Showing posts with label lungs cancer specialist in delhi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lungs cancer specialist in delhi. Show all posts

Blood cancer in a nutshell: classification and Investigation

 Blood cancer is a diverse group of diseases that result from the neoplastic proliferation of a malignant blood cell in the hematopoietic system. The clinical presentation of blood cancer is variable and depends largely on the location and severity of the disease.

Classification of blood cancer

Blood cancers are classified as myeloid (related to the bone marrow) or lymphoid (related to the tissues that produce lymphocytes and antibodies) depending on the hematopoietic lineage in which an abnormality occurred; they can also be classified into one of the following groups:

Conceptual image illustrating the destruction of a leukaemia cell as a result of treatment.

Leukaemia is a cancer in which malignant hematopoietic cells are found in the bone marrow and peripheral blood. Leukaemia can be classified as myeloid or lymphoid, acute or chronic, depending on how quickly the disease breaks out. In acute leukaemia, there is an abnormal proliferation of blasts (poorly differentiated immature cells) and maturation arrest may occur. In contrast, in chronic leukaemia, there are no blasts as the malignant cells continue to mature during hematopoiesis. 

Lymphomas affect the lymphoid lineage and are chronic malignancies. Malignant lymphoid cells usually accumulate in and are confined to the lymphoid organs, resulting in a lymphoid static tumour. When the affected lymphoid organ becomes so crowded with malignant cells that they accumulate there, the cells may invade organs outside the lymphoid tissue, such as the peripheral blood and bone marrow. Lymphomas are broadly classified as Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), depending on whether the malignant tumour contains Reed-Sternberg cells (abnormal lymphocytes found only in HL ).

Myelodysplastic syndromes are myeloid malignancies in which immature myeloid progenitor cells accumulate in the bone marrow. As a result, these immature cells die before they can mature into effector cells. This leads to ineffective haemopoiesis and consequently to a reduction in red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.

Conception image showing the secretion of excess immunoglobulin (M proteins) from the malignant plasma cells (myeloma cells) in multiple myeloma.

Multiple myeloma is a lymphoid malignancy in which there is an abnormal proliferation of malignant plasma cells. In a healthy state, plasma cells are required for the production of antibodies. In multiple myeloma, the malignant plasma cells oversynthesize and secrete excessive amounts of monoclonal immunoglobulins called paraproteins. In excessive concentrations in plasma, the paraproteins can cause severe tissue damage to a number of organs.

Myeloproliferative disorders are myeloid abnormalities in which there is an abnormal overproduction of myeloid cells in the bone marrow, usually causing erythrocytosis, thrombocytosis, neutrophilia, and basophilia. The major myeloproliferative disorders are CML, polycythaemia vera, myelofibrosis and essential thrombocythaemia.

Investigation of blood cancers

The role of a pathology laboratory is essential in the investigation of blood cancers. It is important to accurately diagnose malignancies because treatment strategies vary widely and an incorrect diagnosis can have a major impact on a patient's prognosis. There are many different tests and analytical techniques that can be used in the investigation of a suspected blood cancer, including the following:

A complete blood count (FBC) provides data on red blood cell, white blood cell, and platelet indices. These parameters are critical because they indicate the number of each cell line and help determine bone marrow involvement. In some cases, the results of the blood count are one of the first indications of suspected blood cancer, and the analysis of the blood count may lead to requesting further tests.

Morphological analysis of blood by examining a blood film under a microscope.

Morphological examination of peripheral blood and/or bone marrow helps to identify the shape, size, characteristics, cellular inclusions and maturity of blood cells. Certain morphologic features are clearly associated with specific types of blood cancers. Therefore, analysis of morphology is crucial in making a diagnosis or determining further investigations.

Immunophenotyping analyzes the expression of antigenic markers expressed on the cell surface. These markers are referred to as clusters of differentiation (CD). Specific markers associated with each cell lineage allow the identification of cell populations. In healthy individuals, certain CD markers should be present. However, in malignancies, there may be loss of expression, overexpression, and aberrant expression of certain markers that should not be present in a healthy individual. By comparing the results to normal expected expression, healthy and malignant cell populations can be distinguished.

