Bladder Cancer Treatment - Signs, Symptoms and Treatment Options

To begin with, the bladder is located in the lower part of the abdomen. It is a small hollow organ that is used to store urine that is produced by the kidneys. Kidneys filter the blood and clean it and the waste products form urine. Malignant cells when formed in the bladder causes bladder cancer.

That said, there are three types of bladder cancers. Cancer generally begins in the cells that form the lining of the bladder. The cancers are named after the malignant cells that cause the cancer.

Transitional cell carcinoma:
This cancer is caused by the cells that form the innermost lining of the bladder. These cells enable the bladder to expand when it is full and shrink when it is empty. Most of the bladder cancers are observed to begin in the transitional cells. Low grade transitional cell carcinoma is said to recur but rarely spreads to other parts of the body. High grade transitional cell carcinoma is said to recur too and is known to spread to other parts of the body too.

The second type of cancer begins in the cells that are formed in the bladder after long term infection or irritation.

The final type of cancer begins in the glandular cells that are found in the lining of the bladder. This is a very rare type of cancer.

Signs and symptoms

The signs and symptoms include:

  •     Blood in the urine
  •     Frequent urination
  •     Pain during urination
  •     Lower back pain

Bladder cancer treatment and tests:

The various tests that are used in bladder cancer treatment are:

  •     Physical examination
  •     Internal examination
  •     Urine analysis
  •     Urine Cytology
  •     Cystology
  •     Biopsy
  •     IVP

The most common risk factors are:

  •     Smoking, tobacco of any kind
  •     Family history is considered as a major risk factor
  •     Genes are also linked to bladder cancer.
  •     Exposure to paints, dyes, metals, petroleum products etc.
  •     Previous history of treatment with radiation therapy or some anti cancer drugs especially treatment that involved the pelvis.
  •     Well water that contains high levels of arsenic.
  •     Drinking water that has been treated with chlorine.
  •     Someone that has a history of bladder infections etc.
  •     Use of catheters for a long period of time.

Treatment options generally depend on the stage of the cancer. If the cancer is in its early stages, it can be generally cured. Treatment also depends upon the type of cells causing the cancer and a microscopic analysis of the same. Treatment also depends on the patient's general health, age and medical history. Other factors to be considered are the number of tumors present and their size and whether it is a recurring tumor or first timer.

A thorough examination and analysis can lead to the right bladder cancer treatment. So, make sure that you are aware of the signs and symptoms and get appropriate treatment. Early treatment of any type of cancer increases the chances of cure.

Oncologist Dr. Dodul Mondal which provides complete treatment for bladder cancer and share basic information about all types of cancers and their treatment options.

Cancer Treatment Risks and After Effects | Best Cancer Surgeon in Delhi

 Anti-cancer and rehabilitation is a victory in itself! When you start a new stage in your life, understand the risks and side effects of the treatment you receive for treatment. This will help you cope with any expected or unexpected side effects that you may observe in the future. These side effects may be physical side effects, or social and emotional side effects.

Let us look at the most common side effects of cancer treatment so that you can fully understand and deal with them when they occur.


Cancer survivors most often complain of fatigue. This is usually caused by the medications and procedures used. They make you feel tired, no matter how many sleeps you sleep, you will feel tired. If you feel excessively tired, be sure to contact your doctor. You will be recommended some exercise and relaxation techniques.

Secondary cancer

For all cancer patients, the possibility of cancer recurrence always exists. The patient may also develop a secondary cancer. These may come from the treatment of the original cancer.

Dental problems

Chemotherapy has a negative effect on tooth enamel. This can cause long-term dental problems. High doses of radiation can change the development of teeth and cause gum disease. Tooth decay and tooth loss are other common risks. Some serious side effects also include mouth soreness or sores.


Some high-intensity drugs used in cancer treatment are known to cause blood sugar levels to drop. However, it is unclear whether this actually causes diabetes. However, they have a higher risk of diabetes.


Another important risk factor is the development of thyroid-related diseases. Symptoms to look for include weight gain due to hypothyroidism and constipation, dry skin, and sensitivity to cold.

Learning and memory

Learning and memory problems may be one of the sequelae of cancer. Primitive cancer itself affects learning and memory skills.

