article outlines the most popular treatments for lung cancer and the common side effects associated with them.
Surgery is the most common method of treating lung cancer. It involves removing the tumor and the affected part of the lung. Although this is a welcome step, its feasibility largely depends on the stage of the cancer. If the cancer has spread to other places, it is best not to choose surgery. The type of lung cancer surgery depends on the size of the lung tissue that needs to be removed.
When only a small part of the lung needs to be removed, the procedure is called wedge resection. Lobectomy or bilobectomy is the removal of the entire lobe. In extreme cases, the entire lung may need to be removed, in which case it is called pneumonectomy. Thoracotomy (large incision) and VATS or video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (small incision) can be used for lung cancer surgery. Side effects include surgical complications and pain.
Radiation Therapy
3 cases used radiotherapy. It is used to shrink tumors before surgery, kill remaining cancer cells that may be left after surgery, or as the main method of cancer treatment. Radiation therapy, as the main treatment method, is mainly used when the cancer has spread too far to perform surgery. Radiation can be performed from outside the body or from inside the tumor.
However, radiation therapy is a complex process with many side effects, such as skin reactions, sore throat, nausea, pain, fatigue, etc. The response to radiation therapy is usually fast, but managing side effects is the task of experts.
Chemotherapy, like radiation therapy, attempts to destroy cancer cells. However, in this case, special drugs are used instead of radiation. The drug is administered via tablets or intravenous injection. Chemotherapy also has a huge risk of killing healthy cells, causing side effects such as loss of appetite, hair loss, and fatigue. Chemotherapy is being replaced by targeted therapies, which are more accurate in attacking cancer cells.
Complementary therapy
Many patients are seeking complementary therapies to match their conventional treatment regimens. Techniques such as meditation, yoga, healing touch, and Ayurveda have been shown to reduce the effects of side effects and provide relief. However, it is strongly recommended that you consult your pulmonary specialist on this.
Lung cancer is fatal and can have a great impact on the mental health of patients and their relatives and friends. Top lung cancer specialist in delhi NCR have counseling facilities in their own premises or cooperate with institutions that provide the same services.
The above are some of the most popular methods used to treat cancer. As further research on this matter reveals new facts, we are expected to move towards a world where lung cancer is no longer fatal. Before that, please visit a pulmonary specialist regularly to ensure your lungs are healthy.
Breathing and Sleep Therapy Solutions is a well-known pulmonary specialist center in Delhi. The team of doctors is led by Oncologist Dr. Dodul Mondal, a leading asthma expert, and has successfully treated a variety of lung diseases.
Show Your Support And Raise Lung Cancer Awareness | Lung Cancer Specialist in Delhi
Lung cancer self-awareness
The more you know about this disease, the easier it is to support and raise awareness. Although this is the world's leading cancer killer, causing nearly 30% of cancer deaths each year, it has received little attention. November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month-the time to raise awareness of the disease and the importance of early diagnosis to reduce risk.
Educate people about the consequences of smoking
Smoking causes nearly 80% of deaths. Exposure to second-hand smoke also increases the risk of non-smokers. Disseminate knowledge about the dangers of using cigarettes or tobacco products to the public!
Support via social media
You can express your support on Facebook or Twitter-because the media plays a vital role in disseminating information. Share inspiring stories of survivors, caregivers and family members who were diagnosed with lung cancer. To commemorate this month, you can even change the cover photo.
Donation research
Hundreds of non-profit organizations such as the Lung Cancer Research Foundation have launched various programs to collect donations for research, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. You can also participate in any of them.
Early diagnosis can reduce risk
When deciding whether our symptoms are so severe that we need to consult a doctor, we often listen to the opinions of friends, family, and people we trust. Have a discussion and let them know about the disease. Ask them to see a doctor to avoid further complications.
Ask the local government about their lung cancer research action plan. Ask the public to send information to the authorities. The more people who send messages about this type, the more likely they are to take action.
Host consciousness movement
Organizing a promotional event is one of the best ways to express your support and bring certain issues to the attention of a large group of people. Organize a campaign in your community to let people know about this type, its impact, available treatment options, etc. Sharing the stories of cancer survivors brings hope and courage to people. Use custom silicone wristbands as gifts in your activities because they are perfect for everyday wear. They are easily available online, and there are many options for you to choose-type, color, font, size, and style. White is the recognized color for lung cancer. Get white wristbands and personalize them with inspiring awareness messages.
No matter what you do, the ultimate goal is to make everyone aware of the seriousness of this problem and protect future generations!
For More Information : Lung Cancer Specialist in Delhi
Best Cancer Doctor in Delhi Protecting from 7 Key Risk Factor
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