Lung cancer is the most dangerous and life-threatening cancer. This type of cancer is diagnosed between 45 and 60 years of age. People who smoke, drink, smoke and take other types of drugs are more likely to develop lung cancer. Usually, this type of cancer is diagnosed at an advanced stage. The body exhibits the following symptoms: severe back pain that starts in the middle back and transfers to the chest, hoarseness, persistent cough, mild fever, and loss of voice. People think they have flu or flu and need time to recover.
If you experience such symptoms, please do not try to associate this health disorder with a normal health disorder, which can be cured by taking medicine. The first step you should do is to have a CT scan. CT-Scan is a special type of X-ray examination that can perform a comprehensive scan of the human body and generate its cross-sectional images, which is helpful for easy diagnosis. The test results can help specialists to further the treatment.
Cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in the body; these cells compound into multiples of it, and their proliferation affects various organs nearby. This is how cancer cells divide from one part of the body to other parts. This disease can be cured, but after the CT scan test, if the result is positive, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. After determining the stage of lung cancer, it will take a while for the oncologist to start radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or both. This type of cancer is rarely treated with surgery, because experts can operate on the lungs, but sometimes lung transplantation is recommended, which is not everyone's preference.
Many people are working hard for their lives. Due to the low budget, they stepped back for treatment. Life is an important gift from God, and one should not step back and serve it. There are various affordable medical tourism companies with links to certified and trustworthy hospitals. Companies that provide medical tourism to people all over the world take care of every request of patients. They will connect you with a top oncologist who has ten years of experience in the treatment of advanced cancer. Therefore, please do not hesitate to contact them to cure this disease from its root within the budget specified in your pocket.
Are you looking for lung cancer specialist in Delhi? Contact Oncologist Dr. Dodul Mondal Best lung cancer Doctor in Delhi.
Dr. Dodul Mondal is one of the most dynamic and best radiation oncologists In Delhi NCR with international repute who has an experience of working with Proton Beam Therapy at one of the largest university hospitals in the United States.
Know More About Lung Cancer | Lung Cancer Specialist in Delhi
How Common Is Prostate Cancer | Best Prostate Cancer Doctor in Delhi.
In most parts of the Western world, prostate cancer is currently the second leading cause of cancer deaths in men. Men have a one-fifth chance of being diagnosed with prostate cancer, while women have a one-eighth chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer. However, people are more aware of the symptoms, signs and treatments of breast cancer. Perhaps it is because government funding for breast cancer research often exceeds the expenditure on prostate cancer!
We do not yet know the cause or the exact cause of the development of prostate cancer treatment in Delhi NCR. Age seems to be the main factor (your risk increases significantly as you age), but diet, genetics, and environmental factors also have an impact.
Age: Prostate cancer is rare before the age of 50. The number of cases among men 70 years of age or older has increased dramatically. Therefore, as our life span increases, more and more people fall into this risk group.
Diet: We know that a high-fat diet combined with lack of exercise can lead to obesity. It also increases your risk of cancer. Prostate cancer, like breast cancer, is not common in countries such as Japan. You can think of this as a result of heredity. However, when Japanese men emigrated to the United States and replaced their diet with our high-fat diet, their incidence of this disease increased significantly. In second and third generation Japanese families, men are only slightly less likely to contract this disease than their European counterparts.
Did you know that not only men can get prostate cancer, but also domestic dogs? Some doctors believe this proves that diet is a factor, because dogs can eat the same foods as their human owners.
Race: Certain races have a higher risk of developing this type of cancer, but whether this depends on race or insufficient screening remains to be determined. In the United States, African Americans face almost twice the risk of their neighbors.
Swedish men have a higher risk than German men, and German men have a higher risk of this disease than Israelis. why? No one is sure, but diet, sun exposure and soil content seem to be some of these factors.
Summary: Age, diet, and ethnicity all affect your risk of prostate cancer. In fact, some people will make you believe that if everyone lives long enough, he will eventually develop this cancer. This way of thinking can be very dangerous because it prevents people from seeking cancer screening and benefiting from it.