Cytogenetics examines cells at the molecular level because some blood cancers are caused by a chromosomal mutation. By analyzing the carotype and chromosomal structure of a patient, genetic mutations can be identified.

Histological processing of a tissue biopsy

Histological examination of a biopsy (e.g., of a lymph node) can provide information about the architecture of the tissue and the type of cells present. This helps to determine the presence and/or spread of malignant disease.

Due to the heterogeneous nature of blood cancers, a multidisciplinary laboratory approach is often required for diagnosis. Therefore, to aid in the diagnosis, all laboratory results must be interpreted in conjunction with the clinical presentation.

Innovations and advances in the field of blood cancers are making rapid progress to reduce the prevalence of such diseases and improve the prognosis for those affected.

Lung Cancer Awareness Month : Lung Doctor Explains Adenocarcinoma of Lungs

Adenocarcinoma of Lungs - Lung doctor

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) is additionally partitioned into three significant variations: adenocarcinoma cellular breakdown in the lungs, squamous cell lung carcinoma, and huge cell disease. 

While it might appear to be on a superficial level that such divisions are simply such a lot of clinical techno-prattle, the fact of the matter is totally different. Similarly as there is a distinction in first show between little cell cellular breakdowns in the lungs (SCLC) and NSCLC. Since SCLC will in general have metastasized before revelation, the main broadly accessible course of treatment is chemotherapy. NSCLC is all the more frequently found while it is as yet limited to a solitary, bigger mass or an assortment of co-found more modest masses. 

For adenocarcinoma cellular breakdown in the lungs, careful evacuation and additionally lymph hub waste are leaned toward treatment choices. It is the most improbable of the different kinds of NSCLC to have metastasized preceding find and offers the absolute best endurance rates. This is likewise the malignant growth of the lungs frequently found in individuals younger than 45, non-smokers, and different gatherings hypothetically at okay for creating cellular breakdowns in the lungs. 

In spite of its commonness in the lower hazard populaces, the most dependable indicator of adenocarcinoma is smoking. Genuinely talking, smokers have multiple times the shot at fostering this sort of disease than non-smokers across the country. 

On the off chance that the treating lung specialist decides a patient's adenocarcinoma cellular breakdown in the lungs is confined to the lungs, for the most part one of four careful medicines is suggested. They are: 

- Video-helped thoracoscopy: an arthroscopic system into the thoracic depression that permits the recognizable proof and expulsion of unusual tissue 

- Wedge resection: fundamentally, and growth and edges evacuation of lung tissue 

- Lobectomy: eliminating a solitary projection of the lung 

- Pneumonectomy: eliminating one whole lung 

Post a medical procedure, lung doctor will by and large suggest one of two follow-on therapies: chemotherapy or radiation. Which one they suggest relies upon what stage the malignant growth is in. For Stage II or lower, implying that the disease is accepted to have remained in one area, radiation is by and large the therapy of decision, joined with lymphatic framework depleting to limit the shot at metastasizing post-medical procedure. Assuming the specialist presumes Stage III malignancy or more prominent, the more full-framework treatment presented by chemotherapy is by and large suggested. Eventually, the patient will have an official conclusion.

Lung Cancer Symptoms: How Do You Know If You Have Lung Cancer?

 Lung cancer is a typical health condition that causes abnormal cells or cancer cells to grow uncontrollably in one or both lungs. It mainly affects the cells in the air channel. Cancer cells multiply rapidly and form tumors. When tumors spread to a large area, they begin to destroy the lungs' ability to provide blood and oxygen. There are two main types of lung cancer-primary and secondary. The first originated in the lungs, while the second originated in other parts of the body, metastasizing and reaching the lungs. Symptoms are not obvious at the beginning of the onset.Best oncologist in Delhi NCR, Here are some early symptoms that can help you with early screening to minimize fatal consequences-

 A cough that will not stop-a cough caused by a cold or respiratory tract infection and disappear within a week or two. However, a cough that lasts longer than 2 months may be one of the common symptoms of lung cancer that you cannot avoid. Whether it is dry or mucus-producing, it is strongly recommended to test as soon as possible.

