Diagnosis and Treatment - Lung Cancer | Lung Cancer Specialist in Delhi

Lung cancer is caused by the uncontrolled rapid growth of cells in tissues. This type is the most common, causing more than one million deaths each year. This formula means weight loss, coughing or regular breathing. This can be seen on a chest X-ray, also called a computed tomography scan. The treatment we receive depends on the stage it is in. Cancer treatments include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.( to consult with Lung cancer specialist in Delhi)


Lung cancer is classified after being studied under a microscope. It is essential to classify as each cancer is treated differently. Most lung cancers are cancers-malignant tumors that grow from epithelial cells. Lung cancer can be categorized into two types: non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer. Non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer account for 80.4% and 16.8% of the incidence of lung cancer, respectively.

1. Non-small cell lung cancer

Non-small cell lung cancer is classified as one category because their prognosis and treatment are the same to some extent. They are further divided into three types: squamous cell lung cancer, adenocarcinoma and large cell lung cancer. Squamous cell lung cancer originates near the central bronchus. They account for 25% of lung cancers. Adenocarcinoma starts in peripheral lung tissue. Cases of adenocarcinoma are the result of smoking. They account for 40% of non-small cell lung cancers.

2. Small cell lung cancer

This type of lung cancer is rare. It is sometimes called "oat cell" cancer. In most cases, they originate in the larger airways (primary and secondary bronchi) and grow rapidly from there. If this type of lung cancer is mainly related to smoking.

Secondary cancer

These cancers are classified according to the place of origin, such as breast cancer, but have spread to the lungs. Most childhood lung cancers are secondary.

Stages of lung cancer

Lung cancer staging is used to assess the extent to which the cancer has spread from its place of origin. It is an important factor in determining the potential treatment of lung cancer. The degree ranges from 1A to 4, 1A is the best prognosis, and 4 is the worst.

Signs and symptoms

Symptoms include the following: 1. The voice becomes hoarse. 2. Sudden weight loss. 3. Feeling pain in the chest or abdomen. 4. Difficulty swallowing. 5. Loss of appetite. 6. Out of breath. Many of the above mentioned symptoms are non specific. When they noticed the symptoms or signs, the cancer had spread from the place of origin. Very few people with this cancer have signs at the time of diagnosis, and these cancers will be noticed on regular chest X-rays.


If a person reports symptoms that may indicate lung-related cancer, a chest radiograph is performed in the first step. The test showed enlarged mediastinum, atelectasis, and pleural effusion. Even if there is no radiographic test result, but due to reasons such as a heavy smoker with blood in the sputum, the suggestion is high, then the CT scan may provide the necessary data. If the findings in sputum cells are unnatural, they increase the risk of this type of cancer. Early detection can be done through sputum cytology and other screening tests. For those patients who show irregularities on the chest electrocardiogram, the differential diagnosis considers lung-related cancers and non-malignant diseases. These consider infectious causes such as tuberculosis or pneumonia. The above diseases can cause lung nodules.


Screening is used to detect diseases through medical examinations when the patient has no symptoms. A chest radiograph or computed tomography scan is a test used to screen for lung cancer. However, the results indicate that lung cancer screening tests rarely show any benefit.


The treatment of lung cancer can be done in the following ways, depending on the stage or extent of the cancer:


Once you are under anesthesia, the surgeon will remove the tumor and there will be some healthy tissue around it. Removing healthy tissue helps increase the chance of removing all cancer cells.

Surgery can be open or minimally invasive.

In open surgery, the surgeon will remove the tumor, some healthy tissue, and some nearby lymph nodes.

In minimally invasive surgery, the surgeon will make several small incisions instead of one large incision. She inserted a slender tube and a miniature camera into the small incision. This tube is called a laparoscope. The camera projects an image of the inside of the body onto the monitor, allowing the surgeon to see what she is doing. She uses special surgical tools inserted through other small incisions to remove the tumor and some healthy tissue.

Radiation Therapy

Cancer's DNA is destroyed either by killing its cell or slowing the growth of its cells with high doses in Radiation therapy. Cancer cells with damaged and irreparable DNA stop dividing or die. Damaged cells die, and get broken down and are eliminated by the body.

Radiation therapy does not kill cancer cells immediately. It takes days or weeks of treatment to destroy the DNA and kill the cancer cells. Then, the cancer cells continue to die within a few weeks or months after the radiotherapy ends.( for best radiation oncologist in Delhi/Ncr, contact- Dr.Dodul Mondal


Many types of cancers can be treated through chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is the only form of treatment for some people But in most cases, you will receive chemotherapy and other cancer treatments. The type of treatment you need depends on the type of cancer you have, whether and where it has spread, and whether you have other health problems.


As part of its normal function, the immune system detects and destroys abnormal cells, most likely to prevent or inhibit the growth of many cancers. For example, immune cells are sometimes found in and around tumors. These cells are called tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes or TIL, and are a sign of the immune system's response to the tumor. People whose tumors contain TIL generally perform better than those whose tumors do not contain TIL.

The first aim of cancer treatment is to achieve a cure, and when cure is not possible, a good palliation (life prolongation and relief of sufferings) is warranted. To ensure one gets the right treatment, consulting with a good oncologist in Delhi is essential. Dr. Dodul Mondal is one much cancer specialist doctor in Delhi. He is one of the most dynamic radiation oncologists with international repute who has an experience of working with Proton Beam Therapy at one of the largest university hospitals in the United States.


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