Certain types of cancer treatments may damage the surrounding organs. When the cancer is removed by surgery or other therapies, it may cause organ damage. This type of organ damage may have a long-term impact on the lives of patients after cancer treatment. For example, certain cancer treatments are harmful to the heart. They can cause heart failure. Symptoms to be aware of are difficulty breathing, coughing, and chest discomfort. Some drugs are also known to damage the lungs. Some chemotherapy drugs are known to damage the liver. However, others are known to damage the kidneys. If you observe any of these symptoms, be sure to contact your doctor so that they can suggest remedies before the condition worsens.

After cancer treatment, pain is inevitable. Therefore, make sure you understand all the side effects and how to deal with them from your doctor. After treatment, you will have a long list of do's and don'ts. Follow them religiously so that you will have a better quality of life in the future.

Oncologist Dr Dodul Mondal provides excellent cancer treatments for various cancer diseases. Listen and share basic information about common side effects of cancer treatment so that you can fully understand and deal with them when they occur.

Causes of Diseases Like Cancer | Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR

 The body is the host of the universe's spirit and the only God. It is very jealous and sensitive to everything from the world. People often don't realize this, they tend to get everything they can from the latter, and their bodies are full of aggressive power, bringing darkness and disease into it. This is difficult to explain unless one is willing to embark on a spiritual journey of healing.

As a counselor, I am very happy to lead many people on the path of experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit for the first time. My connection with it is natural because my memory of reincarnation and knowledge is overthrowing religious lies and myths. Being commissioned to demolish the blind wall showed me insight into its dangers and its impact on the body.

In a vision it was lifted high above the earth, and it was shown to be agglomerated by dirt. A thick black sticky substance, nothing can penetrate. Suddenly, a bright light shot from my body and passed directly through it. It orbits the planet below the black and spreads to cover it and pushes the former into several pieces into space, where it drifts into the air.

It is the black mucus that people live in and absorb into the body. This is the noise and things created by the world and mankind. It accumulates in cells and changes their properties, so they can cause cancer, diabetes, and other major diseases. So what are those black things?

They are any and all unnatural things, such as movies and stories based on novels. They include music; entertainment; celebrities; religion; politics; law; and money. It can be seen from this that they are the systems that form the world order. So why are they hurting us?

They are against the Holy Spirit! They bring abnormal thoughts and behaviors, and create a gap between us and God.

In one vision, food cooked in a barrel of boiling oil looks delicious. Suddenly, a spoon appeared in one hand. It lifted the food and dumped it in a toilet full of human excrement. The batch of food is cooked together and then placed on the plate of the hungry in need of service.

This sight made me feel sick until the answer was given in the Bible. It begins by explaining that the food of the Israelites was cooked with human dung in their eyes (Ezekiel 4:10-12). Yes, the filth of the human heart has been cooked by the things of God, and it has become spiritual food for people to eat. It is a thick black sticky substance that causes illness and death.

For More Information You Can Talk with Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR

What Are Your Options for Bone Cancer Treatment in Delhi?

 First, there are two types of bone cancer. It is known that one of them starts from the bone cells itself, and the second starts from other parts of the body and spreads to the bones. There are many ways to detect bone  best cancer treatment doctor in Delhi NCR. The most common symptom is bone pain. This pain is usually continuous and will get worse over time. It is important that you see a doctor to thoroughly check whether your bone pain is deep, persistent, and almost permanent.

There is no clear cause of bone cancer; however, it is known to occur in children or young adults. It is also seen in patients who have received radiation therapy. The good news is that there are many bone cancer treatments available today.

Bone cancer treatment usually depends on several factors. Some of these include the type of cancer involved, where the cancer is in the body, how aggressive it is, and whether it is localized or has spread to other parts of the body. The three main methods of treating this type of cancer are: surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Let's take a look at all three options available:


Whenever your doctor chooses surgery as an option, it usually removes the tumor. If possible, all tumors are removed along with some tissues around it. The risk of this treatment is that if some tumors are left behind, it will eventually continue to grow and may spread to other parts of the body. Other surgical options include bone grafts. With bone grafts, the surgeon may remove some bones from other parts of the body and replace the missing bones in the affected area. There may also be cases where artificial bone needs to be inserted. The last option for surgical treatment is amputation to prevent the cancer from spreading to other parts of the body and becoming fatal.