 Changes in coughing-Watch for any major changes when you cough. If the cough becomes chronic, worsens, or hoarse or cough up blood, it is recommended to see a doctor immediately.

 Severe chest pain-In addition to coughing, one of the main symptoms of lung cancer is chest, shoulder, and back pain. If the pain is severe, persistent, dull or intermittent, consult your doctor. Chronic chest pain may lead to swollen lymph nodes or metastases to the chest wall. This condition is called pleura.

Breathing changes-Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing may also be possible symptoms of lung cancer. Tumors often block the air passages in the lungs. This can cause breathing problems, such as shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. Please be aware of this major change and other symptoms mentioned above, and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Sudden or excessive weight loss-There are many reasons for weight loss. One of them is lung cancer. Unexplained weight loss of 10 to 15 kg may be related to major cancer problems. This is one of the most common early-stage lung cancer symptoms that you must not ignore or avoid!

Bone pain-secondary symptoms can cause bone pain, especially lower back pain. Sometimes, it is difficult to distinguish bone pain from muscle pain. Bone pain mainly occurs at night and worsens with exercise.

 Excessive headaches-Although very rare in nature, in extreme cases, excessive headaches may be related to lung cancer. Tumors in the lungs may create pressure in the superior vena cava. It is a large vein that carries blood from the upper body to the heart. In rare cases, this stress can cause headaches.

If you are looking for Lung cancer specialist in Delhi, Oncologist Dr Dodul Mondal is Best Lung Cancer Doctor in Delhi.

Know More About Lung Cancer | Lung Cancer Specialist in Delhi

 Lung cancer is the most dangerous and life-threatening cancer. This type of cancer is diagnosed between 45 and 60 years of age. People who smoke, drink, smoke and take other types of drugs are more likely to develop lung cancer. Usually, this type of cancer is diagnosed at an advanced stage. The body exhibits the following symptoms: severe back pain that starts in the middle back and transfers to the chest, hoarseness, persistent cough, mild fever, and loss of voice. People think they have flu or flu and need time to recover.

If you experience such symptoms, please do not try to associate this health disorder with a normal health disorder, which can be cured by taking medicine. The first step you should do is to have a CT scan. CT-Scan is a special type of X-ray examination that can perform a comprehensive scan of the human body and generate its cross-sectional images, which is helpful for easy diagnosis. The test results can help specialists to further the treatment.

Cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in the body; these cells compound into multiples of it, and their proliferation affects various organs nearby. This is how cancer cells divide from one part of the body to other parts. This disease can be cured, but after the CT scan test, if the result is positive, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. After determining the stage of lung cancer, it will take a while for the oncologist to start radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or both. This type of cancer is rarely treated with surgery, because experts can operate on the lungs, but sometimes lung transplantation is recommended, which is not everyone's preference.

Many people are working hard for their lives. Due to the low budget, they stepped back for treatment. Life is an important gift from God, and one should not step back and serve it. There are various affordable medical tourism companies with links to certified and trustworthy hospitals. Companies that provide medical tourism to people all over the world take care of every request of patients. They will connect you with a top oncologist who has ten years of experience in the treatment of advanced cancer. Therefore, please do not hesitate to contact them to cure this disease from its root within the budget specified in your pocket.

Are you looking for lung cancer specialist in Delhi? Contact Oncologist Dr. Dodul Mondal Best lung cancer Doctor in Delhi.

Do You Need to Be Tested Lung Cancer? l Lungs Cancer Specialist In Delhi

 Hospital lung cancer screening

Hospitals across the country provide lung cancer screening. According to the CDC, the choice for screening should be a well-educated choice.

Lung cancer screening

According to recent estimates, lung cancer causes more than 150,000 deaths each year, more than the next three major causes (colon cancer, breast cancer, and pancreatic cancer) combined. This is a worrying phenomenon, undoubtedly caused by personal smoking rates and factors related to air pollution, such as car exhaust, industrial emissions, and other emissions that may make dense fog envelop the city. This is a serious epidemic. Even if the symptoms are found early, it will have a long-term impact on all people who are diagnosed. Therefore, it is very important to detect lung cancer. Many hospitals offer free examinations, and if you are in danger, it is best to have lungs cancer specialist in Delhi.