For More Information You Can Visit : Best prostate Cancer Doctor in Delhi.
The Future Of Genetic Cancer Screening | Breast cancer specialist in Delhi NCR
In the United States, cancer is the second leading cause of death. In 2015, cancer claimed the lives of 595,930 people, equivalent to 22% of all deaths in the United States, as the CDC pointed out. This number is still rising, and it is estimated that cancer will kill more than 600,000 people last year before the end of 2017. According to data from the Health Care Research and Quality Institute, in 2014, the United States spent $87.8 billion on health care services provided by cancer. Genetic screening can help patients fight the disease. Early detection of cancer helps to allocate appropriate treatment and improve survival rates. Early disease detection can be used for various malignant tumors. According to data from the National Institutes of Health, genetic testing for susceptibility and early detection has actively adjusted the survival rate of various cancer growth by 35%. Breast cancer specialist in Delhi NCR provides a variety of positive results, such as improved survival rates and possible reduction of health care costs for patients and providers.
What is genetic screening?
Genetic testing is a medical screening that can identify changes in genes, chromosomes, or proteins. The findings found in genetic testing can confirm or rule out suspicious genetic diseases, or help determine a person’s chances of developing or passing on a genetic disease. There are currently more than 1,000 genetic tests in use.
Improve results
The basic goal is to distinguish the evidence of the highest-risk cancer population and to screen patients for early growth cancer to reduce mortality. Appropriate early screening may reduce mortality and provide patients with the possibility of prolonging and improving the quality of life. For example, breast cancer is one of the main sources of death in women with malignant tumors. The insights provided by the National Cancer Institute indicate that women who receive standard mammograms reduce the risk of death by 15% to 20%. Generally, screening consistency is low, which means that the number of people who should undergo a specific growth test is not ideal. For example, the CDC in 2014 showed that only 65.7% of patients over the age of 50 were screened for colon malignancies, while 27.3% of patients were screened completely. Researchers at the University of Michigan found that high-risk populations screened for colon cancer can prevent 90% of cancer diagnoses. According to the CDC, 9 out of 10 patients with colon growth found through normal screening are still alive 5 years after the initial diagnosis. In addition, patients with malignant tumors participating in the combat action plan, such as lifestyle adjustments and smoking cessation, can obtain reduced out-of-pocket expenses and medical benefit premiums. In some cases, early detection and treatment before metastasis can also positively change the treatment and outcome.
New genetic screening test is coming
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland have led another malignant tumor identification strategy called target error-correcting sequencing. It can even be used to identify the lowest levels of circulating tumor DNA, which are usually found in early-growing tumors. During the examination, 200 samples were collected from people with colorectal cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and lung cancer, distinguishing 62% of stage I and II tumors. It is also worth mentioning that no false positives were found among the 44 healthy people who were tested.
Oncologist Dr. Dodul Mondal is a Cancer Specialist that has an interest in DNA and Genetic Testing specifically Best Surgical Oncologist in Delhi.
Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR | May I Know the Signs and Reasons of Throat Cancer?
There are some organs in our body that can help us to speak, breathe and swallow, and the cancer that develops in these organs is called laryngeal cancer. This disease is very fatal to our body. This disease is divided into two types, namely squamous cell carcinoma (centered on squamous cells) and adenocarcinoma (centered on glandular cells). There are other types, namely the pharynx (belonging to the throat and neck), covering the upper (nasopharynx), middle (oropharynx) and lower (hypopharyngeal) parts of the throat; and the larynx (belonging to the voice box or throat).
In order to minimize the risk of this disease, we should understand its symptoms and causes. First, we will discuss its symptoms in the following way.
Voice Changer
If the person’s voice changes, it means that the person has the disease.
hard to swallow
The most common function of the throat is to swallow food and liquids. If we have difficulty swallowing food and liquids, then this is a sign of this disease.
Weight loss
If our weight is reduced without exercise and dieting, then we should not become happy, because this is a symptom of this disease. Weight loss is also a symptom of diabetes and chicken kidney disease.
sore throat
The reaction of the throat revealed the signs of the disease. These reactions include sore throat. In other words, if our throat is sore, it indicates the disease.
