Safety of Fertility Drugs with Best Cancer Specialist Doctor in Delhi

The safety of fertility drugs-are they worthy of attention?

For millions of women struggling to conceive, fertility drugs are the first step in treatment suggested by best cancer specialist doctor in Delhi. Clomiphene works by stimulating hormones in the brain, which trigger the development of eggs (or several eggs) and their release from the ovaries. Gonadotropins directly stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs. Women usually lay only one or two eggs per month. Human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG), urinary follicle stimulating hormone or recombinant FSH promotes the production of multiple eggs in the ovaries. One of these drugs is injected into the muscle or under the skin.

What are the risks of gonadotropin therapy?

• Consider that multiples are the most common complication of gonadotropin therapy. Of these pregnancies, two-thirds are twins and one-third are triplets.

• Although many couples consider this to be a blessing, carrying multiple births increases the risk of miscarriage and other complications.

• In the process of natural conception or IUI stimulation, if more than three or more follicles are developing and mature, or whether patients with blood estrogen are required to stop the injection to prevent a disease called hyperstimulation.

• Women taking gonadotropins occasionally experience ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). OHSS occurs when women lay too many eggs after taking the medicine. The ovaries swell rapidly, and fluid accumulates in the abdomen or around the heart or lungs. About 10% to 20% of the gonadotropin cycle produces mild OHSS, which can cause sudden weight gain, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, but it usually goes away on its own. In 1% to 2% of the gonadotropin cycle, OHSS is severe enough to require hospitalization and can cause blood clots, kidney problems, or, in rare cases, death.

• During fertility treatment, women may notice breast tenderness, rash or swelling, abdominal swelling or mood swings at the injection site.

Best Breast Cancer Doctor in Delhi Fertility treatment and cancer

During IVF treatment, drugs are given to stimulate the reproductive system. As a result, women are exposed to high levels of estrogen, which is listed as a known carcinogen by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. But based on current research, scientists say that there is nothing to worry about.

As for the infertility of ovarian cancer, it has a higher risk. Compared with the general population, the incidence of ovarian cancer in infertile women is higher, but it is not caused by IVF. Recently, these drugs have been associated with minimal risk of non-invasive ovarian tumors. But experts believe that the danger is not serious enough to allow additional screening of women who have taken fertility drugs in the past.

Fertility drugs do not increase the risk of breast cancer, although they may accelerate the growth of pre-existing breast cancer. Therefore, before starting IVF treatment, breast disease must be checked in best breast oncologist in delhi.

Fertility treatment can raise hormone levels for a few days, and this is much shorter than the increased hormone exposure within nine months of pregnancy. Therefore, the risk of cancer development is not a problem.

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