Who is in danger?

Like most serious diseases, many people would rather not admit that they are at risk of developing lung cancer. Although understandable, this subconscious aversion must be stopped. Many people will benefit greatly from early diagnosis, because modern medical technology can greatly help the diagnosed. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people who have a serious history of smoking but continue to smoke should be checked in their local hospital Best lung cancer Doctor in Delhi. This includes people who have stopped smoking in the past 15 years, and people between 55 and 80 who have smoked in the past. Heavy smoking is defined as 30 pack years, or smoking every day for 30 years.

Why shouldn't everyone be tested?

Because of a terrible disease like lung cancer, the CDC does not recommend checking every which seems surprising. However, this test has its own risks, which can be serious, and care should be taken in any case. The first risk is a false positive test result. If the test shows that the patient has a disease, but it does not, there will be a false positive result. This result can lead to excessive testing and even unnecessary surgery.

The second risk is over-diagnosis of lung cancer, which occurs when the patient has lung cancer, but the tumor is completely benign and will not cause any problems to the patient. These conditions often lead to unnecessary treatment.

Finally, there is the issue of radiation exposure. The only test recommended by the CDC is called a "low-dose computed tomography scan" or CT scan. A CT scan involves an X-ray machine that uses low-dose radiation to take images of the lungs. If the examination is repeated many times, even in healthy people, the radiation produced by the CT scan may cause cancer. For these reasons, medical experts only recommend that people undergo regular check-ups when they are at risk to Best Cancer Specialist in Delhi NCR.

Treatment of Cancer for Betterment of Life with Best cancer doctor in Delhi

It becomes easier for us to deal with easily diagnosed diseases. This is done by identifying symptoms, which makes it fairly easy to plan a treatment option and plan a way forward. But when it comes to tricky conditions, it can be very tricky. One of the diseases in this category is cancer. It may be just one word, but the outcome of this disease is very dire. The branch of medicine that deals with cancer treatment is known as oncology. Hospitals in India cancer specialist doctor in Delhi are renowned for oncology treatment.

Oncology is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. These three steps are carried out in an orderly manner to get the patient out of the disease quickly. Cancer is a combination of several diseases. Cancer causes abnormal cell growth that can spread to different parts of the body. Every cell present in the body has a regulated system that controls cell growth, maturity, and death. Although the type of cancer can vary, they all start when growth is out of control.

There are over 100 different types of cancer known to mankind, and there are millions of people who either live with cancer or have had cancer before. The oncologist has different roles to play in helping the patient. The role includes -

1. When the patient arrives for best cancer treatment doctor in Delhi, the doctor is obliged to explain the diagnosis and the stage at which the patient is currently.

2. Discuss treatment options and ask about the patient's preferred choice.

3. Providing quality and compassionate care that is unparalleled.

4. Management of symptoms and side effects that may arise as a result of ongoing treatment.

Cancer programs in India include three different types of cancer treatments. These are medical oncology, surgical oncology and radiation oncology. When it comes to medical oncology, there are various treatment options that a medical oncologist specializes in. These are chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy. Chemotherapy is the most common, but others are used in some cases.


Chemotherapy is a type of cancer treatment in which one or more drugs are given to interfere with the ability of cancer cells to divide and reproduce. One or a combination of drugs can be used in this treatment. Cancer cells divide faster than normal cells, and chemotherapy destroys them faster.

Chemotherapy is used in different ways depending on the patient's condition. It can be given before surgery or radiation therapy to shrink the tumor. It can also be administered after surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells. It is the only cancer treatment available such as blood cancer, leukemia, etc.

Targeted therapy

This is a type of cancer treatment that uses drugs, but differs from chemotherapy because they target specific genes and proteins. Target genes are found in cancer cells or in cells that are associated with cancer growth. Gene changes occur in certain types of cancer. And the drugs being developed are aimed at these changes. These drugs can block or disable signals that tell cancer cells to grow or divide. They also protect cells and prevent them from living longer than usual.


Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that enhances the body's natural defenses to prevent the formation of cancer cells. It uses substances produced by the body or in the laboratory to improve and restore the function of the immune system. There are various types of immunotherapy such as monoclonal antibodies, nonspecific immunotherapy, oncolytic virus therapy, etc.

When Is the Need of Medical Oncology for Treating Cancer Specialist Doctor in Delhi

The branch of medicine involved in cancer management is called oncology. The specialist who treats the patient is called an oncologist. It is important to keep in mind the three main components, which are necessary to increase the patient’s chances of survival. Three components are mentioned below:

Prevention-Prevention can identify risk factors such as tobacco and alcohol, and can reduce their intake.

Diagnosis-Diagnosis is made by screening for cancer with the help of tests and staging.

Treatment-treatment is performed by observing the extent of the cancer and the body parts that have been hit.

There is no exact cause of this disease, which makes it more effective, but there are several risk factors. Staying away from these factors can reduce the chance of your body being hit by this disease. Some common risk factors are-

• Tobacco is considered the leading cause of death from cancer. More than 20% of deaths related to this condition are caused by tobacco.

• Lifestyle choices, such as smoking and alcohol use increase the risk of illness.

Cancer Specialist Doctor in Delhi, is prominent in the elderly. This is because most cancers take years to develop. They may exist in the body for a long time, but only after they are fully developed can they be recognized.

• There are several carcinogens in the environment. They exist in air and water. It is difficult for us to avoid them. Some examples include arsenic, asbestos, benzene, cadmium, etc.

• Obesity-directly related to breast cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, endometrial cancer, esophageal cancer, kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, etc.

There are many ways to treat this disease. It includes radiation therapy, surgery, and medical oncology. Medical oncology refers to the time of treatment with the help of chemotherapy, immunotherapy or targeted therapy.


It uses drugs to kill the affected cells. One or more different drugs are given to stop cancer cells from growing and dividing, and to prevent them from making new cells. These drugs are very effective and have the potential to kill nearby normal cells. It can be used in different ways. If used to shrink tumors before surgery, it is called neoadjuvant chemotherapy. It can also be used as the only treatment for diseases such as leukemia and lymphoma. The drugs given are given according to the type of cancer being treated and where it spreads.

Targeted therapy

It can also work through administration, but is different from chemotherapy because the goal of specific genes and proteins is to prevent the growth and spread of cancer. These methods are often combined with chemotherapy and other options. A given drug has the ability to block the signals that cause tumor cells to grow and divide. This is done with two different types of help. In monoclonal antibodies, the drug blocks the exact target that is affected in and around the cancer. Using small molecule drugs can help cancer cells proliferate and spread. This therapy is usually used for breast cancer, colorectal cancer and lung cancer.


In immunotherapy, the body's natural immune system can enhance the ability to fight cancer. The materials used in combat are manufactured by the human body or specially prepared in the laboratory. They work by stopping the growth of affected cells and helping the immune system to better destroy cancer cells. In oncolytic virus therapy, genetically modified viruses are used to kill cancer cells. The virus is injected into the tumor. It replicates itself, causing the cell to rupture and die. Then there is T cell therapy. In this method, T cells are removed from the blood and changed in the laboratory. They re-enter the body and destroy cancer cells.

For More Information Visit: Best Cancer Specialist Doctor in Delhi

Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer for Betterment of Life | Cancer Specialist Doctor in Delhi

It has become easier for us to deal with easily diagnosed diseases. This is done with the help of recognizing symptoms, which makes planning a treatment plan and planning the future path quite simple. However, this can be tricky when it comes to complex conditions. One of the diseases in this category is cancer. This may be just a word, but the consequences of this disease are very dire. The branch of medicine that treats cancer is called oncology. Hospitals in India are famous for cancer treatment.

Oncology is the branch of medicine that involves the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. These three steps are performed in an orderly manner to ensure that patients get rid of the disease quickly. Cancer is more than one comprehensive disease. In cancer, cells grow abnormally and may spread to different parts of the body. Every single cell in the human body has a regulated system that controls the growth, maturation, and death of the cell. Although the types of cancers may vary, they all start when they grow out of control.

