There are some organs in our body that can help us to speak, breathe and swallow, and the cancer that develops in these organs is called laryngeal cancer. This disease is very fatal to our body. This disease is divided into two types, namely squamous cell carcinoma (centered on squamous cells) and adenocarcinoma (centered on glandular cells). There are other types, namely the pharynx (belonging to the throat and neck), covering the upper (nasopharynx), middle (oropharynx) and lower (hypopharyngeal) parts of the throat; and the larynx (belonging to the voice box or throat).
In order to minimize the risk of this disease, we should understand its symptoms and causes. First, we will discuss its symptoms in the following way.
Voice Changer
If the person’s voice changes, it means that the person has the disease.
hard to swallow
The most common function of the throat is to swallow food and liquids. If we have difficulty swallowing food and liquids, then this is a sign of this disease.
Weight loss
If our weight is reduced without exercise and dieting, then we should not become happy, because this is a symptom of this disease. Weight loss is also a symptom of diabetes and chicken kidney disease.
sore throat
The reaction of the throat revealed the signs of the disease. These reactions include sore throat. In other words, if our throat is sore, it indicates the disease.
Constantly asking to clear the throat
When the throat area becomes uneven, it needs to be cleaned. If you need to clear your throat frequently, it is a sign of this disease.
Persistent cough
If the person coughs continuously with the possibility of blood, then it is a symbol of the disease.
Swollen lymph nodes
If the lymph nodes are enlarged, it is a sign of this disease.
If we whistle and breathe, then this condition is wheezing, and wheezing is a symptom of this disease.
If we have pain in our ears, it is a symptom of this disease.
Now we will discuss the causes of this disease in the following way.
The reason
Smoking is the worst habit. It can cause many diseases, one of which is laryngeal cancer specialist doctor in Delhi.
Alcohol is harmful to our body in all aspects. If a person drinks excessively, it can lead to the development of this disease.
Vitamin A deficiency
Vitamin A is good for our body. If our body lacks vitamin A, it will cause this disease.
Asbestos exposure
Excessive exposure to asbestos (present in fabrics) can cause this disease.
Poor dental hygiene
If our teeth are not properly cleaned, it will cause this disease.
In order to minimize the risk of this disease, we should inform you of the best Oncologist in Delhi Ncr.
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