Best Breast Cancer Doctor in Delhi, Procedures, and Symptoms

 Breast cancer:

When diagnosed with breast cancer, this can be an overwhelming experience. The choice of treatment depends on the stage of the cancer. For the early stages, we will perform mastectomy, mastectomy with or without reconstruction, as well as chemotherapy, hormone therapy and radiation therapy.

People may be very worried about which surgical method is best for the type of cancer that has been diagnosed. The long-term survival rate of people diagnosed with breast cancer doctor in delhi depends on the spread of the disease.

Such characteristics will include the size of the tumor, whether hormone receptors are found on the tumor itself, and different types of tumor grades. Factors such as age may also play an important role in the treatment a patient should receive. For example, patients over seventy years of age may generally not receive more aggressive treatment.

Breast cancer program:

There are three main types of surgical procedures:

Mastectomy is a surgical procedure that removes part of the breast. The medical term for lumpectomy is called partial lumpectomy. This procedure may or may not be accompanied by radiation therapy. When using radiation therapy, this will help kill the cancer cells around the lump.

Mastectomy is a procedure to remove all soft tissues from a woman's breast. This type of surgery has a higher impact on women’s emotional state than in women undergoing thoracectomy because the patient’s chest is flat. Patients with genetic abnormalities or a family history of cancer with a high incidence of cancer are best for this type of surgery.

Breast reconstruction is performed to try to restore the normal appearance of a woman's breast after a mastectomy or mastectomy. There are two types of reconstruction procedures. Both programs involve many advantages and disadvantages.

Reconstructive implant is the process by which a doctor implants a foreign body into a patient's breast. Compared with using your own soft tissue to reconstruct the breast, the recovery time of this type of surgery is shorter.

The disadvantage is that the implant used is a foreign body and not part of your own tissue. Moreover, there is a risk of infection and bacteria, and possible leakage.

The placed implants will accumulate to form a bundle of scar tissue, which will thicken and harden, which will eventually change the shape of the female breast.

Rebuilding from your own organization also has its benefits and side effects. When using your own soft tissue, there is no need to worry about leakage because there is no foreign body implanted.

There is less chance of infection, and your body will not form too much scar tissue around the area. The disadvantage is that you will leave scars and open wounds, which may take some time to heal, and the operation time will be longer.

India is a country where well-trained doctors provide high-quality medical services, and the operation costs are low, which will bring great benefits to patients.

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