There are more than 100 different types of cancers known to humans, and millions of people have or have had cancer. Oncologists must play different roles in helping patients. This role includes-

1. When the patient arrives, the doctor is responsible for explaining the diagnosis and the stage the patient is currently in.

2. Discuss the treatment plan and ask the patient's first choice.

3. Provide unparalleled quality and care.

4. Manage the symptoms and side effects that may occur due to ongoing treatment.

The cancer plan in India includes three different types of treatment in the field of oncology. Cancer Specialist Doctor in Delhi, These are medical oncology, surgical oncology and radiation oncology. When it comes to medical oncology, medical oncologists specialize in different types of treatment options. These options are chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy. Chemotherapy is the most common one, but other therapies can also be used in some cases.


Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment method in which one or more drugs are used to interfere with the ability of cancer cells to divide and reproduce. In this treatment, one or more drugs can be used. Cancer cells divide faster than normal cells, and chemotherapy can destroy them faster.

Depending on the patient's condition, the way chemotherapy is used varies. It can be given before surgery or radiation therapy to reduce the size of the tumor. The remaining cancer cells can also be killed after surgery. This is the only treatment for blood cancer, leukemia and other cancers.

Targeted therapy

This is a cancer treatment that uses drugs, but is different from chemotherapy because they target specific genes and proteins. The targeted genes are present in cancer cells or cells associated with cancer growth. Genetic changes occur in certain types of cancer. And the drugs being developed address these changes. These drugs can stop or turn off the signals that tell cancer cells to grow or divide. They can also avoid cells and make them live longer than normal people.


Immunotherapy is a cancer treatment method in which the body's natural defense capabilities are enhanced to defeat cancer cells. It uses substances made by the human body or used in the laboratory to improve and restore the immune system. There are many types of immunotherapy, such as monoclonal antibodies, non-specific immunotherapy, and oncolytic virus therapy.

For More Information: Best Breast Cancer Doctor in Delhi

Best Breast Cancer Doctor in Delhi : Is It Possible To Cure Breast Cancer?

Cancer is a common life-threatening disease worldwide. Unlike other diseases, it is more common in adults. The most common feature of the disease is the rapid growth of abnormal cells in the body. Over time, these cells will affect different types of body tissues, which can cause many health problems. In this article, we will explore whether it is possible to cure breast cancer. Read on to learn more.

There are different types of this disease. It can attack various organs of the human body, such as lungs, skin, throat, mouth and breasts. In addition, blood cancer is also very common. However, this article will focus on best breast cancer doctor in delhi.

Possibility to control breast cancer

The good news is that different treatments can be used to control breast cancer. However, it is important to remember that no medication or therapy can guarantee that the patient will recover after treatment. Even if the patient recovers successfully, they may be infected with the disease again at some point in their lives. However, early diagnosis and correct treatment can help control the spread of this disease.

Success rate

First of all, please remember that we have no cure for cancer. The only thing we can do is to control this disease, as long as the patient is treated in time. This is the state where the patient has no symptoms of cancer.

This state is called remission rather than recovery. But the problem is that the patient may still be infected with the disease again. The success rate of treatment depends on many factors, such as the type of cancer. However, some types have higher survival rates, such as thyroid, cervix, testis, prostate, dost and melanoma. Other types of cancer can be controlled by medication and a healthy lifestyle.

Other treatments for breast cancer

Generally, the most common treatment for this disease is chemotherapy. This type of treatment involves infusion through blood vessels. This treatment can be done whether the patient is watching TV, listening to music, reading a book or lying down.

For patient safety, the drugs used in chemotherapy have been properly tested. Therefore, patients do not need to worry about the side effects of this procedure. Even if the patient has some minor side effects, the doctor can prescribe the correct type of medication to control the symptoms. Other types of treatment include targeted therapy, hormone therapy, radiotherapy, surgery or a combination of these treatments.

Proton beam therapy doctor in delhi | Dr Dodul Mandal

 Proton Treatment Centre

In the world of medical technology lungs cancer specialist in delhi, "state-of-the-art" may be a continually upgrading objective and therefore the refore the recent technological advances in genomics and the molecular sciences have opened new vistas to accelerate knowledge about the genetic and environmental components of cancer initiation, promotion and progression through studies in Molecular Epidemiology.