Constantly asking to clear the throat
When the throat area becomes uneven, it needs to be cleaned. If you need to clear your throat frequently, it is a sign of this disease.
Persistent cough
If the person coughs continuously with the possibility of blood, then it is a symbol of the disease.
Swollen lymph nodes
If the lymph nodes are enlarged, it is a sign of this disease.
If we whistle and breathe, then this condition is wheezing, and wheezing is a symptom of this disease.
If we have pain in our ears, it is a symptom of this disease.
Now we will discuss the causes of this disease in the following way.
The reason
Smoking is the worst habit. It can cause many diseases, one of which is laryngeal cancer specialist doctor in Delhi.
Alcohol is harmful to our body in all aspects. If a person drinks excessively, it can lead to the development of this disease.
Vitamin A deficiency
Vitamin A is good for our body. If our body lacks vitamin A, it will cause this disease.
Asbestos exposure
Excessive exposure to asbestos (present in fabrics) can cause this disease.
Poor dental hygiene
If our teeth are not properly cleaned, it will cause this disease.
In order to minimize the risk of this disease, we should inform you of the best Oncologist in Delhi Ncr.
Cancer Treatment Risks and After Effects | Best Surgical Oncologist in Delhi
Anti-cancer and rehabilitation is a victory in itself! When you start a new stage in your life, understand the risks and side effects of the treatment you receive for treatment. This will help you cope with any expected or unexpected side effects that you may observe in the future. These side effects may be physical side effects, or social and emotional side effects.
Let us look at the most common side effects of cancer treatment so that you can fully understand and deal with them when they occur.
Cancer survivors most often complain of fatigue. This is usually caused by the medications and procedures used. They make you feel tired, no matter how many sleeps you sleep, you will feel tired. If you feel excessively tired, be sure to contact your doctor. You will be recommended some exercise and relaxation techniques.
Secondary cancer
For all cancer patients, the possibility of cancer recurrence always exists. The patient may also develop a secondary cancer. These may come from the treatment of the original cancer.
Dental problems
Chemotherapy has a negative effect on tooth enamel. This can cause long-term dental problems. High doses of radiation can change the development of teeth and cause gum disease. Tooth decay and tooth loss are other common risks. Some serious side effects also include mouth soreness or sores.
Some high-intensity drugs used in cancer treatment are known to cause blood sugar levels to drop. However, it is unclear whether this actually causes diabetes. However, they have a higher risk of diabetes.
Another important risk factor is the development of thyroid-related diseases. Symptoms to look for include weight gain due to hypothyroidism and constipation, dry skin, and sensitivity to cold.
Learning and memory
Learning and memory problems may be one of the sequelae of cancer. Primitive cancer itself affects learning and memory skills.
Certain types of cancer treatments may damage the surrounding organs. When the cancer is removed by surgery or other therapies, it may cause organ damage. This type of organ damage may have a long-term impact on the lives of patients after cancer treatment. Best Surgical Oncologist in Delhi , For example, certain cancer treatments are harmful to the heart. They can cause heart failure. Symptoms to be aware of are difficulty breathing, coughing, and chest discomfort. Some drugs are also known to damage the lungs. Some chemotherapy drugs are known to damage the liver. However, others are known to damage the kidneys. If you observe any of these symptoms, be sure to contact your doctor so that they can suggest remedies before the condition worsens.
After cancer treatment, pain is inevitable. Therefore, make sure you understand all the side effects and how to deal with them from your doctor. After treatment, you will have a long list of do's and don'ts. Follow them religiously so that you will have a better quality of life in the future.
Dr.Dodul Mondal provides excellent cancer treatments for various cancer diseases. Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR, Listen and share basic information about common side effects of cancer treatment so that you can fully understand and deal with them when they occur.
Skin Cancer - Screening and Prompt Treatment Can Save Your Life
If ignored or left untreated, skin cancer or melanoma is a serious and potentially fatal disease. This type of cancer is very common in people of Anglo-Saxon background. Statistics show that the incidence of melanoma is the highest in the Australian population.