Radiation Therapy

Use high-energy X-rays to penetrate the body and destroy the tumor. These rays damage the DNA in tumor cells and destroy their ability to reproduce. Radiation therapy is very useful for completely destroying cancer cells and effectively reducing pain. Large tumors can also be reduced by radiation therapy. This makes it easier to remove through surgery.


Chemotherapy is the use of chemicals or drugs to treat cancer.Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR, These drugs destroy cancer cells. It can be seen that sometimes chemotherapy alone is sufficient to completely cure the cancer and destroy the cells that cause the tumor. It can also slow the spread of cancer cells and sometimes prevent cancer from recurring.

If diagnosed early, bone cancer can be treated. Make sure you are screened for cancer at the first signs of persistent, persistent pain in your bones. The pain will get worse over time and will not go away with normal medication.

Oncologist Dr Dodul Mondal provides surgical and non-surgical treatments for all types of cancer, including bone cancer treatment, and shares information to spread awareness of this deadly disease so that patients can make informed decisions about their medications and treatments.

Cancer Treatment Risks and After Effects | Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR

 Anti-cancer and rehabilitation is a victory in itself! When you start a new stage in your life, understand the risks and side effects of the treatment you receive for treatment. This will help you cope with any expected or unexpected side effects that you may observe in the future. These side effects may be physical side effects, or social and emotional side effects.

Let us look at the most common side effects of cancer treatment so that you can fully understand and deal with them when they occur.


Cancer survivors most often complain of fatigue. This is usually caused by the medications and procedures used. They make you feel tired, no matter how many sleeps you sleep, you will feel tired. If you feel excessively tired, be sure to contact your doctor. You will be recommended some exercise and relaxation techniques.

Secondary cancer

For all cancer patients, the possibility of cancer recurrence always exists. The patient may also develop a secondary cancer. These may come from the treatment of the original cancer.

Dental problems

Chemotherapy has a negative effect on tooth enamel. This can cause long-term dental problems. High doses of radiation can change the development of teeth and cause gum disease. Tooth decay and tooth loss are other common risks. Some serious side effects also include mouth soreness or sores.


Some high-intensity drugs used in cancer treatment are known to cause blood sugar levels to drop. However, it is unclear whether this actually causes diabetes. However, they have a higher risk of diabetes.


Another important risk factor is the development of thyroid-related diseases. Symptoms to look for include weight gain due to hypothyroidism and constipation, dry skin, and sensitivity to cold.

Learning and memory

Learning and memory problems may be one of the sequelae of cancer. Primitive cancer itself affects learning and memory skills.

Certain types of cancer treatments may damage the surrounding organs. When the cancer is removed by surgery or other therapies, it may cause organ damage. This type of organ damage may have a long-term impact on the lives of patients after cancer treatment. For example, certain cancer treatments are harmful to the heart. They can cause heart failure. Symptoms to be aware of are difficulty breathing, coughing, and chest discomfort. Some drugs are also known to damage the lungs. Some chemotherapy drugs are known to damage the liver. However, others are known to damage the kidneys. If you observe any of these symptoms, be sure to contact your doctor so that they can suggest remedies before the condition worsens.

After cancer treatment, pain is inevitable. Therefore, make sure you understand all the side effects and how to deal with them from your doctor. After treatment, you will have a long list of do's and don'ts. Follow them religiously so that you will have a better quality of life in the future.

Oncologist Dr. Dodul Mondal  provides excellent cancer treatments for various cancer diseases. Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR, Listen and share basic information about common side effects of cancer treatment so that you can fully understand and deal with them when they occur.

Tips to Choose the Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR for Cancer Treatment

 If you or someone you love has cancer, make sure you get the best treatment. What you need to do is choose a good cancer treatment hospital. Here are some tips to help you make choices without problems. continue reading.

About quality cancer care

First, you should seek advice from the doctor who initially diagnosed you with cancer. The doctor may refer you to a good specialist. Ideally, it is best oncologist in Delhi NCR However, you may want to remember that you should choose a hospital where specialists provide services to cancer patients. Service quality is the first factor you should consider when choosing a hospital.