The Proton Treatment Centre at Apollo Hospitals, Chennai will be the first proton cancer centre in South East Asia to identify priority areas for Research & Development and related areas and will carry out basic and applied research. It will develop cancer control strategies which can include newer modalities of prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of cancer best radiation oncologist in delhi ncr.

The Proton Treatment Centre will Proton beam therapy doctor in Delhi l specialise in organ specific cancer management and can have a fanatical Apollo Oncology Team.Proton Beam Therapy provides a complicated radiation treatment option for the oncologists. The treatment provided is very precise and therefore the radiation is concentrated directly into the tumor, without causing any harm to the adjoining tissues. Tumours in difficult to access areas like , in head, neck, brain, pancreas and prostate are often targeted. Paediatric cancer patients also will benefit to a greater extent from this technology.

What is Proton Therapy?

Over six lakh individuals die of cancer per annum in India and quite half them are within the age bracket of 30-70 years. Today, Proton therapy is employed to treat many cancers and is especially appropriate in situations where treatment options are restricted or conventional radiotherapy poses a peril to the patient.

The clinical advantages of proton therapy in contrast to standard radiotherapy are huge, with quite 80,000 patients treated worldwide. Apollo Hospitals, always ahead in bringing such clinical innovations to the people of India, has planned, developed and equipped the Proton Therapy centre, providing the newest hi-tech equipments as well as excellent scientific and engineering expertise.

Proton Beam Therapy is one among the foremost superior sorts of radiotherapy within the world. It uses high-energy proton beam for cancer treatment. It is a sort of particle therapy which will inaugurate a paradigm change in cancer treatment. It provides targeted treatment and intensification unlike the other radiation treatment.

Conventional radiotherapy employs high energy X-Rays for the treatment of cancer and certain benign tumors. In doing so, it also damages the encompassing healthy tissue by delivery of radiation to the healthy tissue round the tumor. In contrast, proton beam delivers a high dosage of radiation only to the tumor maximizing the probabilities of cure and successively minimizing the adverse effects to the encompassing healthy tissues.

In addition, a superlative advantage is that the proper dose distribution. A low dosage of radiation is emanated at the body surface which is followed by a pointy burst once it hits the tumor, with negligible radiation travelling beyond the target.

Conventional radiation is very penetrating and delivers a dose throughout any volume of tissue exposed to radiation. However, majority of the radiation is delivered only 0.5 to three cm from the patient’s skin, counting on the energy it had been primarily given. It then slowly loses this energy until it reaches the target. As tumors are 

Best Radiation Oncology in Delhi NCR | Proton Beam Therapy Doctor in Delhi

The department at Dr. Dodul Mondal is an exclusive unit featuring advanced technology and international standards.

Our experts of offer the high-end cancer treatments like IGRT and IMRT intracranial stereotactic radiosurgery, extracranial stereotaxy, radiotherapy, total skin electron treatment and total body irradiation.

The department is well-equipped with advanced technology and highly skilled and patient-friendly personnel. Our staff members make extra efforts to reduce patient waiting time and create a lively environment, unlike most cancer treatment centres. We even have impeccable rehabilitation and medical proton beam therapy doctor in Delhi support for various sorts of physiotherapy and therapy after radiotherapy .

Our Radiation Oncology department works in coordination with neuro-surgical subspecialties (e.g. breast, head and neck, thoracic, gynae and urology and oncology) for maintaining the best evidence-based service for the specific subsite in Best radiation oncology in Delhi NCR.

The high-quality and compassionate multidisciplinary care from the best oncologists in Delhi NCR, India means rapid treatment despite any age, cancer type and potential side-effects.

Our specialists offer the following services:

• Personalised treatment plans with cutting-edge technology for delivering maximum precision while reducing the treatment time.

• Our treatment options include radiosurgery, brachytherapy, image guidance, hyperthermia, intraoperative, eye plaque, intravascular, gamma knife, TheraSphere and total body irradiation.

What Patients Should Know About Vaginal Cancer ?

  Vaginal cancer is a rare but significant type of cancer that begins in the vagina, the muscular tube connecting the uterus to the outside ...