Regular screening tests to detect this cancer early is very important because it can be a huge help in achieving almost complete cure during treatment. But if left untreated, skin cancer can be fatal.
Screening test-am I at risk for melanoma?
Skin cancer affects people of all age groups. Some people have a higher risk of developing this cancer, such as people belonging to certain races, such as Anglo-Saxons and Anglo-Celtics, people with fair skin or a history of sunburn. People who exercise in the sun or participate in summer sports are also at higher risk.
It is important to perform screening tests in clinics or hospitals, which have experienced doctors who have received extensive training in the detection and treatment of skin cancer. The doctor will first perform an extensive physical examination and a detailed medical history.
An advanced screening device called the MoleMax HD system is used to analyze any suspicious moles on the patient's body. If any moles look suspicious, dermoscopic images are also captured, biopsied and sent for pathology studies to rule out skin cancer. Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR, Use this latest technology to complete the whole body mapping, so no moles or suspicious skin areas will be missed.
The test is mainly conducted for high-risk patients and maintains the highest quality standards to ensure minimal detection errors. In addition to moles, skin lesions such as bumps and bumps on the skin will be thoroughly examined. Keratosis or sun spots are also common among Australians belonging to the Anglo Celtic ethnic group. Best Radiation Oncologist in Delhi NCR, If left untreated, these spots risk developing squamous cell carcinoma (a type of skin cancer).
Treatment options:
If any moles or plaques on the skin are found to be positive for melanoma, the patient must report it to the doctor. The most common treatment is removal of moles, which has produced positive results for skin cancer in pathological studies. Different methods are used to treat solar keratosis, such as cryotherapy, topical therapy, photodynamic or curettage, and cauterization.
What are the different types of skin cancer?
There are basically 3 different types of skin cancer; basal cell carcinoma, melanoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. Best cancer specialist in Delhi Ncr, Basal cell carcinoma is the most common, usually seen in the upper body and face. These raised bumps are pearly in appearance and can be easily treated with topical creams if caught early.
Squamous cell carcinoma mainly occurs in areas exposed to the sun, with flaky, red, and raised nodules that usually bleed. This type of cancer can easily spread to other organs. Smoking is another causative factor of this type of cancer.
The Best Cancer Therapy - Oncologist Dr Dodul Mondal
The most common type of cancer in men is prostate cancer treatment in Delhi NCR. Even though it is one of the most terrifying diseases, once it is diagnosed at an early stage, it can be cured. In the WHO cancer statistics, new cases of this disease continue to be reported, and they predict that these cases will increase in the next few years. The best way to get rid of this mystery is to have regular check-ups, which will help early diagnosis and thus early treatment to cure the disease.
Symptoms of prostate cancer
The early signs of this condition are asymptomatic; this means that there are no known signs before the disease progresses. However, the following are some of the symptoms caused by the different stages of prostate cancer.
· Need to urinate often
· Inability to get an erection and maintain an erection,
· Hematuria,
· Difficulty urinating.
At the advanced stage, here are the signs,
· Pain in nearby bones, such as the pelvis, spine, and femur
· These bones are at risk of fracture
· Defecation problems
Treatment of prostate cancer
The treatment procedures for all types of cancer follow established protocols and involve a series of treatments. These include chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which can also be used to treat prostate cancer. However, the most effective and latest treatment is 3D cancer treatment.
Which methods make 3D prostate cancer treatment the best?
· The first way to make this procedure unique is that it first relies on the identification of the true pathogen. Through these, it can easily carry out targeted therapy and avoid damaging other healthy cells, which is a standard problem in radiotherapy. This form of isolation and identification improves the specificity of the program to completely eradicate the disease.
·After the above steps, the second unique protocol is to destroy the disease-causing cells by directly injecting anti-cancer drugs to completely destroy these cancer cells. This form of treatment has many advantages over any other form because it can guarantee that it will not happen again at any given time.
· The last method is usually the clean-up phase, during which cell debris and necrotic cells are discharged from the body in a safe manner and the system is completely cleaned up.
in conclusion
Anyone who intends to find the best prostate cancer doctor in Delhi.
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