Choose a doctor

 Before you start looking for a good doctor, make sure you understand the qualities that a good doctor must possess. Here are the things you should keep in mind:

 You should find a doctor who is experienced in treating patients with the type of cancer you have. According to research, if you choose a specialist, the treatment success rate will be higher.

You may want to choose a doctor who provides services at the hospital of your choice.Finally, you may want to choose a doctor that you feel comfortable with. In addition, the doctor’s language, education, gender, and race are also important.

 It is a good idea to hire a doctor you already know or recommended by your family or friends.

Choose a Best Oncologist

When choosing a good hospital, you should talk to your doctor and ask for their advice. Make sure you look for a cancer treatment center that can treat your type of cancer. For example, large hospitals have more experience in treating almost all types of cancer. Therefore, the chance of successful treatment in these hospitals will be higher.

Bigger hospital

When is it absolutely necessary to choose a big hospital? If you have a rare cancer, we recommend that you choose a large hospital. In fact, large hospitals have more experienced doctors and the best equipment, and can even treat rare cancers. Therefore, it is a good idea to choose a large hospital for cancer treatment.

The great thing about these hospitals is that in addition to the basic services provided by any cancer treatment hospital, they also provide a large number of services. In addition, in terms of treatment costs, they may charge you relatively small fees.

Therefore, if you have been looking for the best cancer treatment doctor in Delhi, we recommend that you follow the tips given in this article. You need to remember that cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases. Therefore, you may not want to be negligent, and you should choose a treatment center after careful consideration of many aspects. Hope this helps

Lung Cancer Symptoms: How Do You Know If You Have Lung Cancer?

 Lung cancer is a typical health condition that causes abnormal cells or cancer cells to grow uncontrollably in one or both lungs. It mainly affects the cells in the air channel. Cancer cells multiply rapidly and form tumors. When tumors spread to a large area, they begin to destroy the lungs' ability to provide blood and oxygen. There are two main types of lung cancer-primary and secondary. The first originated in the lungs, while the second originated in other parts of the body, metastasizing and reaching the lungs. Symptoms are not obvious at the beginning of the onset.Best oncologist in Delhi NCR, Here are some early symptoms that can help you with early screening to minimize fatal consequences-

 A cough that will not stop-a cough caused by a cold or respiratory tract infection and disappear within a week or two. However, a cough that lasts longer than 2 months may be one of the common symptoms of lung cancer that you cannot avoid. Whether it is dry or mucus-producing, it is strongly recommended to test as soon as possible.

 Changes in coughing-Watch for any major changes when you cough. If the cough becomes chronic, worsens, or hoarse or cough up blood, it is recommended to see a doctor immediately.

 Severe chest pain-In addition to coughing, one of the main symptoms of lung cancer is chest, shoulder, and back pain. If the pain is severe, persistent, dull or intermittent, consult your doctor. Chronic chest pain may lead to swollen lymph nodes or metastases to the chest wall. This condition is called pleura.

Breathing changes-Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing may also be possible symptoms of lung cancer. Tumors often block the air passages in the lungs. This can cause breathing problems, such as shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. Please be aware of this major change and other symptoms mentioned above, and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Sudden or excessive weight loss-There are many reasons for weight loss. One of them is lung cancer. Unexplained weight loss of 10 to 15 kg may be related to major cancer problems. This is one of the most common early-stage lung cancer symptoms that you must not ignore or avoid!

Bone pain-secondary symptoms can cause bone pain, especially lower back pain. Sometimes, it is difficult to distinguish bone pain from muscle pain. Bone pain mainly occurs at night and worsens with exercise.

 Excessive headaches-Although very rare in nature, in extreme cases, excessive headaches may be related to lung cancer. Tumors in the lungs may create pressure in the superior vena cava. It is a large vein that carries blood from the upper body to the heart. In rare cases, this stress can cause headaches.

If you are looking for Lung cancer specialist in Delhi, Oncologist Dr Dodul Mondal is Best Lung Cancer Doctor in Delhi.

What Patients Should Know About Vaginal Cancer ?

  Vaginal cancer is a rare but significant type of cancer that begins in the vagina, the muscular tube connecting the uterus to the outside ...